Mediterranean Diet, How to Improve Brain Memory

Community Health Centers : Hone and sharpen the brain's memory is not merely the problem solving exercise. This method should also be balanced with proper food intake, such as the Mediterranean diet.

This diet is known to increase the intake of nuts, fruits, vegetables, and olive oil. And conversely reduce food products that contain saturated fats such as meat and dairy.

This conclusion is based on research results from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the University of Athens, Greece. Dr Georgios Tsivgoulis lead author of the study also said that in addition to adding the ability of the brain, the Mediterranean diet also reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, and alzhiemer.

This is because these foods contain a lot of antioxidants and nutrients unsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3.

The study, published in the journal Neurology, the collected data from 17,478 respondents in African, American, and Caucasian. Their average age was 64 years. 19 percent of respondents stated that the Mediterranean diet is not memengalami disruption or deterioration of memory. While seven per cent are not the natural diet of memory disorders.

As reported by Fox News, this memory loss could also be caused by diabetes. The researchers believe the diabetes causes damage to the brain, through high insulin levels.

"Diet is an important modification that can help cognitive function. Yet this is only one of several lifestyle. Premises you also have to balance physical exercise, avoiding obesity, not smoking, and prevent hypertension," said Tsivgoulis.


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