Often use mobile lower body fitness?

Often use mobile lower body fitness?
Illustration teens wear cell phones. © 2012 Merdeka.com / Shutterstock / Phil Date
Often use mobile lower body fitness? - Are you among those who stick with the cell phone? You should be careful, because a recent study suggests that spending too much time playing mobile phones can reduce your fitness.

Researchers from Kent State University found that students who spend much of their time using the phone have a lower fitness levels than students who did not use cell phones too much.

The longer a student playing with a cell phone, they tend to have a passive activity and too much sitting. They are too much of a cell phone, also known to be lazy to exercise. Even in terms of playing, they chose to sit and play games on their mobile phone.

Meanwhile, the students use their mobile phone in a reasonable time is more active in the move. They are also more likely to exercise and active socializing with their friends directly, as reported by the NY Daily News.

"The use of mobile phones for a long time interfere with the user's physical activity and improve their passive lifestyle. Study reveals a link between cell phone use and physical fitness," wrote the researchers.

Are you among those who frequently use cell phones to forget to exercise? Should begin now reduce the use of your mobile phone and more physical activity.


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