5 Foods 'healthy' does not need to be consumed

5 Foods 'healthy' does not need to be consumed
Illustration of peanut butter. © Shutterstock / Karen Sarraga
5 Foods 'healthy' does not need to be consumed - Nutrition experts always recommend that we eat foods high in nutrients. But apparently there are foods that have frills word 'healthy' which actually does not need to be enjoyed. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Live Science below.

Peanut butter without the fat

You know, actually fat peanut butter actually contains nutrients your body needs. So eat peanut butter without the fat precisely the same by removing nutrients from the origin.

Vitamin drinks

Now it is prevalent products were given drinking water containing flavorings and she says vitamin is beneficial for the body. When in fact these drinks actually contain a lot of sugar which is not healthy. It is better to get vitamins from foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Energy bar

Biscuits, snack, or energy foods have a high reputation because it is known to stimulate the growth of muscle to burn fat and lose weight. In fact, energy bars also contain high sugar. If you want a healthy snack, better enjoy the fruits alone.

Multi grain foods

Many people are fooled by the frills multi or different kinds of wheat seeds contained in a product, such as bread, crackers, and cereal. Though different from the multi-grain whole wheat. If whole grains are associated with numerous health benefits, multi-grain just does not mean anything.

Baked chips

Just because there is no word 'fried' in product chips or crackers crispy, does not mean these foods include healthy. Because of salt, oil, and it is high in cholesterol and can still give risk to health.

That food with frills 'healthy' that it does not need to be consumed. You also should understand food labels properly before purchasing.


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