Tips on ordering sushi menu is healthy

Tips on ordering sushi menu is healthy
Illustration sushi. © / Timmary
Tips on ordering sushi menu is healthy - Although sushi is generally made ​​of seafood, but a study never mentioned that excessive consumption of these foods can make fat. That's because the additional material and other sauces used in sushi turned out to contain high fat.

So if you want to continue to enjoy sushi and do not want to gain weight, try to see tips ordering sushi menu is healthy, as reported by U.S. News following.
  • When ordering types of maki sushi - sushi is rolled to the outside of dried seaweed and sliced ​​into eight pieces - preferably for its portion with others.
  • Avoid tempura menu - all fried foods dry - because usually the food contains high calories and fat.
  • Also avoid the sushi menu 'colorful' as usual sushi tends to form larger, more fat, and more calories.
  • Sushi without mayonnaise is a wise choice if you want to order more healthful menu.
  • In addition to mayonnaise, cream cheese also need to be avoided when ordering sushi.
  • Like an eel? No problem ordering sushi eel because it contains omega-3 high. But do not overdo it while enjoying it.
  • Healthy sushi menu selection is a low calorie tuna, shrimp (but not processed so tempura), and salmon.
  • Do not choose a sushi menu in it plus avocado.
Ask the chef added a number of cucumber sushi rolls for pressing in cholesterol and calories.

Vegetarian sushi can also be selected as the Japanese diet is more healthful.

If you eat a little sushi less filling, start by eating miso soup or salad vegetables first. Enjoy!


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