The health benefits of sunlight, in addition to vitamin D

The health benefits of sunlight, in addition to vitamin D
Illustration of the sun. © Shutterstock / Elena Efimova
The health benefits of sunlight, in addition to vitamin D - Vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients your body needs. You can get it easily and cheaply from the sun.

But you know, in addition to vitamin D, there are many other health benefits of sunlight. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Medical Daily following.

Sleep soundly

How much of the body is exposed to sunlight turns the body affect cardiac rhythm. The rhythms including physical, mental, and behavioral. In order to maintain cardiac rhythm to keep it balanced, do not hesitate to spend time outdoors. Also, do not keep silent in dark places during the day. Because of lack of light during the day can disrupt sleep schedule at night.


Sun exposure received by the body on a regular basis can increase levels of the hormone serotonin. Increase in these hormones make you avoid depression, anxiety, sadness, and other bad mood problems.

Blood pressure

Skin exposure to the sun's UV rays contain nitric oxide, which can lower blood pressure low. In fact it has been proven through research conducted by experts from Edinburgh University.

Melanoma types of skin cancer
The more often exposed to UVB rays, the lower the risk of melanoma skin cancer. While most people spend their time indoors often just having exposure to UVA rays that actually increase the risk of cancer because their vitamin D levels are also relatively low.

That the various health benefits of sunlight, other than as a source of vitamin D. But remember, the best sunshine only lasted before ten in the morning and after four o'clock.


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