7 Habits Unhealthy men do

7 Habits Unhealthy men do
Illustration smoke. © Shutterstock/ra2studio
7 Habits Unhealthy men do - For a healthy body and mind, we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle right. In addition to following a good diet, we also need to maintain proper hygiene. When compared to women, most men still have unhealthy habits. Bad habits that can certainly worsen their health condition. Here are some unhealthy habits that are often done by men, as reported by Boldsky.

1. Smoke
This is one of the most unhealthy habit and often occurs in men. They feel that smoking is the best way to reduce stress. In contrast, only cigarette flavor disappears while stress and cigarette butts when it runs out, feeling it would come again.

2. Do not drink a lot of water
Men rarely drink plenty of water. This can lead to dehydration and constipation.

3. Mealtime
Men rarely eat on time. You must eat on time to maintain good health and avoid digestive problems.

4. Infrequent urination
Most of the men are too lazy to visit the bathroom. They drank a bit of water that is not too frequent urination. However, a bad habit that can lead to kidney stones.

5. Not change underwear
Most men have a habit of wearing the same underwear for days. To maintain genital hygiene, men must change underwear at least twice a day.

6. No showers
Most men feel lazy to take a shower every day. This is one of the unhealthy habits that are not only harmful to health, but also increases body heat.

7. Staying up late
Most men have a habit of sleeping late. They often feel sleepy before reaching at 12 or 1 am. That is why, men often feel tired the next day. Sleep on time is a healthy practice that should be done.

Here are seven habits that are not healthy are often committed by men. Avoid before you actually serious disease.


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