Butter coffee, new drinks to add energy

Butter coffee, new drinks to add energy
Illustration of coffee. © Shutterstock / Yingko
Butter coffee, new drinks to add energy - Add butter in coffee can not only give a different taste sensation, but also believed to increase energy and help you lose weight. But of course, you have to use special coffee and butter.

"Adding butter to any coffee is a bad idea. I realized that if you want to drink something that feels good, makes you feel more powerful, and lose weight, you need something special," said Dave Asprey, Bulletproof Executive, as reported by NY Daily News.

Asprey then offered coffee butter made use of its products, such as: upgraded coffee, coconut oil, milk and butter from cows that eat only grass.

Coffee upgraded (upgraded coffee) itself is a product produced by the company Asprey. The coffee is green coffee that was grown by a process called Asprey as 'bulletproof'. This process affects how the coffee was grown, treated, and then sent to the consumer.

Coffee cup butter is estimated to contain 100 to 200 calories, depending on what you add the butter. Asprey also added that his upgraded coffee can also boost brain power.


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