5 Ways grilling healthy food

5 Ways grilling healthy food
Illustration of grilling meat. © Shutterstock.com / FikMik
5 Ways grilling healthy food - Grilled food is more recommended to be consumed rather than when processed by frying or boiling. Because the nutrients in the food properly maintained. However, you should pay attention to how to bake healthy foods more as reported by the following Time.

Aluminum foil

Baked meat with too high a temperature could endanger the health of the body. It happened when interacting with the hot grease and smoke. To avoid this, use aluminum foil as wrapping paper flesh when baked.

Do not get burned

Meat is charred black from the color when baked should be discarded. Because in it contains compounds that increase the risk of stomach and colon cancer.

Grilling fish

In addition to meat, try the grilled fish that is not less healthy. Because these foods including a good alternative, as lower in calories and fat and ripe easier when baked rather than red meat.

Submerge food

Before baking, try soaking the food with seasoning first. The purpose of this method is almost the same as aluminum foil, which lowers the risk of health-hazardous compound reactions.

Lean meat

Lean meat for grilling is the perfect solution to healthy food. In addition, the nutrients contained in them even more leverage.

That's a healthy way of grilling a variety of foods. In addition to meat, vegetables can also be baked as a variety of grilled food menu.


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