Watch out, turns dishwasher full of mushrooms!

Watch out, turns dishwasher full of mushrooms!
Illustration dishwasher. © Shutterstock / Alena Ozerova
Watch out, turns dishwasher full of mushrooms! - Turns dishwasher is the perfect nest for dangerous mold to grow, according to new research.

Because the temperature is warm and humid, do not be surprised if the dishwasher into place Exophiala yeast, Rhodotorula, and Candida parapsilosis to breed. The fungus was reported to be harmful to human health.

Research in the journal Medical Mycology was precisely found that dishwashers in the world containing at least 62 percent of the fungus. If inhaled, the fungus can multiply colonies in the lungs, causing infection, and very difficult to treat.

As reported by the Daily Mail, the people who take antibiotics, have a low immune system and diabetes are most at risk of skin infections and lung result of the fungus.

The good news, there are effective ways to reduce the amount of harmful fungi in the dishwasher. The trick is to clean the dishwasher by using a mixture of baking soda, vinegar, and bleach clothing.

Once a month, the dishwasher racks are also advised to be removed and washed with hot water. Once completely dry, new dishwasher racks should be installed again.

Do you also use a dishwasher at home? If so, then do not get lazy to clean it!


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