5 Trivial things that harm the heart

5 Trivial things that harm the heart
Illustration of a heart attack. © Shutterstock / michaeljung
Heart attack is one of the main killers of the world. Want to reduce the risk of this disease? Stop the little things that can harm the heart as quoted from Care2 follows.


Or always angry, apparently harm the heart. For if revenge or anger, increased blood pressure and body vulnerable to free radicals. To avoid this, press emotions, multiply smile. Do not hesitate to apologize when wrong.

Beer belly

Also called belly fat from drinking alcohol. In addition to making the body posture looks ugly, beer belly also increase the risk of heart disease. Stop drinking alcohol if you do not want to have a heart attack.

Sitting too long

Lifestyle minimal movement can trigger heart disease. However, studies have shown that regular exercise can promote blood circulation and nourish the heart. In addition, the quota was filled because of lack of rest also endanger the health of the heart.

Especially the rise of obesity, can lead to heart disease. You actually do not need to diet. Set enough time enjoying eating each dish. Avoid snacking habits and other fatty foods.


Who would have thought, felt lonely it is also harmful to the heart. Various studies have even said that no friends can increase the risk of dying young. So do not hesitate to socialize, add your friends.

Those are some things that are considered trivial, but it turned out to harm the heart. Do not allow yourself to experience it.


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