Different types of autism

Contrary to what some people think that autism is not a type of learning disability, but a complex neurological disorder that affects the development of the individual, language, communication skills and social skills. autism spectrum disorder, which means that there are different classifications of disease. It can range from very mild to what a person with a normal life, which until very severe cases where care.

Here's a look at the various types of autism spectrum disorders:

Autistic Disorder This is what most people think of when they hear the word "autism." This diagnosis refers to problems with communication, social interaction and imaginative play of children under three years of habits for toddler age children are diagnosed and the symptoms can range from mild to severe.

People with Asperger's tend to have a kind of good language skills and average intelligence or above and do well on standardized tests. However, the lack of social skills, can not communicate with their counterparts in the conventional way. It is a mild form of autism and children can succeed in school, but they have problems with their classmates were heavy, sometimes bizarre, diagnosed the child's behavior. Sometimes people are not diagnosed with Asperger's until they are teenagers or adults. With specialized training, they usually perform live and active community members.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) or atypical autism, there are other categories for people who do not clearly fall into one of the other specific categories. People who fall into this category, one or more characteristics of several categories of autism, but not the criteria for diagnosis.

Rett syndrome is that the girls, but very rarely. To develop the children with autism in general form for a few years and then worsen communication skills and social skills. Between 1 and 4 in old age, they stop using their hands begin to make conscious and repetitive hand movements

Children disintegration disorder (CDD) - It is a rare form of autism. Children with this disorder develop normally for the first two years of life, then begin to lose the majority of motor, language, social, communication skills and potty training.

Autism tends to run in families and among the people of all nations, races and socioeconomic levels. The researchers believe that certain genes affect the child's condition. It is very rare that the disease can be diagnosed at birth, but usually done before the child goes to school.


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