This will happen if like sleeping on top at 12 am!

This will happen if like sleeping on top at 12 am!
Illustration insomnia. © / Africa Studio
This will happen if like sleeping on top at 12 am! - Sleeping is one of the things the body needs in order to maintain health and fitness. Do not let sleep deprivation or even late to rest. For if sleeping on top at 12 am, there are many health risks that threaten. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Medical Daily following.

The body's biological clock

Body clock is a term for brain task that controls appetite, sleep schedule, and a person's mood. If you often sleep over at 12 am, the brain is difficult to divide the task of controlling all of it because of the schedule breaks tend to diminish. As a result, the biological clock can be damaged and affect your mental and physical condition.


Used to sleep on at 12 am, you can suffer from prolonged insomnia. Body will find stay in shape even though it was past midnight. If left unchecked, become limp when you wake up not being able to meet the quota sleep as suggested, which is seven to eight hours per day.


Over 12 hours of sleep a night means slashed rations breaks during the day. As a result, when you are at work, you will always sleepy and lower productivity for completing the task. In addition, sleepiness can also increase the risk of accidents when you travel to and from work.

Immune system

In connection with the body's biological clock which also plays a role in shaping the immune system, the brain involved hampered performance on this issue. 12 hours of sleep over the night finally lowered immune system, so you are at increased risk of various diseases, ranging from mild to lethal.

Cardiovascular disease

A research has shown that lack of sleep can increase cardiovascular risk. That is, do not sleep on at 12 am if you really want to meet the daily sleep schedule and preventing cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke.


Sleep six hours or less overnight also increase the risk of cancer. This was proven by a study conducted by experts from Japan. According to researchers, the hormone melatonin is produced by the body that should be reduced in number if the sleep schedule is reduced. While the lack of the hormone melatonin itself is closely related to cancer risk.


In addition to melatonin, the hormone controlling appetite also impaired when you like to sleep on top at 12 am. Because sleep late increases the desire to snack. Yet the habit of snacking at night is less healthy and can lead to weight gain to childhood obesity.

That was the consequences if it likes to sleep on top at 12 am. Do not want to experience it? Should reduce the schedule to stay up for the health of your body.

5 Foods 'healthy' does not need to be consumed

5 Foods 'healthy' does not need to be consumed
Illustration of peanut butter. © Shutterstock / Karen Sarraga
5 Foods 'healthy' does not need to be consumed - Nutrition experts always recommend that we eat foods high in nutrients. But apparently there are foods that have frills word 'healthy' which actually does not need to be enjoyed. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Live Science below.

Peanut butter without the fat

You know, actually fat peanut butter actually contains nutrients your body needs. So eat peanut butter without the fat precisely the same by removing nutrients from the origin.

Vitamin drinks

Now it is prevalent products were given drinking water containing flavorings and she says vitamin is beneficial for the body. When in fact these drinks actually contain a lot of sugar which is not healthy. It is better to get vitamins from foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Energy bar

Biscuits, snack, or energy foods have a high reputation because it is known to stimulate the growth of muscle to burn fat and lose weight. In fact, energy bars also contain high sugar. If you want a healthy snack, better enjoy the fruits alone.

Multi grain foods

Many people are fooled by the frills multi or different kinds of wheat seeds contained in a product, such as bread, crackers, and cereal. Though different from the multi-grain whole wheat. If whole grains are associated with numerous health benefits, multi-grain just does not mean anything.

Baked chips

Just because there is no word 'fried' in product chips or crackers crispy, does not mean these foods include healthy. Because of salt, oil, and it is high in cholesterol and can still give risk to health.

That food with frills 'healthy' that it does not need to be consumed. You also should understand food labels properly before purchasing.

3 Types of insomnia and how to overcome them

3 Types of insomnia and how to overcome them
Illustration insomnia. © / Oleg Golovnev
3 Types of insomnia and how to overcome them - Basically, there are three types of insomnia experienced by the people. First, difficulty sleeping, the second was not able to sleep well or often wake up when sleeping, and the latter, feeling tired when waking though slept.

Had a similar problem? If so, understand correctly about the causes and how to overcome insomnia is as quoted by the Huffington Post following.

Can not sleep

There are many things that cause the brain remains active and the body awake until midnight. For example, the burden of thought. How to cope with not necessarily take a sleeping pill, but to understand the root of the problem and handle it properly. Several methods to calm down as drinking warm milk can do for the body is more relaxed and eventually fell asleep.

Sleep disorders

Do you often wake up several times from sleep? If you have a baby, it might be reasonable. But if not, consider again the type of food or drugs consumed. Because some things that could be the cause of not sleeping soundly. While waking up in the middle of the bed was reasonable, you should consult an expert if you experience it too often.

Fatigue after waking up

've Slept all night, but the body was so sore and weak. I wonder what causes it? It could be a result of sleep apnea disorder, a condition that makes breathing stops for 10 seconds or more which may occur several times in one night. If this is so, immediately contact a medical expert for help. Because not only interfere with sleep apnea fitness, but also increases the risk of many deadly diseases.

That's three types of insomnia and how to overcome them. Make sure you meet the quality and quantity of sleep in order to maintain good overall health.

Children are fond of junk food? Blame the parents!

Children are fond of junk food? Blame the parents!
Illustration of children eat. © 2012 / Shutterstock / Serhiy Kobyakov
Children are fond of junk food? Blame the parents! - Are you angry if you see the children often eat junk food? If so, do not immediately blame the child. The cause is because your parenting is not quite right.

In one study, researchers from Truls Ostbye reveal the relationship between the home environment and the handling of older people with obesity, exercise and dietary habits among preschoolers. The researchers monitored data from 190 children, aged 2-5 years, with a mother who has more weight or obesity.

They collect information about children's food intake over the past week, ranging from junk food to healthy food. For activities during the week the children using accelerometers to measure the tool of physical activity undertaken.

The mothers reported information about their children's environment, including policies treat families with food and physical activity. As reported by MSN, from there found a significant relationship between family environment with children diasup food. Families tend to cool more often than junk food to feed families on child care and home environments.

They concluded that in order to promote healthy behavior in children, healthy home environment and the role of parents is really important. Therefore, children's health is very much dependent on how parents nurture and introduce healthy food.

The study was published online in the International Journal of Obesity on June 18, 2013.

Butter coffee, new drinks to add energy

Butter coffee, new drinks to add energy
Illustration of coffee. © Shutterstock / Yingko
Butter coffee, new drinks to add energy - Add butter in coffee can not only give a different taste sensation, but also believed to increase energy and help you lose weight. But of course, you have to use special coffee and butter.

"Adding butter to any coffee is a bad idea. I realized that if you want to drink something that feels good, makes you feel more powerful, and lose weight, you need something special," said Dave Asprey, Bulletproof Executive, as reported by NY Daily News.

Asprey then offered coffee butter made use of its products, such as: upgraded coffee, coconut oil, milk and butter from cows that eat only grass.

Coffee upgraded (upgraded coffee) itself is a product produced by the company Asprey. The coffee is green coffee that was grown by a process called Asprey as 'bulletproof'. This process affects how the coffee was grown, treated, and then sent to the consumer.

Coffee cup butter is estimated to contain 100 to 200 calories, depending on what you add the butter. Asprey also added that his upgraded coffee can also boost brain power.

5 Excess organic coffee than usual

5 Excess organic coffee than usual
Illustration of coffee. © Shutterstock/jannoon028
5 Excess organic coffee than usual - For coffee lovers, it's good if you are trying to enjoy a drink in the organic form. Because there are at least five advantages offered by organic coffee than usual. What is it? Check out more as reported by the All Women Stalk following.

Does not contain chemicals

You know, the usual coffee apparently washed with chemicals before it is processed and served in a cup. So if you do not want to put the rest of the chemicals such as chlorine and ammonia, it helps if you enjoy the type of organic coffee.


Just like other plants, coffee plants sometimes pest infestation, so need to get rid of pesticides. But the same thing will not happen to the coffee plants are maintained in an organic and pesticide-free.

Protecting the environment

Organic coffee products are also more environmentally friendly because it does not use a variety of harmful chemical compounds. So if you drink organic coffee, it means you had a role in the effort to protect the environment.

More delicious

Believe it or not, organic coffee taste more delicious than usual. Organic coffee has a taste that is more pure, delicious, and natural.

More healthful

Since it is free of harmful chemicals, organic coffee is arguably more healthy than usual.

It is true if the price of organic coffee a little more expensive than usual. But in order to get the excess above five, why not?

Hormone therapy prevent urinary tract infections in women

Hormone therapy prevent urinary tract infections in women
illustration urinary tract infections. ©
Hormone therapy prevent urinary tract infections in women - Vaginal estrogen therapy is known to help prevent urinary tract infections in women who have passed menopause, according to a recent study.

Urinary tract infections are common in women. Approximately 25 percent of women were infected even come back. age led to the possibility of infection is increased due to decreased estrogen production.

During this time, antibiotics became the only weapon for women against urinary tract infections. However, researchers saw that changes should be made. The women need more options to treat their urinary tract infections, as reported by U.S. News.

The study, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine reveals that using vaginal estrogen therapy may be a way to prevent the occurrence of urinary tract infections in women who have passed menopause.

Researchers found that estrogen increases the production of natural antimicrobial properties of the bladder. This hormone also makes tissue in the urinary tract become stronger by closing the gap between the edge of the cells in the lining of the bladder. By filling the gaps, estrogen makes the bacteria more difficult to get into the bladder.

Not only that, estrogen also prevents the cells to fall off the top layer of the bladder wall. When infection occurs, estrogen also helps distribute the cells and prevents the loss of too many cells in the bladder.

25 Percent of people experienced trauma after heart attack

25 Percent of people experienced trauma after heart attack
Illustration of stress. © Shutterstock / Elena Elisseeva
25 Percent of people experienced trauma after heart attack - Having a heart attack would be a scary thing for everyone. But few people are lucky and survived a heart attack can be deadly. Even so, the struggle is not over. Research shows that 25 percent of people who have survived a heart attack tend to experience stress due to trauma.

Research conducted at Columbia University also found that the stress of trauma patients may even increase their risk of another heart attack twice as many times, as well as increase the risk of death within three years.

"PTSD (stress disorder and traumatic) commonly experienced by people who survived a heart attack, and this may increase their risk of another heart attack in the future. Discovery is very important to know for the safety of the patients of heart disease," said Donald Emondson , assistant professor of CUMC, as reported by the Daily Mail.

Perceived stress and trauma that comes from experience is shocking and traumatic. Some of the symptoms include frequent nightmares, avoiding things that could remind of heart attacks, increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure. Stress and trauma can turn chronic if the patient has symptoms above for three consecutive months or more.

The result is expected to be a concern for heart disease patients, both of which do not have a heart attack or who have had a heart attack. They must be aware of the risks and possible trauma owned. This result is also important for health workers to start thinking about and prevent trauma in patients who survived a heart attack.

Avoid these 5 foods while pregnant!

Avoid these 5 foods while pregnant!
Illustration pregnant women eat. © / Oleynikova Anna
Avoid these 5 foods while pregnant! - During pregnancy, the mother must be very advisable to eat foods that are nutritious. But in addition to eating a healthy diet, expectant mothers should also avoid some certain foods.

Forbidden foods can be dangerous and cause a miscarriage baby bag. Here are some foods that should be avoided during pregnancy, as reported by the Health Me Up.

1. Seafood

Sea foods do contain omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for babies. However, you should avoid foods that contain lots of mercury sea. Seafood that contains mercury can damage the baby's brain. Avoid salmon, crab, or shark meat. Usually the types of fish that contains mercury.

2. Food immature

It's important to eat foods raw or immature. Such food may contain bacteria and viruses that could threaten the safety of the fetus and the mother. Consumption of well-cooked food and made of materials selected. Avoid foods that allow bacterial or viral contamination.

3. Drinks are not pasteurized

Pregnant women should avoid dairy products which do not pass through the pasteurization process correctly. You can eat mozzarella, or skim milk. But avoid cheese such as feta or brie. Make sure you also consume cheese, milk, or yogurt are hygienic and have been processed correctly.

4. Fruits and vegetables are not washed

It's important to cook foods to eat when pregnant. Do not eat food that has not been eaten, raw, cooked or not. Also, do not forget to wash fruits and vegetables and other foods that need to be washed and cleaned. Do not wash and clean the food before cooking can make you infected with bacteria or germs.

5. Caffeine, tea, and alcohol

Avoid caffeine, tea, and alcohol during pregnancy to prevent complications during delivery and birth defects in the fetus. Too much eating three types of drinks can increase the risk of miscarriage.

That is some kind of food you should be aware and should not be consumed during pregnancy. You can consult with your doctor about what foods you should eat to maintain a healthy body and your pregnancy.

Learning to recognize the symptoms of asthma in children

Learning to recognize the symptoms of asthma in children is a life-saving knowledge. In normal breathing easy and the road through the nose into the trachea to the lungs small tract, the respiratory tract. This is the last stage in the cell, this time, the oxygen diffuses into the blood.

Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs. Many of the signs and symptoms of asthma can be explained by the impact of diseases of the respiratory system. These include narrowing of the airways due to spasm and inflammation of lung tissue by micro-trauma. This disease causes blockage of the normal flow of air to the lungs. With this situation, the people who suffer from asthma, struggling to breathe. You will experience a persistent cough, shortness of breath and work for every breath they take. All these symptoms can occur alone. Characteristic of asthma is a tendency to repeat, sometimes abruptly. People with severe forms of asthma symptoms do not stop for days and weeks.

A diagnosis of asthma in children is a challenge for the following reasons. Children can communicate well with adults as well as respiratory problems. Also missing the signs and symptoms of asthma when children see a doctor.

Correct diagnosis can be based on time perception in adults carefully. A child is amazingly quiet, with a history of asthma may be a victim of a life-threatening crisis. One child each time he would play in a controlled coughing, asthma attacks may be dealing with. Sometimes the only clue to their parents the doctor that the child's chest moving so fast, or that their child gasping.

Other features of asthma are:

  • Asthma cough is worse at night
  • Asthma has a tendency to rotate in a close family member
  • Asthma and eczema tend to coexist in the same patient
  • Asthma in predisposed individuals caused by environmental factors such as dust, mold, pets, pollen, perfumes, etc.
  • The symptoms of asthma can be mild in form and only occasionally occur, or may occur in severe and persistent.
  • Asthma is sometimes better with age, and the children can overcome their symptoms
  • In practice, known to cause shortness of breath and other symptoms of asthma, "VIA" only occurs during physical activity.
  • The examination should include medical suppliers, wheezing or worse, and the air intake in their lungs asthma'' desire''.
It is important to note that there may be some diseases, asthma occurs. Various health care providers in all other diagnosis can be achieved. A reasonable conclusion

Explanation asthma patients and their families, they say see asthma as a disease that results from delicate lungs, in the same way as eczema, a disease that occurs in people with sensitive skin. React with sensitive lungs wheezing and coughing when exposed to triggers. In addition, sensitive skin reacts with itchy skin rash when exposed to stimuli. Two conditions are met a lot of people with asthma also have eczema and vice versa.

The doctors have increased the use of medications to treat the symptoms of asthma. There are two classes of drugs used to treat asthma. Bronchodilators can be used to open, while the limited steroid in reducing bronchial inflammation in lung tissue. Both substances can be used as an inhaler is administered directly into the lung tissue targeted.

Parents in the realization of the dangers associated with an increase in asthma. They began to previous questions to intervene. A high degree of suspicion, while others must be determined to identify with asthma, children, especially if there is a family history of the disease.

Preventive action is a major problem in asthma. Some of these triggers are identified and prevention with the help of prescribed preventive medication.

5 Signs of people at risk of diabetes

5 Signs of people at risk of diabetes
illustration diabetes. © 2013 / Shutterstock / bogdanhoda
5 Signs of people at risk of diabetes - Diabetes is a disease that affects many people in the world today, in addition to obesity and heart disease. The disease can not be cured but can be controlled also affects the children who suffer from disorders of blood sugar levels in their bodies. Before it's too late, here are five signs you are at risk of developing diabetes, as reported

1. You are overweight and lack of exercise

Of all people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, more than 85 percent of them are overweight. Abdominal obesity (fat around your belly) is mainly associated with high risk of diabetes.

Sports not only will lower insulin resistance, but also helps you lose weight. Research shows that weight loss alone even just a few pounds can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.

2. Eating foods that trigger a rise in blood sugar
If you are a fan of high-fat foods, sweet and ready to eat, you are at risk of developing diabetes. Such unhealthy foods can increase weight, which in turn increases insulin resistance and puts you at greater risk of developing diabetes. You can also suffer from high cholesterol and high blood pressure, a problem that is often found in people with diabetes and is also associated with heart disease.

3. Family health history

If one of your family has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you are at high risk of developing diabetes. In addition, ethnicity also play an important role on the risk of diabetes. You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have the ethnic background of Aboriginal, South Asian, Asian, African or Hispanic.

4. Women with certain conditions

Women with certain conditions more likely to develop diabetes than others. They are women who suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome, a hormonal imbalance that can cause irregular menstrual cycles. Mothers who had delivered a baby obese (more than 4 kg) can also develop diabetes. And pregnant women who have gestational diabetes - that is, diabetes is found only during pregnancy - seven times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life than women who did not.

5. You are aged over 40 years

While it is true that the type 2 diabetes diagnosed in younger people, the disease is most often identified as 40-year-old man stepped on. Talk to your doctor about diabetes testing is right for you so that you can monitor your health chart.

These are the five signs someone is at risk of developing diabetes. Remember, it is better to prevent than cure!

The best of healthy hair secrets

The best of healthy hair secrets that will determine the health of your hair. There is no secret about the state and health of the scalp as a fertile soil, clean scalp ensures that your hair grow long and healthy, because all of your efforts to try to take care of it. Your scalp produces healthy cells to replace diseased or dead, and if the process is not done correctly, it would go something is not right with your hair.

One of the best ways is to improve this important process, shampoo and condition your hair regularly and correctly. Therefore we can say that a healthy scalp where skin well toned, flexible and dynamic. When the scalp is flexible, it is a healthy network of blood vessels and connective tissue delivery of oxygen and nutrients. Keep the scalp clean to stay healthy.

Another thing that you should know about is how your scalp pores and hair follicles become clogged and blocked. Hair and heavy oils are usually the main cause. You must remember that your scalp produces sebum some of them and thus can not be too much extra oil. Use hair care products are also on the scalp, it is dryness and scalp reacts by creating more sebum. This can be solved by washing, conditioning and moisturizing often.

You have to learn not only hair care products use harsh ingredients like sodium sulphate soft and ammonium sulfate. Suggested per week using moisturizing shampoo at least once. If you swim regularly, you should always remember to wash with a chelating shampoo to remove. The entire chlorine should be followed by a moisturizer and conditioner. If you go to the gym and sweat, you should remove your scalp wash with cold water. Layer is too salty

Your scalp should be maintained, and you have to try a diet that helps in this direction eat. Because hair is a link in the body, one of the last areas of preserved foods. This means that if you eat healthy and get. No diet Your diet should be done with lots of fruits and fresh vegetables. You should try to eat full of B vitamins, such as whole grains and beans.

The best of these healthy hair secrets you might be able to practice their own home or a better-hair expert consultation on the more experience.

Recognize vitiligo, white patches on the skin

Recognize vitiligo, white patches on the skin
Illustration vitiligo. © Thinkstock photos / Getty Images
Recognize vitiligo, white patches on the skin - Vitiligo also known as leucoderma is a condition that causes the appearance of white patches on the skin. Millions of people from all kinds of race and ethnicity in the world have become victims of this skin disease. Vitiligo can occur in all areas of the skin, especially the hands and face, as reported by the Health Me Up.

What causes it?

Vitiligo can occur in all areas of the skin including the scalp, mouth, or skin in the genital area. Patches on the head can turn into white. This happens because the cells are in charge of producing the color of the skin, called melanocytes, die.

Until now researchers have not yet fully understand the cause of cell death. There are many factors such as genetics, immune system failure, and increased free radicals which cause damage that may be causing this. While some factors such as injury to the skin and sunburn can worsen vitiligo that has emerged.

Some things that could be considered as increasing the risk of vitiligo, although there is no valid evidence to support it. Some of these include stress, pregnancy, and pain. Lack of vitamin B12, folate, copper, and zinc are also thought to be related to the appearance of vitiligo. In addition, people who have parents with a history of vitiligo are also known to be more at risk of developing vitiligo.

Is the disease contagious?

Vitiligo is not infectious in nature, because it can not be transmitted through touch, sharing personal items, saliva, or sexual intercourse. Vitiligo is also known to be associated with skin cancer, albino, or leprosy.

How do I fix this?

Previously you had to first convince you that the experience is vitiligo. Meet dermatologists to assure that you are experiencing is vitiligo. Some skin diseases can look similar to vitiligo, such as eczema, sun allergy, fungal infection, and others.

Although I can not be transmitted, unfortunately this disease can not be cured by a variety of drugs. Even so the spread of the disease can be prevented and slowed with medication that helps bring back the lost color. Talk with your doctor the best care you can get.

Those are some things you should know about vitiligo. If you find the appearance of white patches on the skin do not panic just yet. Check with your doctor if you are completely exposed vitiligo or other diseases.

Beware, heart failure can increase the risk of cancer

Beware, heart failure can increase the risk of cancer
Illustration of heart failure. © / Dan Kosmayer
Beware, heart failure can increase the risk of cancer - Turns heart failure and cancer risk are related. At least that's what was discovered by researchers in Minnesota. Their latest research shows that people with heart failure are more at risk of getting cancer.

Yet these findings do not necessarily indicate evidence that heart failure, which occurs when the heart fails to pump enough blood throughout the body, can cause cancer. Scientists said it will conduct further studies to clarify the relation.

"People do not consider the link between heart failure and cancer, at least they do not expect to get cancer after diagnosis of heart failure," said researcher Dr. Adrian Hernandez of Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, as reported by Reuters.

But Dr Sudhir Kushwaha, researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester explains that the association of these two diseases are quite reasonable. This is because the organs are deprived of blood and oxygen due to heart failure might run into problems. Kushwaha emphasizes that heart failure patients should always be vigilant about any new symptoms that appear.

The results obtained after the researchers observed 961 patients with heart failure with people who do not have heart disease. After eight years, 244 people were still in the study diagnosed with various cancers.

After considering various factors such as the risk that participants held the weight and smoking habits, Kushwaha and colleagues found that patients with heart failure have a 68 percent chance of developing cancer is higher than participants who did not have heart failure.

Kushwaha research group revealed several reasons that could explain the link they found. Some heart medications can increase the risk of cancer, or stress, and inflammation of heart failure can also lead to cancer because the organ is starved of oxygen. In addition, the frequency of screening performed by patients with heart failure are also considered to be the cause.

Aspirin may lower the risk of colon cancer

Aspirin may lower the risk of colon cancer
Illustration aspirin. © / Zadorozhnyi Viktor
Aspirin may lower the risk of colon cancer - Known as aspirin or painkillers could actually reduce a person's risk of colon cancer, says a new study. However, this effect seems limited to those without the genetic mutation associated with tumor risk.

"This study supports the use of aspirin for the prevention of colon cancer, but keep in mind that not all types of colon cancer can be treated equally and equitably," said study author Dr. Andrew Chan of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, as reported by CBS News.

Aspirin is a drug commonly used to reduce inflammation, pain, and muscle pain. Many people who take aspirin to prevent heart attacks and other heart problems.

Before this has been associated with aspirin is an anti-cancer agent. Research at Stanford University in March found that taking aspirin could reduce the risk of melanoma, which is a form of skin cancer is the most lethal. Research also suggests that aspirin may protect against liver and colon cancer, as well as reducing the risk of death from cancer.

However, other research has also linked aspirin with health problems. Several studies have shown that aspirin can increase the risk of age-related blindness and bleeding on the inside of the body.

Through the observation of two studies involving 127 865 people in 1980 until around 2012. Researchers found 1,200 cases of colon cancer during the study was run. They also found that regular aspirin intake associated with reduced risk of colon cancer by 27 percent. But this happens only in participants who were not associated with mutations in the BRAF gene. BRAF gene is a gene mutation that can cause normal cells into cancer cells.

The more aspirin are consumed every week, getting lower colon cancer risk is also owned by the participants. Through his research, Chan also found that colon cancer patients who took aspirin had a possibility to live longer than patients who did not take aspirin.

A simple way to prevent heart attacks

A simple way to prevent heart attacks
Illustration laugh. © / Robert Kneschke
A simple way to prevent heart attacks - Heart disease is one of the world's deadliest diseases. Actually, this disease can be prevented from the outset. However, many people shrugged. To keep it healthy and do not have a heart attack, follow the tips below reported Mind Body Green.

Do not smoke

Smoking is a poison that can kill you at any time. May initially very hard to let go of cigarette addiction, but believe me you will be healthier without tobacco.


You want to be healthy but do not exercise at all? The result is a big zero. Instead you will be infected with many diseases if not ever exercise. You do not need to come to the fitness center to get a fitter body. Enough walking for 15 minutes while breathing fresh air. Besides making your mind fresh, this activity makes the heart healthy!

Manage stress

Stress triggers why you could develop heart disease. For that you must be good at managing stress. Never too late to think of problems, do not easily angered and enjoy your life. Live only once so why contrived hard?

Be more social

Having a lot of friends, family and spending time with fun is the most effective prevention of heart attacks. Conversely, if you do not want to hang out, you'll be faster stress. It will kill you slowly.

This simple way to make you happier and fitter, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

The vegetables should be avoided diabetics

The vegetables should be avoided diabetics
Illustration of roasted corn. © 2013 / Shutterstock / stockcreations
The vegetables should be avoided diabetics - Once you are diagnosed with diabetes, you should be someone who should be smart food choices. That is why, all diabetics should know what they can eat and they can not eat. Most of us think that all kinds of vegetables for a healthy body. However, not all vegetables can be eaten by diabetics. Here is a vegetable that should be avoided diabetics, as reported Boldsky.

1. potato

Besides having a slightly sweet taste, potatoes also contain fats and starches. That is why, you should avoid processed potatoes in any form.

2. Nuts

Nuts may be sweet but it contains a lot of starch. You would still be eating a variety of beans. However, you should only be eaten boiled or roasted peanuts and in limited portions.

3. tomatoes

Tomato is technically a fruit but a lot of us use it as a vegetable. Tomatoes have citric acid but they are basically sweet. It is best to avoid raw tomatoes in the salad mix. Also, minimize the use of tomatoes while cooking.

4. corn

Corn is basically a vegetable with a sweet flavor. These vegetables also contain a lot of starch. If you are diabetic, avoid eating corn in any form.

5. sweet potato

Sweet potatoes have less starch than the potatoes, but potatoes have a higher glycemic index. Although sweet potatoes healthy, diabetics should avoid these foods.

These are the five vegetables that should be avoided by diabetics. Remember, people with diabetes should be more selective in choosing food.

Botox injections can apparently control the heartbeat

Botox injections can apparently control the heartbeat
Illustration botox. © / Poznyakov
Botox injections can apparently control the heartbeat - Hear the word Botox, which is on your mind must be beauty treatments and injections to make skin wrinkle free and youthful. However, recently researchers discovered other benefits of botox injections, which control the erratic heartbeat.

If Botox is injected in the fat around the heart, he will stop the nerve causes the heart rate abysmally. With this injection, the heart rate will return to normal and calm. This treatment is performed on patients who have atrial fibrillation, the heart rate abnormalities.

Atrial fibrillation occurs when the heart chambers to contract is not in harmony. Usually this is caused by an error on the part of the body triggers the heartbeat. This error signal is then sent to the heart tissue and causes it to contract at the wrong time. Such abnormalities increases as a person gets older.

In some cases patients with atrial fibrillation will experience fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and reduced ability to exercise. Other symptoms are loss of blood being pumped around the body. This can be caused by smoking or drinking alcohol.

Botox works by stopping the signals sent between nerve and muscle, as reported by the Daily Mail. When used for beauty treatments, Botox can freeze the muscles around the eyes, mouth, and forehead, thus making wrinkles more subtle and invisible.

This method has been tested on 60 patients who have heart surgery. Atrial fibrillation is one of the side effects of heart surgery, and the condition is likely to get even worse up to 50 percent.

Food is a powerful colon cleanse

Food is a powerful colon cleanse
Illustration of lemon tea. © 2013
Food is a powerful colon cleanse - The large intestine is the last part of the digestive system of the human body. The job of the colon is to absorb water, sodium, vitamins, and fat soluble. Pembersihkan colon is very important to do because it can promote a healthy digestive system and prevent colon cancer. Here is a healthy food that can cleanse your colon, as reported Boldsky.

1. Lemon

Lemon is known to cleanse the colon. Lemon can also improve digestion so that you are free from the risk of constipation.

2. green spinach

Green leafy vegetables are known as super foods that are widely used to improve the digestive system. These vegetables are also rich in fiber so that you can be free from the risk of constipation or difficult bowel movements.

3. garlic

We all know that garlic has many health and beauty benefits. It can also cleanse your colon you know.

4. yogurt

In addition to fighting stomach problems, yogurt is the best medicine to help maintain digestive health and cleanse the colon.

5. avocado

The fruit is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and oils that improve digestion. Omega-3 acts as a lubricant to the intestinal wall. All waste food particles and toxins trapped into it and also remove toxins from the body.

6. green tea

Green tea helps in weight loss and also improves digestion. Green tea is also known to cleanse the colon.

Here's six healthy food that you can eat to cleanse the colon. Good luck!

6 How to make home more fresh air

6 How to make home more fresh air
Illustration clean room. ©
6 How to make home more fresh air - Pollution is already commonplace thing we encounter every day, both on the highway when leaving for work or in front of the house, when many vehicles milling about. To that end, it shall in the house to 'escape' are comfortable and provide fresh air and quality for us.

Here are some ways you can do to improve air quality in the home. This will make the air in the home is more refreshing, as reported by Reader Digest Asia.

1. Front door

Keeping the house clean is one way to improve air quality. You should put up a strong mat in front of the door so that no dirt of sandals or shoes that carried over into the home. Make sure you install the mat vertically, so that one must pass through several times before entering the house and make your feet become cleaner.

2. Paint the walls

Make no mistake, odors produced by wall paint can also interfere with your breathing if left in a long time. Inhalation of dust and lead paint can cause brain damage. Make sure your paint does not contain lead. You can test it before using the paint.

3. Household cleaners and pesticides

To avoid harmful chemicals, use detergent-based products and environmentally friendly. If you get a warning such as 'dangerous', 'flammable' and the other, you should look for another product.

4. Closed window

If you live in an area that is not polluted, open the windows could be a good thing because it allows fresh air into the house. But if you are in a polluted area, better think again before opening the window. Note also the existence of a gap opens in the window. Cracks are open all year round can remove the smell coming from the furniture polish. Moreover, this will reduce the humidity in the house. If you have allergies, you should buy an air purifier with a high efficiency. For tobacco and cigarette smoke, you should use an air purifier filter containing activated carbon.

5. Product or furniture from plywood

Furniture or furniture made of wood such as plywood panels, cabinets, or other products that are assembled typically use urea-formaldehyde and adhesives. Secondly it is known as a carcinogen that can harm humans. Formaldehyde can irritate the respiratory tract and can aggravate allergic reactions. Should select furniture and furnishings are made of metal or hard wood and quality.

6. Air-conditioning (AC)

Both types of central air conditioning or window shape can be breeding germs and fungi, especially if the object is rarely used. If you use air conditioning at home, you should do the cleaning as frequent water changes and replace the filter. With good care and regularly will reduce the possibility of bacteria and fungi in the air conditioning or window.

Those are some things you can do to improve the air quality inside the home. Always remember that a clean home is important to keep the air clean. In addition, also be careful when choosing household products, especially those containing chemicals and strong odors.

The content of caffeine in drugs increase the risk of stroke

The content of caffeine in drugs increase the risk of stroke
Illustration of drugs. ©
The content of caffeine in drugs increase the risk of stroke - Quite often we find that the caffeine in the composition of common drugs are sold freely on the market or pharmacy. From now on, you should be wary if the caffeine found in drugs consumed. Because a study in Korea found evidence that the caffeine content in the medicine can increase the risk of stroke by two or three times.

The results of this study contradict previous research which states that coffee and tea can strengthen protective effect on the heart. However, the authors also explain that the two studies appear contradictory this may have common ground. People who consume less coffee or tea are known to be affected by drugs that contain caffeine.

What's more, researchers found that caffeine could be contained in a variety of drugs, ranging from ordinary painkillers, or cold medicines are sold in general and widely consumed by the public, as reported by the NY Daily News.

"Caffeine has properties that cause the blood vessels to tighten and increase the pressure on the blood flow," said lead researcher Nam-Kyong Choi from Seoul national University College of Medicine.

These results were found after researchers observed 940 adult patients who had a stroke. They compared the drugs consumed, and found that people in medicine containing caffeine are more likely two to three times the stroke.

However, when compared with the coffee drinking habits, researchers found that participants who had a habit of drinking coffee every day and taking medications that contain caffeine does not seem to have a pretty big risk.

The discovery was actually quite strange because coffee and tea contain more caffeine than are contained in medicines. Even so Choi assume that coffee or tea may contain substances that are useful and reduce the effects of caffeine in it. Although the finding that caffeine can increase the risk of stroke, but Choi still do not know the mechanism.

Soft drinks caused cardiac dysrhythmia

Soft drinks caused cardiac dysrhythmia
Illustration of soda. © Shutterstock / LI CHAOSHU
Soft drinks caused cardiac dysrhythmia - Eating too many fizzy drinks can make people pass out or trigger an irregular heartbeat, according to recent research. This is called an arrhythmia that can make people easy to faint, have an irregular heartbeat, and make people easily gain weight.

These results were presented by researchers at the EHRA EUROPACE 2013 in Athens. Through abstract made ​​by Dr. Naima Zarqane and Professor Nadir Saoudi of Princess Grace Hospital Centre in Monaco shows that excessive consumption of soft drinks lower the intake of potassium can cause severe arrhythmia causing death.

"This study emphasizes the importance for doctors and health experts to determine the medical history in detail with patients who have unexplained arrhythmia, they also need to know that undergone by the patient's diet and food intake," said Professor Andreas Goette of the EHRA Scientific Programme Committee, as reported by the Daily Mail.

The meeting was also uncovered six cases studies showing that excessive consumption of soft drinks may cause some medical conditions such as skeletal muscle tissue damage, irregular heartbeat, and death.

According to researchers, there are two possibilities linking soft drinks with potassium levels in the blood. High amount of artificial sweetener in soft drinks to prevent water to be absorbed by the intestine and cause a person to experience diarrhea.

This causes the body loses too much fluid dispense potassium from the body. In addition, the caffeine in soft drinks are also likely to have effects on the kidneys, thereby reducing the amount of potassium absorbed back.

More evidence of powerful breast cancer prevention

We have previously pointed to the strong evidence that use of selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) substantially reduces risk of breast cancer. New updated data has been published in the British journal Lancet (May 25, 2013). The original data from all patients in a number of trials of these agents for prevention for breast cancer were combined using common analytic methods. The authors report that across 9 prevention trials and 83,339 women randomized to SERMS and followed for an average of 65 months, had a significant 36% reduction in invasive breast cancer. The reduction in risk is stronger for estrogen receptor positive breast cancer.

New insights in this report include the protection from taking SERMs persists for 5 or more years after stopping. Also risk of vertebral (spine) fractures was significantly reduced by 34%. This improves the benefit to risk trade-off that this and other drug based prevention strategies require.

The good news is that the adverse effects form taking SERMs are now well documented and low frequency.

From this analysis the authors draw on the extended follow-up and estimate that for every 42 women treated with a SERM for 5 years one case of breast cancer will be prevented within 10 years of beginning therapy.  This is similar to our early post in which we pointed to our paper from 2008 showing that for 5 years of use among women 65 to 69 one case of invasive breast cancer would be prevented for every 43 women treated, and for women 60 to 64 in the top 10% of breast cancer risk in the population, one case would be prevented for every 53 women given the chemoprevention drug.

We recently noted that use of SERMs is much lower than might be expected given the substantial reduction in breast cancer with use of these drugs. The FDA approved the use of Tamoxifen for primary prevention of breast cancer in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women at high risk. This approval was in 1998. In 2007, the FDA approved Raloxifene for primary prevention of breast cancer among postmenopausal women.

And for breast cancer prevention, see: Cancer News in Context: Breast cancer prevention