Questions and Answers About Drug Herceptin - Treatment of breast cancer

Illustration of Herceptin - Treatment of breast cancer
Questions and Answers About Drug Herceptin - Treatment of breast cancer. Be helpful to know in advance about the breast cancer drug. Please refer to.

1. What is Herceptin ?

That is a therapeutic antibody drug targets moniklonal (man-made version). The way it works is binding growth promoting protein called HER2/neu, which is a hormone that is believed to have contributed to the growth of cancer cells. It can also help the immune system to fight cancer better.

2. When Herceptin is recommended ?

Herceptin is usually recommended for breast cancer patients with HER2/neu positive conditions, the type of breast cancer is malignant and relatively quickly spread (invasive)

3. Herceptin given how long ago ?

Given once a week or three weeks through intravenous infusion.

4. What is the price of Herceptin ?

Herceptin vial 400mg, around £ 20-22 million

5. What is another name Herceptin ?


6. What are the side effects of the use of Herceptin ?
Various complaints (different each person) from the use of Herceptin were documented from breast cancer forums abroad, among others :
Illustration of Herceptin or Trastuzumab
  • Shivering, especially after the first treatment .. can last up to 7-14 days, at other times the chills just 2 days
  • flu-like symptoms: nasal congestion, runny nose
  • bone and joint pain
  • Tired around 1-2 weeks post-treatment, but not as bad as chemotherapy
  • Mild diarrhea for 7-10 days, sometimes 14 days. No cramps / abdominal pain
  • mild acne in the first two sessions, but has lost
  • Hair thinning eyebrows and eyelashes after 18 weeks of treatment

7. What are other alternatives to this treatment ?

Patients can consume Typhonium Plus, the natural herbs to boost the immune system of patients during and after cancer treatment. Recommended Dosage: 2 capsules 3 times a day. Click here for info about Typhonium Plus and patient testimonials.


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