To sleep better, turn off all electronic devices

To sleep better, turn off all electronic devices
illustration of sleep disorders. © gettyimage /
Light generated by electronic equipment such as televisions, computers, and even a smartphone can interfere with your body's circadian rhythm, according to a study published in the journal Nature. If you want to improve the quality of sleep, you should turn off all your electronic devices a few hours before bedtime.

Electronic equipment such as computers, TVs, and mobile phones can provide light that interferes with your body's rhythm. As a result, it not only makes you sleep less soundly but also health problems. Artificial light reduces the quality of sleep with the debilitating nerve activity that served to make you sleep soundly. Not only slows neural activity, the light will activate the nerves that keep you awake and suppress the sleep hormone melatonin.

"Technology has affected our body clocks. This leads us keep awake and sleeping late. In the morning we usually drink coffee to keep us awake early. Bedtime It hit us," said Dr. Charlez Czeisler of Harvard Medical School, as reported by the NY Daily News.

Czeisler explained that the decrease in the amount of sleep each night increases the risk of disease, including obesity, diabetes, depression, and heart disease, as well as concentration problems in children.

A study from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;'s Lighting Research Center in the U.S. found that saw the light in electronic devices such as iPads and other tablets can reduce sleepiness.


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