How to Detect Prostate Cancer - Prostate Biopsy

Many studies have proved that changes at the level of prostate can take place, these one ending up with the developing the condition known as prostate cancer. Every man is prone to cross these changes within his lifetime especially when passing the middle age period.
When the prostate manifests a strange enlargement, then there are always the risks of presenting some sort of cancerous growth. In order to determine whether or not this protuberance is related to cancer you should run some tests, the main one being blood test to establish the levels of PSA - prostate specific antigen. If this one is not relevant enough then you might have to perform of biopsy at the level of your prostate.
Biopsy test is primarily done by inserting a probe into the rectal orifice which reaches the gland where from tiny parts of tissue are removed to be analyzed more thoroughly. Although this needle that extracts the tissue is very small it may cause some wounds that end up with bleeding, the same way any other wound bleeds.
The difference here is that the area where the wound manifests is not prone to heal that fast as a wound heals when exposed to the air. Take for instance the cut at your hand. When this happens the wound is very much assisted in its healing by the external agents which help into forming a scab which later falls leaving the place completely healed.
But with the presence of a wound inside your body, the scab that forms is exposed to dislocation before falling naturally. Consider this: there are many strains that you need to put your prostate gland into, such as moving around, urinating and so on. While these moves have a reflection on the inner parts of your body system, chances are for the scab formed on the prostate tiny wound to dislodge and cause again bleeding.
Depending on the type of person that you are, on the overall state of your health, the ability of your blood to clot faster and stop the bleeding varies. Another thing that you might experience if the bleeding continues is stains of blood in the urine stream, semen and at the rectum level. In case the bleeding was heavier and longer in time then you should seek medical treatment.


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