10 Food is good for the heart

10 Food is good for the heart
Illustration of strawberries. © 2013 Merdeka.com / Shutterstock / leungchopan
10 Food is good for the heart - Heart disease is the number one killer in the world, in addition to cancer. Nearly half a million men and women die from the disease each year. The best way to fight this disease is with lifestyle changes, including eating patterns. Many vitamins and minerals that are considered to protect the heart. Want to know what? Here are ten foods are good for the heart, as reported by Livestrong.

1. Red beans
All types of nuts are sources of soluble fiber that can lower cholesterol. Antioxidants in nuts also help protect the heart from free radical damage. Black and red beans are very high antioxidant compounds called anthocyanins. Healthy food is certainly very healthy for your heart.

2. Spinach

Spinach is a good source of vitamin C and beta-carotene. These nutrients are powerful antioxidants that can help prevent bad cholesterol from oxidizing and forming plaque on the artery walls. Spinach is also rich in folate. Folate helps break down homocysteine, harmful substances in the blood are associated with heart disease.

3. Orange

Oranges are rich in vitamin C and fiber. The fruit is also rich in flavanones (one of which is a phytonutrient compounds hesperidin). Hesperidin has been shown to lower the levels of bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

4. Tuna

Tuna contain omega-3 fatty acids, special fats that help thin the blood, reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke. Omega-3 fatty acids can also lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol levels in the blood. Salmon is one of the foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

5. Garlic and onions

Garlic and onions contain phytonutrients called allylic sulphides. They help increase good cholesterol and lower blood fats (triglycerides). In addition, they also help to increase blood flow by preventing platelets from sticking together and forming blood clots.

6. Oat

Oats are an excellent source of food to help lower blood cholesterol levels. Oats also contain compounds called saponins, which binds cholesterol and take it out of the body. Oats are rich in antioxidants known as tocotrienols, which helps keep the bad cholesterol sticking together and forming plaques in the arteries.

7. Berry

Cranberries are rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids are plant pigments that offer antioxidant benefits. These compounds also help prevent damage to the lining of blood vessels and reduce the risk of stroke. Blueberries are rich in phytonutrients called anthocyanins, which support the integrity of the vascular system.

8. Almonds

Almonds contain several nutrients that keep blood flowing properly and open the artery. They are an excellent food source for vitamin E, an antioxidant that prevents the oxidation of bad cholesterol and plaque to form on artery walls. Almonds are rich in calcium, vitamin E, magnesium and healthy fats, which are good for your heart. Walnuts are another good choice for your healthy heart.

9. Tea and cocoa

Tea, especially green tea, rich in polyphenols, which act as antioxidants in the body. Polyphenols reduce the chances of bad cholesterol stick to artery walls and protects the heart against oxidative damage. Cocoa is a rich source of antioxidants and may help keep blood vessels healthy.

10. Soybean

Soybeans and processed soy can lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Soybeans are rich in fiber and contain omega-3 fatty acids (to prevent blood platelet stickiness and frozen). Tofu and soy milk are rich in magnesium, potassium and calcium, all essential to regulate blood pressure.

Here are ten healthy foods that are good for your heart. In addition to adjusting the diet, make sure that you always exercise every day, at least 16 minutes per day.


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