5 bad habits in the morning

5 bad habits in the morning
Illustration of waking. © Shutterstock / Vicente Barcelo Varona
5 bad habits in the morning - It has often been mentioned that skipping breakfast is a bad habit that should be stopped. But other than that, there are many other bad routines that are often done in the morning. What is it? Check out more as reported by the Huffington Post following.

Difficult to wake up in the morning

Many people are having trouble up early fault of their own, which was late in the day before. Though keeping the ration was still trying to wake up early and important to do in order to maintain the body's biological clock.

Delaying alarm

Alarm delay will not make feel more refreshed because you've got a chance to sleep longer, but it can damage the sleep system and make the body feel weak. Instead of delaying alarm, better install an alarm and put it in a place away from the reach of the hand.

Sleep and wake up at will

As mentioned previously, keeping the body's biological clock needs to be done in a way to sleep and wake up at the same time. If you accustom yourself to sleep and wake up at will, the body will feel weak and lethargic.

Exercise on an empty stomach

Exercise after waking up is a good habit. But what makes it worse is exercising on an empty stomach. Better wake up 15 or 20 minutes early, enjoy fruit and hurried exercise.

Skipping breakfast

Research shows that skipping breakfast can increase the risk of diabetes. Not only that, no breakfast also affect mood and memory of the men. So stop this bad habit as soon as possible.

That's bad habits in the morning. Hopefully you are not one of those people who always do.


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