Hormone therapy prevent urinary tract infections in women

Hormone therapy prevent urinary tract infections in women
illustration urinary tract infections. © silercitypharmacy.com
Hormone therapy prevent urinary tract infections in women - Vaginal estrogen therapy is known to help prevent urinary tract infections in women who have passed menopause, according to a recent study.

Urinary tract infections are common in women. Approximately 25 percent of women were infected even come back. age led to the possibility of infection is increased due to decreased estrogen production.

During this time, antibiotics became the only weapon for women against urinary tract infections. However, researchers saw that changes should be made. The women need more options to treat their urinary tract infections, as reported by U.S. News.

The study, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine reveals that using vaginal estrogen therapy may be a way to prevent the occurrence of urinary tract infections in women who have passed menopause.

Researchers found that estrogen increases the production of natural antimicrobial properties of the bladder. This hormone also makes tissue in the urinary tract become stronger by closing the gap between the edge of the cells in the lining of the bladder. By filling the gaps, estrogen makes the bacteria more difficult to get into the bladder.

Not only that, estrogen also prevents the cells to fall off the top layer of the bladder wall. When infection occurs, estrogen also helps distribute the cells and prevents the loss of too many cells in the bladder.


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