Things to Know on Prostate Cancer (Prostate Cancer Symptoms)

It is a fact of our nowadays society: many men reaching the age of 60 or 70 are at risk of presenting prostate cancer. Throughout this article we will tell you more about this condition and how this one manifests within your body.

Prostate is a gland that every man has as a part of their reproductive system. This gland helps in secreting prostatic fluid that plays an important role in the seminal fluid. When cancerous condition develops at this level, it means that cells within this gland are affected and slowly evolve into a tumor. It may happen very often for the symptoms not to manifest unless the condition has reached an advanced phase.
The symptoms are:
  • The need to urinate very frequently although there is not much of urine flow.
  • Difficulty with the process of urination.
  • Pain upon urinating.
  • Blood appeared within the urine flow or seminal fluid.
  • One can manifest pain in the groin, pelvis or lower back.

What you should know, when these symptoms start manifesting, is that they can be the ones to indicate other conditions which are not that harmful as prostate cancer, such as:

  • Prostatitis - which is an inflammation at prostate level.
  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - prostate gland increases in size but is not of a cancerous condition.
It is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as one of these symptoms manifest and for this you should run two tests: blood test (PSA test) and Digital Rectum Exam - DRE.
This condition can be prevented if you know the possible causes that lead to its installation:
  • One cause is the diet which with Western countries it is more often fat saturated. Added to this, sodas and other junk types of foods are primary causes to the manifestation of this condition. Consider changing your diet into one rich in veggies and fruits.
  • Another cause is the imbalance presented between testosterone and estrogen. It is suggested to ask your doctor about the hormonal treatments to prevent prostate cancer from developing.
  • Current age - it means that senior people are more prone to develop this condition after they turn 60 or 70.
  • Family history - is another cause of presenting prostate cancer if there are cases of family members suffering from this condition.



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