Poverty and Tobacco: A Time for Grand Visions

Tracking the health news over the past few months, there's been one very intriguing trend that has stood out to us here at CNiC:  Grand Visions.
Two examples of this that have huge implications for health are the push for eliminating extreme global poverty by 2030 and very serious discussions about moving toward an endgame for tobacco - pushing tobacco use nationally and globally toward, or very near, zero.  

For each, the stage seems set for success.

In a moving speech on Poverty, Health, and Human Future to the World Health Assembly this month, World Bank President, Jim Yong Kim, made the compelling case that visions for a poverty-free world are possible by 2030. Speaking, he said:
 A generation must rise that will drive poverty from the earth. We can be that generation. A generation must rise that will end the scourge of inequality that divides and destabilizes societies. We can be that generation. A generation must rise that will bring effective health services to every person in every community in every country in the world. We will be that generation, and you—members of this Assembly—will lead the way.
Yes, I’m optimistic. I’m optimistic because I know what global health has already achieved—what you have achieved.
Such a goal does take optimism, yet the numbers seem to point toward will and hard work as the deciding factors rather than hope and luck.  Even the often staid Economist wrote that there's an "astonishing chance to take a billion people out of poverty by 2030." 

Astonishing, as well, would be the elimination of tobacco from the national and global landscape, and a supplemental issue of the British Medical Journal: Tobacco Control is dedicated to a serious discussion of real moves in that direction.  In the opening editorial, Elizabeth Smith writes:
The need for an endgame comes from the recognition that we do not have to accept the industrial marketing of tobacco, and that current policies—successful as they have often been—will likely not make the tobacco problem disappear. Those policies were never intended to eliminate the tobacco industry; the best case scenario they offer involves endless skirmishes with the industry's ongoing attempts to expand its markets and thwart regulation. Discussion of an endgame can inspire new visions of the possible.
Even though great strides have been made against tobacco over the last number of decades, it remains a scourge on public health and is used and sold at rates that should be unthinkable.  It's encouraging to see that the time has finally come to consider tobacco's endgame - a process that is likely to be long and difficult, but one that should remain a goal as we all move forward.  

A world free of extreme poverty and tobacco is hard for most of us to imagine today, but the seeds are there and starting to grow.  The positive impact such achievements would have on national and global rates of disease and mortality would be truly astounding.

Let the endgames begin.

Cigarettes are more deadly for passive smokers

Cigarettes are more deadly for passive smokers
illustration quit smoking. © 2012 Merdeka.com
Cigarettes are more deadly for passive smokersSmoking kills around six million people every year. Ironically, more than 600,000 people die from smoking each year found to have never smoked. They die from exposure to secondhand smoke and continue to inhale other people's smoke.

It is an ironic fact given by the World Health Organization (WHO). By Dr. Ullas Batra from New Delhi, about 66 percent of cigarette smoke is not inhaled by the smoker, but going into the air and inhaled by other people around who do not smoke.

Exposure to secondhand smoke is more dangerous and deadly than being an active smoker. This is because passive smokers inhale more nicotine and tar is removed by active smokers. Not only that, passive smokers also inhale more carbon monoxide and ammonia camium containing very high amounts. Also contains carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide poisonous gas that can be deadly.

With the presence of such hazardous substances, passive smokers 25 percent higher risk of developing lung disease and a 10 percent higher risk of heart disease, as reported by Health Me Up. Even so, the effects of smoking can be different for many people. For people who are sensitive, inhaling cigarette smoke in a short time can cause cancer.

People who smoke are not only harming themselves, but also others. Many people who die from cancer and lung diseases, even though they do not smoke. It's good the government began to enforce a ban on smoking in public places or in certain environments.

Quitting smoking is the best way to prevent illness and death for both active and passive smokers. If there are people smoking around you, do not hesitate to remind them, because they can turn off the smoke for you.

5 Ways to prevent mother to child obesity

5 Ways to prevent mother to child obesity
lustration mother and child. © Shutterstock / Dmitry Ersler
5 Ways to prevent mother to child obesity - Since childhood, the child's diet should be monitored in order to maintain health and well-balanced weight. Mothers can prevent obesity in children, as reported by The Telegraph the following.

Do not make separate meals

Just because kids like picky eaters, do not create a separate menu for them. Instead, learn to make kids love all kinds of healthy foods that you cook yourself.

Always have vegetables and fruits

Best diet should contain healthy vegetables. Meanwhile, the fruit must also be at home as a snack for children and other family members. Avoid chips and other unhealthy foods as a snack.

Buying seasonal produce

In addition to less expensive, seasonal products obviously much fresher. You can also maximize the processing methods of healthy foods in various forms.

Cook fast and healthy

In addition to healthy food can also be cooked quickly. For example, make a salad or a healthy sandwich. If children are taught from childhood to love healthy food, until today they would still get used to eating them.

Involve children while cooking

You can also invite children to shop, cook, and involve them in all things while preparing food. That way, they will learn to recognize a variety of vegetables and want to eat them on a regular basis.

So many ways to prevent maternal obesity in children. The point is, get used to eating healthy foods so that the child's weight is always awake.

In order to wake up more cheerful, these tips!

In order to wake up more cheerful, these tips!
Illustration of waking. © 2012 Merdeka.com
In order to wake up more cheerful, these tips! - Perhaps there are many of you who feel lazy to get up early. Wake up in the morning is annoying and difficult to run. But get up early to have many health benefits. To wake up in the morning you happier, follow these tips as reported Boldsky the following:

Change the alarm tone

Some psychiatrists say that the tone of the voice alarm is one of the most hated in the world. Rather than get angry with alarm switch your alarm tone to sound funny, tuneful not the hustle and bustle that you get up a good mood.

Open curtains

When there is no alarm sound, people woke up to the sun exposure. So open your bedroom curtains to greet the morning sun. This is one of the easiest ways to get up with healthy and happy.

Play music instead of turning on the television

If you want to get rid of drowsiness in the morning, listen to music passionately. Do not turn on the TV as soon as you wake up. TV makes you passive and groggy.

Early bath

The best way to take a shower as you brush your teeth. This will wipe the sleep from your body rest. It is very healthy and helps you to get in a good mood.

Make love

Morning sex is the best way to start your day. This activity also gives you some much needed physical exercise.

The above tips are some of the best ways to wake up in a good mood. Which one is the best fit for you?

7 Consider this before blood donation!

7 Consider this before blood donation!
Illustration of blood donors. © Shutterstock/oksana2010
7 Consider this before blood donation! - Blood donation is a noble and healthy habits. But there are some things to consider before you donate blood. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Mag for Women following.

Why should blood donation?

Blood donation is one way you help others. You also get the health benefits of these habits. For example, maintaining cardiovascular health, reduce iron levels, and prevent other diseases.

How to donate blood

There are two ways to donate blood. The first is to donate whole blood. The second one is to donate certain components in the blood, such as red blood cells.

How often should blood donation?

To donate whole blood, you can do it every 56 days. Berdonor once, you'll want to do these habits on a regular basis.

Who can berdonor?

Anyone can, as long as he was already past 17 ​​years old and weight at least 55 pounds. If you have a tattoo, wait a year after wearing it. People who just should wait until the pain is also really healthy for berdonor. Menstruating women are prohibited from blood donors.

Eat what before blood donation?

Enjoy food with high iron levels before blood donation. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Do not fast before blood donation day and avoid alcohol or other bad habits.

Is blood donation sick?

Dependent, because relatively speaking ill for many people. But if it is used, donor blood will not hurt at all.

Is blood donation safe?

Needles used to inject the body is only used once and then discarded after completion. Various tests were conducted to ensure that the donor's healthy and safe blood donated in others.

Those are some things to consider before blood donation. Have you done this habit on a regular basis?

10 Ways to enjoy delicious fiber

10 Ways to enjoy delicious fiber
Illustration of fiber. © Shutterstock / Scorpp
10 Ways to enjoy delicious fiber - Bread and wheat pasta looked rich in fiber. But it's not delicious as one might imagine a lot of people. In order to meet the needs of fiber, you can still enjoy a delicious way as quoted from Care2 following.
  1. If used to enjoy white bread, slowly enjoy wheat bread bit by bit. Then leave entirely new consumption of white bread and replace it with wheat bread.
  2. Like nuts? If so, good news for you. Because nuts are also a good source of fiber.
  3. Eating apples and pears with the skin at the same time, the article a second skin of the fruit contains fiber which is quite a lot.
  4. Make berries and raisins as a topping on top of cereal or toast. Besides being delicious, these foods are also rich in fiber clear.
  5. Steamed or baked potato with skin is also a good source of fiber. It's also filled with delicious other nutrients.
  6. Avocado fruit, not only rich in fiber but also potent lowering bad cholesterol. You can eat it directly or processed into juice.
  7. Whole grains are high in fiber and other nutrients have. If you feel too heavy grain for consumption, enjoy piecemeal advance.
  8. Arab beans or chickpeas are the next meal that can be enjoyed with delicious to increase fiber intake.
  9. Almonds are not only suitable snack enjoyed while relaxing, but also one of the tasty way to get fiber intake.
  10. Last delicious way to enjoy the fiber is oat and blueberry breakfast. Not only that, the food is also capable of digestion in the body.
So many delicious ways enjoy fibers. Make sure you meet the nutritional needs of the body on this one!

People with Alzheimer's tend to mimic the emotions of people around

People with Alzheimer's tend to mimic the emotions of people around
Alzheimer illustration. © 2012 Merdeka.com / Shutterstock / absolute
People with Alzheimer's tend to mimic the emotions of people around - Recent research has shown that people who suffer from Alzheimer's or memory problems tend to imitate the facial expressions of emotions and those around him. This mimics the process known as 'emotional contagion' and is common in people who have a mental problem.

This result was found by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (USCF). Emotional contagion is the basic form of empathy that makes someone can share their experiences and emotions of others, said lead researcher Virginia Sturm.

"Sense of calm trigger a sense of calm," said Dr. Sam Gandy, director of the Mount Sinai Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, New York City, as reported by U.S. News.

In the early stages of Alzheimer's or people with mental problems and memory, emotional contagion, or imitate the emotions of others around them is increasing. Tendency to imitate is even more noticeable in people with dementia.

"In Alzheimer's disease and dementia we think that some people experience increased sensitivity to other people's emotions. When health and their mental abilities decline, the introduction of emotion and sensitivity is increasing," said Sturm.

This study was conducted on 237 adults who have Alzheimer's disease and brain problems. It is known that the tendency to imitate emotions is increasing along with the increase in damage to the brain and nervous system.

Beware, alcohol can damage the eyes and skin

Beware, alcohol can damage the eyes and skin
Illustration of a woman drinking alcohol. © Shutterstock.com / Adam Gregor
Beware, alcohol can damage the eyes and skin - Alcohol is not only dangerous for your health but can also damage your skin and beauty. Alcohol makes the kidneys work harder all the time to remove toxins from the body. Not only that, alcohol also reduces the amount of vitamin A in the body.

Alcohol can accelerate the aging process by making skin dry. This is because alcohol makes the skin hydrated, while 'robbed' of vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is needed by the body to renew skin cells. When the body does not have enough vitamin A, skin becomes dry and wrinkled easily.

"The skin is dry and less susceptible to alcohol-induced fluid free radicals that cause many problems such as dark circles, dull skin, dark spots, rough skin texture, and wrinkles," says dermatologist Dr. Rickon Perreira of Mumbai, as reported by the Health Me Up.

Alcohol damage the skin beauty

Consuming too much alcohol can have a bad effect on the skin. If drinking alcohol is still being done, the adverse effects on the skin can become permanent. Alcohol can cause red skin, and easily irritated. In addition, alcohol can also affect the capillaries and blood vessels in the skin.

Addiction to alcohol can damage the capillaries and blood vessels. Causes the blood vessels in the skin and prominent red looks like webs spiders that look beautiful on the skin. Red vessels can also be seen in the eye, so many alcoholics who have red eyes and dry.

In addition, alcohol can also cause bloating and weight gain, and cause the appearance of cellulite. Alcohol makes you hard to get into a deep sleep and REM sleep stages, so it will cause your eyes have dark circles and puffiness. In other words, the alcohol will ruin your beauty.

Alcohol can cause blindness

In addition to affecting the health of skin and body, alcohol also has a very bad effect for eye health. In fact, addiction to alcohol can cause a loss of vision. Too much alcohol can suck all the nutrients out of the body necessary to maintain the health of organs, including the eyes.

Abnormalities caused by alcohol in the eye called 'alcoholic optic neuritis'. This disorder causes damage to the eye that can eventually lead to blindness. Not only the eyes, the hair is also affected by alcohol. Because alcohol reduces the intake of zinc in the body, it causes the hair to become dry and easily damaged, such as branching and broken.

Experts also warn that women are more easily influenced adverse effects of alcohol. alcohol metabolism in women different from men. Process fast metabolism makes women process alcohol faster on their blood flow, so that women also feel the ill effects of alcohol more quickly than men.

After knowing the adverse effects of alcohol on the beauty and health of your eyes above, you should think twice before consuming the drink.

Menopause accelerates heart disease in men

Menopause accelerates heart disease in men
Illustration of sad guy. © Shutterstock.com / Maria Sbytova
Menopause accelerates heart disease in men - Heart disease is not only life-threatening, but it can also reproductive body. A study in Poland found that heart disease, especially heart failure can accelerate the aging process and cause premature menopause in men (or also called andropause / andropausal syndrome).

The results obtained after the researchers observations of 232 men who had suffered heart failure at the age of 40-80 years and compared them with 362 healthy men the same age.

Professor Ewa A. Jankowska of Wroclar Medical University in Poland explained that when men get older, they are increasingly at risk of experiencing andropause or menopause, as well as the experience of sexual hormones such as testosterone deficiency, as reported by the Third Age.

This study shows that the andropause syndrome found in nearly a third of men who have had heart failure, no matter how old they are. In men aged 40-59 years, the risk of heart failure increased fourfold andropause. Meanwhile, the symptoms of andropause in men aged 60-80 years, who had experienced either heart failure or not, it turns out the same.

From these studies, scientists concluded that heart failure and heart disease can accelerate the natural aging process in men and cause them to feel the signs of early menopause or andropause.

New Report Makes Case for Physical Activity and Physical Education in Schools

In a time when school budgets are stressed and school performance is judged more and more on standardized test scores, it's understandable that certain aspects of the school day that can seem less-critical get cut back or cut out altogether.  Student physical activity and physical education has been one of those things slowly reduced over the years to make time and resources available for more classroom instruction.

While this can certainly seem to make sense given the academic mission of schools, a new report out from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) argues forcefully that such cuts in active time for students is a short-sighted fix that can ultimately hurt students and schools, since active kids are more productive, healthier, and perform better academically (see video below).

With half of students not meeting recommended levels of daily physical activity, reintegrating activity and physical education back into the school environment could have large payoffs not only in terms of short-term health and academic success but also in students' later adult lives, helping them be more productive and active members of their communities.

So important is regular activity, that the IOM recommends that it be recognized by the federal government, states, and school systems as a "core subject" because it is foundational to learning. And the new report provides a number of recommendations for integrating or improving the physical activity and physical education in schools.

Though there is no such thing as a magic bullet for good health, physical activity is as close to one as we'll ever get.  It lowers the risk of many important diseases, keeps weight in check, keeps people agile as they age, and provides a good boost to mental mood.  Laying the foundation for a life filled with enjoyable exercise and activity can't start too early, and the school setting is one of the best places to do this.

New Phase of CDC's No-Holds-Barred Anti-Smoking Campaign: "Talk with your doctor for help"

As we wrote about earlier this spring, the new "TIPS from a former smoker" campaign from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is gaining a lot of attention for its no-holds-barred effort to shock non-smokers into staying smoke-free and smokers into to quitting smoking - hopefully for good.

One primary thrust of the campaign is to get smokers to hook up with local, state, and federal resources (like 1-800-QUIT-NOW and smokefree.gov) for tools to help them quit.  While many smokers are able to quit cold turkey, there's very good evidence that smokers who get some kind of external help have a greater chance of eventually succeeding in dropping smoking once and for all.

As was recently highlighted in a nice piece in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the second phase of the TIPS campaign is just rolling out and builds on this approach by encouraging smokers to talk to their doctors about getting help quitting.  While most physicians today do a good job asking patients about their smoking history, there is still a lot of room for improvement - both in asking about a patient's smoking history and in effectively helping them quit.  Prompting patients to actively talk with physicians for help quitting can only further cement smoking as a key part of the patient-doctor relationship, kicking up the rate of successfully quitting along the way.

"Shared decision-making" is a key ideal of medical care moving forward - patient and doctor working together to make decisions that are best for the patient across a number of issues.  Talking together about the best way to quit smoking could be a great way to open that conversation or keep it going.

High blood pressure can be resisted with a paper clip?

High blood pressure can be resisted with a paper clip?
Illustration of a paper clip. © Shutterstock / Grounder
High blood pressure can be resisted with a paper clip? - High blood pressure can be controlled soon by implant a paperclip-like device on the inner thighs.

The implant procedure was take as long as 40 minutes and offers hope to thousands of people with high blood pressure or hypertension that does not respond to treatment through the consumption of drugs.

The implants are still in the testing phase at Barts Hypertension Clinic, part of Barts Health NHS Trust.

"Sometimes the medicine is not immune to fight hypertension. So it is important for people with high blood pressure to try other alternatives," said the director of the clinic, Dr Mel Lobo, as quoted by the Daily Mail.

Blood pressure is the pressure inside arteries. Pressure must be controlled to keep pushing blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

However, when arteries narrow, blood flow becomes impaired. Even greater pressure and heart work harder to pump blood.

Some natural ways to prevent high blood pressure is a healthy lifestyle. For example, reducing salt and alcohol intake, and exercise regularly.

Indeed, there are drugs that can reduce blood pressure. Unfortunately not all of these treatments effective nature.

Meanwhile, the metal implant with a shape similar to a paper clip is expected to help the patients of hypertension. Metal is mounted in the wall of veins and arteries to 'make a point' between two blood vessels.

Metal implant was making blood flow more smoothly in between the veins. Thus able to decrease blood pressure.

"Hopefully this implant beneficial to cardiovascular health and can reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke," said Dr. Lobo.

Lose weight in 24 hours

Lose weight in 24 hours
Illustration diet. © Shutterstock / Irina Yun
Lose weight in 24 hours - It is not possible if you could eliminate five pounds overnight. But still there is a way to lose weight gradually by taking a streamline method body within 24 hours, as quoted from The Stir following.

Limiting salt intake

Enjoying too much sodium is not good idea. Because eating excessive salt can cause bloating and make the heart work harder.

Rose from the couch

There is plenty of research that says that move could improve the performance of active digestion, meaning that it can support the weight loss process. So let's get up off the couch and moving more.

Drink lots of water

Easy and cheap, you can simply increase the water consumption for the sake of waging spending. In addition, water is also no calorie so it will not make weight swell again.

Often eat small portions

It is better to eat four times a day with small portions, rather than two or three times a day with large portions. That way, the system will work optimally metabolism.

How to eat right

Do not drink or taste the other food in the middle of your time enjoying healthy food. It interferes with the body's digestion and difficulty digesting nutrients that nourish.

Those are some tips to lose weight in 24 hours. Do it every day and make healthy habits to support you in shape!

4 Advantages thankful for health

4 Advantages thankful for health
Illustration of happy. © Shutterstock / Aleksandr Markin
Not just to get used to eating healthy and exercise alone can keep you from disease. You also should be diligent grateful every day. Listen thankful for the health benefits as reported by the Huffington Post following.

More energetic

A study says that grateful every day to make someone more enthusiastic, alert, and energized.

More diligent in exercising

Lazy sport? Start your day with the first journal that contains thanksgiving. Because feeling good about yourself can make you more optimistic and realize the importance of exercise for health.

Be happy

Poor mental state, such as stress, can lead to various health problems. If you do not want to experience it, familiarize yourself to be grateful to be happier and healthier.

More successful

People who reported more optimistic grateful diligent in achieving its goals. Including in the areas of health, academic, and career.

Also grateful not only be expressed by way of praying to God. You also grateful and say thank you to the people around you.

Tips to ward off lifestyle diseases

Tips to ward off lifestyle diseases
Illustration of woman stomach pain. © totalhealth.co.uk
Tips to ward off lifestyle diseases - Today many women are not just stay at home. They plunge into the professional world with work, equal to men. Although career, she is also required to manage the household. Undergo two activities is not an easy thing. As a result, many women who can not afford health care so susceptible to various diseases due to lifestyle.

Some diseases are related to lifestyle in women are:

  • Depression
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
  • Endometriosis
  • Thyroid disease
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome / hormonal disorders
Here's how to ward off diseases associated with lifestyle Idiva reported.
  • Try and bring a healthy lunch to work. Also, be sure to eat at the right time so as to avoid the acidity and other digestive problems.
  • Boost your immunity with foods rich in anti-oxidants and vitamins. Fruits and vegetables are the main source of healthy nutrition.
  • Keep your water intake at all times. A bottle of water at your desk is the perfect way to ensure adequate intake of water throughout the day.
  • Exercise. Does it go up and down stairs or even walking to the office when I got home from work. Be sure to remain active at all times.
  • Socializing with friends that spirit. This will reduce stress and help you develop a positive attitude.
Always keep in prime health so you can live a good life as a housewife and career woman.

5 Trivial things that harm the heart

5 Trivial things that harm the heart
Illustration of a heart attack. © Shutterstock / michaeljung
Heart attack is one of the main killers of the world. Want to reduce the risk of this disease? Stop the little things that can harm the heart as quoted from Care2 follows.


Or always angry, apparently harm the heart. For if revenge or anger, increased blood pressure and body vulnerable to free radicals. To avoid this, press emotions, multiply smile. Do not hesitate to apologize when wrong.

Beer belly

Also called belly fat from drinking alcohol. In addition to making the body posture looks ugly, beer belly also increase the risk of heart disease. Stop drinking alcohol if you do not want to have a heart attack.

Sitting too long

Lifestyle minimal movement can trigger heart disease. However, studies have shown that regular exercise can promote blood circulation and nourish the heart. In addition, the quota was filled because of lack of rest also endanger the health of the heart.

Especially the rise of obesity, can lead to heart disease. You actually do not need to diet. Set enough time enjoying eating each dish. Avoid snacking habits and other fatty foods.


Who would have thought, felt lonely it is also harmful to the heart. Various studies have even said that no friends can increase the risk of dying young. So do not hesitate to socialize, add your friends.

Those are some things that are considered trivial, but it turned out to harm the heart. Do not allow yourself to experience it.

Alert, often drinking soda make your teeth rot!

Alert, often drinking soda make your teeth rot!
Illustration of soda. © 2012 Merdeka.com / Shutterstock / Quayside
Recent studies reveal that drinking soda excessively can make rapid tooth decay and cracked. In fact, the adverse effects of soda called as bad as taking narcotics.

The research was conducted by Dr Mohamed Bassiouny, a professor of restorative dentistry at Temple University School of Dentistry in Philadelphia, USA. Mohamed examines a woman in her 30s who drink two liters of soda a day for nearly five years as a reference.

According to Mohamed, a woman who likes to drink soda has a similar problem with tooth decay experienced by someone who had been using methamphetamine for 29 years or addicted to cocaine for 51 years.

In addition, soda drinkers admitted that he had never seen a dentist in years.

"None of the affected tooth erosion can be saved," said Mohamed told U.S. News and World Report.

The study also found that sugar-free soda the same as regular soda, which can damage teeth if consumed in the same amount. This is because the acid content in soda.

Cinnamon, an antidote for Alzheimer's disease

Cinnamon, an antidote for Alzheimer's disease
Illustration of cinnamon. © 2013 Merdeka.com / Shutterstock / Chamille White
According to recent research published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, two compounds found in cinnamon may have a major role in delaying the onset of Alzheimer's disease, and may even prevent neurodegenerative conditions.

The researchers consisting of Roshni George and Donald Graves of the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, explains that cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin compounds in cinnamon can promise protection against the emergence of Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia.

They also say that these substances have been shown to prevent the formation of fibers in the brain are found in the brain cells that characterize Alzheimer's disease.

According to the researchers, as reported by RedOrbit, a protein known as tau is responsible for the assembly of microtubules in cells, and also play an important role in the structure and function of neurons.

In the case of Alzheimer's, when tau is not bound correctly on microtubules that form the structure of the cell, it will tend to clump together, which will eventually form a soluble fiber neurons.

Natural ways to treat epilepsy

Natural ways to treat epilepsy
Illustration of coconut drink. © 2013 Merdeka.com
Natural ways to treat epilepsy - Epilepsy is a brain disorder that can be life threatening if not treated properly. This condition occurs when neurons in the brain send wrong signals that cause seizures. In addition to seizures, patients may also experience mood swings, loss of consciousness, slowed body function or unconsciousness.

There are many causes of epilepsy and brain disorder that can affect both adults or infants. The brain sends electrical impulses that control muscle movement in the body. People suffering from epilepsy get excessive electrical impulses that lead to stiffness in muscles and causes a jerking reaction (seizures). The attacks stopped when the brain stops sending electrical impulses. Muscle stiffness, vomiting, salivation, urination sudden, unconscious, shaking of the arms and legs and memory loss are some of the common symptoms of epilepsy.

There are several home remedies that can help you deal with epilepsy. Let's refer to reviews of Boldsky!

1. Epsom salts

Epsom salt has magnesium which can control the electrical impulses from the brain out. Magnesium also reduces the risk of seizures caused by epilepsy.

2. Coconut water

You should drink coconut water and stay hydrated throughout the day so avoid seizure. Coconut water is the best medicine to treat dehydration.

3. Fluid

When sodium levels slows down, brain cells swell due to rising water, causing seizures. Drink plenty of healthy fluids such as fruit juices and water.

4. Milk

Calcium is a natural electrolyte that is needed by the body to maintain normal function of muscles, nerve conduction and blood clotting. Drinking milk is one of the best home remedies for epilepsy.

5. Garlic

This herb plant has been used to treat several medical conditions, including epilepsy. This is an effective home remedy in treating epilepsy. Boil water, milk and a clove of garlic that has been crushed. Drink this mixture once a day to reduce seizures.

These are some home remedies that can help you naturally cure epilepsy. Good luck!

Purple tomatoes, tastier and healthier

Purple tomatoes, tastier and healthier
Purple tomatoes. © dailymail.co.uk
Purple tomatoes, tastier and healthier - Tomatoes can be more delicious vegetables and two times more durable freshness, according to new research.

Researchers also said that the antioxidants in purple tomato genetically modified is the key to freshness and delicacy of these vegetables. Because the natural pigment in tomatoes slow cook process towards that usually triggers decay and weird taste.

Previously, other studies have also proven that the genetically modified purple tomato has anthocyanins that extend the life of mice with cancer.

Meanwhile, researchers from the John Innes Centre in Norway stated that there are several ways to produce a purple color in tomatoes. First, inject certain substances when tomatoes are still green. But that would ruin it. Then the second way is to plant varieties of tomatoes that are not too ripe and not too strong in taste.

As reported by the Daily Mail, researchers also found that the purple tomato more resistant to pests that usually attack when the harvest.

In addition to tomatoes, some fruit such as strawberries and blueberries actually can set the color to get the taste and health benefits greater.

Potatoes, vegetables are healthy cheap

Potatoes, vegetables are healthy cheap
Illustration potatoes. © Shutterstock/Dream79
Potatoes, vegetables are healthy cheap - Speaking of vegetables, potato is actually one of the most nutritional vegetables with good, according to research published in the journal PLoS ONE.

Dr. Adam Drewnowski, Director of Nutritional Sciences Program at the University of Washington to be exact conduct in-depth research on 98 different types of vegetables with his team. The vegetables include five sub-groups, such as dark green, orange or red, mealy, beans, and other vegetables.

Dr. Drewnowski and then using the data profiling method nutrition and food prices to achieve affordability index of purchasing power. As a result, green leafy vegetables does have the highest nutrition scores, but starchy vegetables (potatoes one) and beans is equally healthy and more accessible.

According to the researchers, the potato is one of the best sources of potassium (as nuts). Potatoes are also rich in fiber, vitamin C, and magnesium. All the nutrients that can be obtained by buying the cheap vegetables.

"People are always reminded to eat healthy. However they complain about the price of vegetables are expensive. Fact, potatoes are no less healthy at the same time easy to reach," said Dr. Drewnowski, as quoted from Red Orbit.

Previously, a study was never mentioned that potato consumption is associated with increased levels of potassium in the body.

Potassium itself is one of the nutrients that can help the body control blood pressure. As you know, high blood pressure is closely linked to risk of heart disease and stroke.

Marijuana and Pregnancy

Marijuana and Pregnancy

What is marijuana? Marijuana, also called pot, weed, or cannabis, is a recreational drug that comes from the hemp plant. Parts of the plant are dried and smoked in pipes or cigarettes (joints) or less commonly eaten. It is an illegal substance in the United States, except in some states that allow marijuana use by prescription for medical purposes.
How much is known about the effects of marijuana on a pregnancy?
Marijuana contains about 400 different chemicals and some marijuana cigarettes may contain other drugs or pesticides. It is very difficult to study the effects of marijuana use during pregnancy because some women who use marijuana may also use alcohol, tobacco, or other substances at the same time. They may also have other factors that can increase pregnancy complications, such as lack of prenatal care. In addition, accurate information on the amount, frequency, and timing of marijuana use is not usually available for study participants. These factors may help explain why we see inconsistent findings in the studies that have been published.
I am trying to become pregnant. Will marijuana use by myself or my partner lower my chance of becoming pregnant?
In women, long-term use of marijuana may affect the menstrual cycle and lead to a reduction in hormones involved in reproduction and fertility. In men, an association with reduced sperm count has been documented. These effects do not appear to totally prevent pregnancy, but may lower the chances. The effects on fertility appear to be reversible when marijuana is discontinued.
Will smoking or ingesting marijuana cause birth defects in my baby?
The frequency of birth defects was not higher than expected in the babies of 1246 women who reported smoking marijuana during pregnancy. However, most of the women in the study smoked only "occasionally." While this data is reassuring, in the absence of studies where women smoked more heavily, it is best to avoid marijuana during pregnancy

Marijuana and Pregnancy

Marijuana and Pregnancy

Marijuana and Pregnancy

Marijuana and Pregnancy

Marijuana and Pregnancy

Marijuana and Pregnancy

Marijuana and Pregnancy

Marijuana and Pregnancy

Marijuana and Pregnancy

Marijuana and Pregnancy

Marijuana and Pregnancy

Marijuana and Pregnancy

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is another common type of cancer. As the name suggests, skin cancer is a cancerous condition of skin.
Types of skin cancer
There are three types of skin cancers: basal cell skin cancer, squamous cell skin cancer and the dangerous malignant melanoma. Since skin cancer is very closely associated to skin pigmentation, the fair skinned people are more at risk of developing skin cancer as compared to the dark skinned ones.

Skin Cancer

The cause of skin cancer
Prolonged contact with direct sunlight is what causes skin cancer. The main culprit in the direct rays of sunlight is the UV radiation (i.e. Ultra violet rays). Thus most of the preventive action against skin cancer is concentrated on avoidance of UV rays.
Protection against skin cancer
Protection against skin cancer is probably easier than the protection against other types of skin cancer. Still, a number of people ignore it and become target of this dreaded disease. Here is a list of things that can protect you from skin cancer:

Skin Cancer
Clothing: Since skin cancer is caused by prolonged contact of UV rays with your skin, the more you cover your skin with clothing, the lesser is your risk of developing skin cancer. Full sleeved clothes, long skirts and trousers, big hats/caps, high necks etc are all helpful in preventing skin cancer.
Sun screen lotion: There are a number of skin care products available in markets that offer effective protection against skin cancer. Sun screen lotions and creams that have a SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 15 or more are much recommended for use.
Avoid exposure to UV rays: This is the best protection against skin cancer. If you can time your outdoor activity during those periods when the UV rays are less intense, you are automatically protected against UV rays. Thus getting out either early in the mornings of later in the evenings is the best.

Skin Cancer

Detection of skin cancer
The various techniques for protection against skin cancer can only reduce your risk of contacting skin cancer. If you are really unlucky (or if you have not taken the protective measures against skin cancer), you might still get affected by skin cancer. In such a case, early detection can make the difference between curability and non-curability. Timely consultation with a qualified doctor, regular check-ups and accurate diagnosis can prevent skin cancer from becoming really dangerous for you.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is such a disease that can occur to any individual. The medical experts till today could not specify the age group of occurrence. They could not either successfully reduce the chances of occurrence because every year the statistics of cancer patients is increasing. Skin cancer is not as harmful as the other types of cancers. The cancerous cells usually affect the other normal cells and impair the normal functioning of the organs. Hence cancer spreads to the other organs also. But a patient suffering from skin cancer does not face the same hazard. But yet a person experiences a very discomfort feeling because the skin is of the body is affected. The skin cancer is divided into two types. The type of skin depends upon the origination of the cells. In the United States the incidence has become so high that almost 1 million of the people are prone to skin cancer every year.

Skin Cancer

The symptoms of the cancers are usually not noted earlier. Initially, the cancer grows is the form of precancerous lesions known as dysplasia. This tumor is not a cancer but later on it develops cancerous cells within them. These tumors are actually benign in nature and the treatment of the tumors is also easy. But in case, they are neglected for a long period of time they becomes malignant. when the cancer has developed then it spreads to the other organs and affects the normal functioning of the skin.

Skin Cancer

There are three main categories of skin cancer. They are Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and melanoma. Melanoma occurs rarely and the rate of occurrence of BCC and SCC is 90% of the total cancers. These two types do not spread to the other organs thus impairing their normal functioning. But melanoma has the property of metastazing. Metastazing means spreading of the cancerous cells to the other organs. When SCC is caused then outer lining of the elliptical cells is affected. The BCC and SCC both the diseases are treated in the same way. Melanoma, as the disease is severe compared to the two diseases, it is treated with chemotherapy techniques because the disease is often spread to the other cells.

Skin Cancer

Like the other cancers, one should be aware of the skin cancer symptoms and hence we can start the treatment as early as possible. Till today, no one knows the exact symptoms that can be noticed before the occurrence of skin cancer, but factors like hereditary, earlier skin cancers can cause cancer easily. One should be aware of these factors. If somebody from the family is already suffering from skin cancer then the other members should take care of. The skin cancer originates from the moles of the skin that is known as dysplastic nevi. The disease is more easily caused to people who are aged. Now-a-days due to the sun exposure and the high level of radiation released by the sun or UV factors skin cancer can be caused very easily. One should avoid the sun burns or apply ointments that protect you from the harmful radiations of the sun.

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer