Married able to extend the age of patients with prostate cancer

Married able to extend the age of patients with prostate cancer
Illustration ill spouse. © Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images
Married able to extend the age of patients with prostate cancer - Men with prostate cancer and 40 percent were married had a lower risk of dying from the disease, according to new research.

Based on these studies, a happy marriage seems to be a 'weapon' that makes powerful men able to fight the disease.

Conversely, men with prostate cancer are divorced, single, or widowed wife tends to be shorter-old. That's because the effects of stress on the body aggravate their health conditions.

"This study proves that the marriage is indeed able to extend the age of men with prostate cancer," the researchers wrote in the Canadian Journal of Urology, as reported by the Daily Mail.

Cancer is not the only disease that can be warded off bad effects through marriage. Because the research from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore in 2010 ago also mentions that marriage can prevent arthritis attacks.


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