Food is a powerful deterrent prostate cancer

Food is a powerful deterrent prostate cancer
Illustration pomegranate. © Shutterstock / mrkornflakes
Food is a powerful deterrent prostate cancer - For the first time, researchers have shown that healthy foods such as pomegranate, green tea, and broccoli able to fight prostate cancer.

During the six-month clinical trial at Bedford Hospital, researchers worked with 203 patients with prostate cancer. Researchers then divided the patients into two groups, the first is given healthy meals and two capsules were given a placebo drug.

After the study ended, proved that the group of patients taking the capsules are made ​​of pomegranate extract, green tea, turmeric, broccoli and experience levels of the protein antigens of cancer cells indicates 63 percent lower.

"Eating a healthy diet and lifestyle is keeping the main way to combat prostate cancer. Yet we also prove that any food supplement in the form of a powerful ward off prostate cancer," said Professor Robert Thomas, as quoted from Red Orbit.

Meanwhile, earlier there is also research that says that fried foods proven to increase the risk for prostate cancer in men.

Researchers also hope their findings could be used to help millions of men who suffer from prostate cancer.


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