8 Sources of vitamin C, in addition to citrus fruits

8 Sources of vitamin C, in addition to citrus fruits
Illustration of berries. © Shutterstock / Olga Miltsova
8 Sources of vitamin C, in addition to citrus fruits - Vitamin C is an essential nutrient needed by the body to strengthen the immune system and helps the absorption of iron. If you do not like the citrus fruit is a good source of vitamin C, delivers eight other foods rich in vitamin C, as reported by Mag for Women following.


Either eaten directly or processed into another dish, papaya was rich in vitamin C. This fruit also contains vitamin A and B9 or folate are both consumed by pregnant women.


Family berries this one is not only rich in antioxidants, vitamin C but also high. Delicious taste can be a healthy snack choices and intake of vitamin C than citrus fruits.


Kiwi fruit has a unique taste. The shape and texture of the meat is also exotic. In addition, kiwi contains high vitamin C which strengthens the immune system.


Compared with citrus fruit, apparently chili pepper has vitamin C higher. However, excessive consumption is clearly not good for the stomach. At least eating spicy foods is playing a little intake of vitamin C to the body.


Guava fruit can be enjoyed directly or processed into juice if you want to get the nutrients vitamin C in it. Some people like a ripe guava, while others chose a rather crude.


Paprika can be regarded as a cousin of cayenne pepper. Just like the little chili, peppers are also rich in vitamin C. Yellow bell peppers have more vitamin C was higher than others.


Like cantaloupe? Good news for you. Because cantaloupe is also a good source of vitamin C for the body. Cantaloupe can be enjoyed in various forms of processed foods.


Actually, grapefruit was related to citrus fruit. Therefore, the fruit also contains vitamin C is high. Grapefruit would make a great breakfast menu because the fruit is also rich in fiber.

That is a source of vitamin C you can get aside from citrus fruit. Enjoy!


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