7 Consider this before blood donation!

7 Consider this before blood donation!
Illustration of blood donors. © Shutterstock/oksana2010
7 Consider this before blood donation! - Blood donation is a noble and healthy habits. But there are some things to consider before you donate blood. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Mag for Women following.

Why should blood donation?

Blood donation is one way you help others. You also get the health benefits of these habits. For example, maintaining cardiovascular health, reduce iron levels, and prevent other diseases.

How to donate blood

There are two ways to donate blood. The first is to donate whole blood. The second one is to donate certain components in the blood, such as red blood cells.

How often should blood donation?

To donate whole blood, you can do it every 56 days. Berdonor once, you'll want to do these habits on a regular basis.

Who can berdonor?

Anyone can, as long as he was already past 17 ​​years old and weight at least 55 pounds. If you have a tattoo, wait a year after wearing it. People who just should wait until the pain is also really healthy for berdonor. Menstruating women are prohibited from blood donors.

Eat what before blood donation?

Enjoy food with high iron levels before blood donation. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Do not fast before blood donation day and avoid alcohol or other bad habits.

Is blood donation sick?

Dependent, because relatively speaking ill for many people. But if it is used, donor blood will not hurt at all.

Is blood donation safe?

Needles used to inject the body is only used once and then discarded after completion. Various tests were conducted to ensure that the donor's healthy and safe blood donated in others.

Those are some things to consider before blood donation. Have you done this habit on a regular basis?


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