10 Ways to prevent drowsiness fun while working

10 Ways to prevent drowsiness fun while working
Illustration sleepy. © Shutterstock / Dan Bannister
10 Ways to prevent drowsiness fun while working - How many times do you yawn when you work today? In addition to relying on coffee, it turns out there are several ways to prevent drowsiness at work. Listen more, as reported by the following Idiva.

Drinking water

Dehydration is one of the causes of sleepiness and fatigue while working. So while in the office, remain diligent in drinking water throughout the day.

Breathe deeply

Breathe deeply not only gives the maximum oxygen intake in the body, but it also makes the mind more calm and makes you more focused at work.

Listening to jazz

Listen to some jazz music while working. The melody of music is not just comfortable to listen to, but also effective in preventing sleepiness at work.

Snacking on fruits

Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals. Fruit also gives the maximum energy intake. So try snacking on fruit in order to maintain the freshness of body and mind.

Drinking herbal tea

If a lot of people rely on coffee to stay awake, the actual herbal teas also provide similar benefits. The good news, herbal teas lighter effect than coffee.

Breath of fresh air

Frenzied atmosphere in the office mind becomes saturated. Try it out for a while to get some fresh air. Walk while breathing deeply can refresh the mind.

Up and down stairs

Increase the heart rate is another fun way to prevent drowsiness at work. So should you go up and down stairs so that the heart beats faster.

Lowering the temperature of AC

Not many people know about this one trick. Other times when sleepy, try lowering the air temperature to the coldest. Cold will make you more awake.

Discover why

If you often feel sleepy cause when work is due to lack of sleep at night, start now stop the habit of staying up.


Sometimes bored at work can make you sleepy. So rather than undergo activity-that's all in the office, change views and attitudes become more optimistic. Positive behavior will make you more active at work.

That's the fun ways to prevent drowsiness at work. Your own, if drowsiness usually do?


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