3 bad habits that make a fitness decreases

3 bad habits that make a fitness decreases
Illustrations exercise habits. © 2012 Merdeka.com
3 bad habits that make a fitness decreases - A healthy body can not be obtained with it. You have to maintain fitness and health by doing healthy habits every day. Some habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol can damage the health of course.

But other than that there are some bad habits that are small, but can also affect your health. What is it? Here it is, as reported by the Huffington Post.

1. Only exercise when I want

Exercise should be done regularly, not just when you want it. If exercise only when they want to do it, you definitely will often make excuses like tired, lazy, and a lot of jobs. That way, you will reduce the fitness and health. However, research shows that 90 percent of people who exercise regularly have lower levels of fatigue and more focused. If you feel tired during the afternoon exercise, try to do it in the morning.

2. Weeks is necessary to exercise

If you feel you have to work hard, keep your diet and exercise every day, chances are you think that a few days lazing definitely not a problem. You are wrong if you think so. Although there are days when you do not exercise hard, you also can not really passive and laze around all day. This will affect your fitness. Although not go to the gym or exercising, you can take advantage of a day for a vacation or an outing. The important thing is to keep moving and active.

3. Have friends who do not like sports

One of the reasons you can be lazy sport is your friend group. Usually the group behavior can indeed affect someone. but this is not the reason. You should be able to define what you need, do not have to always follow what is done by the group. You are responsible for maintaining their health and fitness. If necessary, be a pioneer, and invite your friends who are lazy to exercise to exercise.

Those are some small habits and ordinary reasons a person. Although it seems trivial, but such practices can affect health if done too often. Even the unconscious habit has made you a fitness decreases.


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