What Treatment Options Are There for Advanced Prostate Cancer

All forms of cancer diseases are known to evolve on four main stages, each of these stages indicating the level where the cancerous condition has reached so far and the same stands valid for prostate cancer. This type of cancer start manifesting within the prostate gland at its periphery in the initial stage, but at this stage it can be hardly detected through a Digital Rectal Examination - DRE.

But if the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test is run or an ultrasound examination, then more chances are there to detect this condition at its earlier stage. This primary stage is called in medical terms as T1 cancer or Stage I cancer.

With T2 stage, the cancerous disease starts evolving into a larger growth on the prostate gland leading to abnormalities that are better detected at this phase. With both Stage I and Stage II, prostate cancer is only limited to the prostate gland and it can be treated with radiation therapy, surgery, ultrasound or cryosurgery.
At T3 stage, the cancer will grow as such that it spreads into the tissues that surround the prostate gland, more likely into the pelvic area tissues. When prostate cancer has reached the level that it infects other area of the body beside pelvic region, then it has reached the Stage 4 or T4 form of cancer which is the most advanced.
When the patient has reached the advanced prostate cancer condition, the treatment applied at this level is mainly aiming to slow down the spreading. At this point the focus is also laid on improving the life of the patient while doing all the best to extend his life time. So, we can say that at this stage we can hardly talk about a curing whereas the best term to use in here is 'managing' the condition.
For prostate cancer cells to grow and evolve, they will need a high level of testosterone, and in order to manage the spreading of these cancerous cells one should consider lowering the level of testosterone. In this respect it is highly recommended a treatment with hormones that will reduce the testosterone production.


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