Things to Know on Progesterone Cream when Suffering from Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a form of tumor that starts developing at the level of your prostate gland. Men aged over 60 are more prone to manifest this condition and when the symptoms occur to indicate the presence of this cancer, everybody should seek medical consultation and run some tests. Because this condition is very similar in manifestation with other infections presented at prostate level, people tend to let it be instead of seeking medical help. The earlier detection of this disease improves the chances of curing. 
Research studies done on this type of cancer have proved that progesterone can reverse many forms of cancer let alone prevent them. As to estrogen, this has been found responsible of the imbalances that lead to the formation of breast cancer and prostate cancer. Once the level of progesterone is lower than the one of estrogen, the only consequence resulting from here is the installation of prostate and breast cancer. It has been also found that the use of progesterone cream has little effect on the body system. The thing here is that its effect lasts no more than 5 minutes once this cream enters the blood stream.
As mentioned above, this form of cancer occurs mostly in men aged more than 60 and it has been found as the most common diseases in men at this stage of life. The symptoms are: reduced urine flow, fluctuations in the urination need, pains upon urinating and many others. Many men have the preconception that progesterone is a that hormone that only women produce, but this is wrong. Apart from this, men also produce hormones like estradiol and estrogen, although their level is not that high as it is in women.
There are many doctors prescribing progesterone cream for patients suffering from prostate cancer given the fact that with aging the level of this hormone decreases considerably. This method of treatment is often prescribed as an alternative to other treatments since it is meant to bring the balance at the hormonal level. One thing that men are advised to watch for: this cream can have various side effects if not applied carefully. You should check always with the right dosage and apply it in accordance with the qualified guidance of a professional trained in medical procedures.




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