Want to Check Cervical Cancer? Recognize Signs It

Papanikolaou test or Pap smear so important things that should be done for women to marry or have sexual relations. Is to know the symptoms of the cancer cells.

According to specialists in internal medicine as well as the Head of the Women's Health Center at the RSCM, Junita Indarti, paps mear a secondary prevention after vaccination in overcoming cervical cancer. A Pap smear can be done at any time, except in some specific conditions, because it can trigger an invalid result.

Here are three things you should know before doing pap smears women, such as exposure to Dr. Dr. Junita. Indarti, SpOG (K) in the talk show 'Smart Tips to Avoid The Silent Killer:

Sexual contact
For those of you who want to do the pap first pitcher should not have sex for 48 hours or two about this. This is because it can alter or permit the entry of other bacteria in the uterus that affect cell uptake.

In addition, patients also should not use a special antiseptic soap spray or vital organs. This can leave the rest of the soap into the vagina.

Pap smear should not be performed when menstruating. During menstruation, the state of being inflamed cells and cause abnormal cells in the body closed. This examination can be done between five to 10 days after menstruation.

Do not try to check a doctor when I'm in a state of discharge. Complaints itching, pain, or heat can affect pap smear results.


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