Researchers find a way to close the wound without stitches

Illustration stitches. © Daily Mail / Corbis
Researchers from the American Chemical Society finally managed to do the test without stitches to close the wound. They precisely using laser-based solder gold.

Solder containing gold particles are able to form a kind of cover the wound so painful suture method does not need to be done.

Researchers believe that this method can replace close wounds with how to sew leather. The proof they successfully closed the wound in pig intestine area with the gold-based laser soldering.

Technique called Laser Tissue Welding (LTW) is also more dense in closing wounds and leave scars that are not too obvious.

As reported by the Daily Mail, Kaushal Rege and his team of researchers used a network called plasmonic nanocomposite solder - material containing gold nanorod. Nature was elastic so as to close the wound tightly and effectively.

Researchers then plan to investigate the matter in depth to determine whether similar methods can be used in the case of certain other injuries.


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