8 Natural ingredients repellent

8 Natural ingredients repellent
Illustration pepper. © Shutterstock/Dream79
8 Natural ingredients repellent - Before using insect repellent to eradicate mosquitoes, you should use a more secure way yet effective. For example, by utilizing natural ingredients repellent as quoted from Care2 following.


Catnip is a kind of herbaceous plant that can make cats become more active. But it turns out that there is oil in catnip is also ten times more potent than repel mosquitoes chemical drugs on the market.


Particularly in the form of oil, citronella can be applied to the skin to repel mosquitoes. Nature is not less potent catnip, but quite effective and natural rather than chemical drugs.


If this one, you need to eat raw garlic in large quantities. Mosquitoes definitely would not like to bite and suck your blood.


Lavender oil has a fragrant aroma and is quite effective at repel mosquitoes. Apply it on the skin to prevent mosquito bites.

Neem oil

A study says that neem oil is more potent than repel mosquitoes using insect repellent. Neem itself is a kind of herbaceous plant that grows in India.

Organic soybean oil

Soybean oil price is quite affordable and easy to obtain. So that organic soybean oil is one good option to be used as a natural mosquito repellent.


Lotus is a powerful mosquito repellant and kill the larvae of blood-sucking beast. Because the lotus grows in the water, this plant effectively repel mosquitoes in the yard and pool area at home.


Potent natural ingredients that repel mosquitoes last is pepper. A study has also been proved that the oil extract from black pepper effectively ward off mosquitoes.

Similarly, a variety of natural ingredients repellent. Instead of using insect repellent containing drugs harmful chemicals, better use of natural materials is not it?


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