Probiotics help prevent diarrhea caused by antibiotic consumption

Probiotics help prevent diarrhea caused by antibiotic consumption
Illustration yogurt. © 2012 Shutterstock/bitt24
Probiotics help prevent diarrhea caused by antibiotic consumption - People who are taking antibiotics often have diarrhea and digestive problems as a side effect. Recent studies suggest that probiotic foods can help prevent diarrhea caused by antibiotics.

It was discovered by researchers at the Cochrane Collaboration after observing 4,213 patients in 23 trials. They found that patients who took probiotics safer from diarrhea compared with patients taking placebo.

Consumption of antibiotics can disrupt the ecosystem of organisms present in the digestive system and cause bacteria such as C. difficile grown too much. The bacteria which then can cause diarrhea, painful bowel inflammation, and even death.

"Research to prevent the development of C. difficile bacteria is very important. Approach using probiotics is a good idea. Probiotics can make the balance of bacteria in the digestive system," said Professor Brendan Wren of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine who was not involved in the study, as reported by the BBC.

Researchers suggest that people who eat a lot of antibiotics eating foods containing probiotics to prevent diarrhea. Even so, the researchers explain that further research be done to figure out what kind of probiotics work best.


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