Closed windows jeopardize patient in hospital

Illustration of a hospital room. © / VILevi
Her hospital room had a window covered are known to increase a patient's risk for infection, according to new research. British scientists using carbon dioxide as a tracer gas when doing this experiment. They find out whether the infection will spread at a hospital with a room that usually contains up to 30 beds in one room.

"By measuring the concentration of carbon dioxide in a certain time, we can see the quantity of gas exposure on each patient and see the level of risk in these patients," said researcher Laura Pickin from the University of Leeds, as quoted by Health Day News (19/04) .

When the window is open space, pretty good indoor ventilation and the risk of infection is low. But the danger of infection is increased four-fold when the window is closed. It is the same even when the researchers tried the room containing only six or eight beds.

With natural ventilation from a window, the patient is safe from the risk of infection. But this soon changed when the windows were closed and replaced with air conditioning. European hospitals usually do this during the winter. In Indonesia, because there is no winter so it's good to keep the windows open whenever possible to avoid the spread of infection in patients.


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