Malaria: Symptoms and prevention

Illustration of malaria mosquito. © Shutterstock
Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite, is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. Attacks of fever and malaria cause symptoms of the disease often kills one million people each year worldwide.

In this World Malaria Day (25/04), you'll want to listen to more about the symptoms and prevention of the disease as reported by the Health Me Up below.

Symptoms after being bitten
  • shiver

  • high fever

  • Excessive sweating but decreased body temperature

  • headache

  • throw up

  • limp

  • other symptoms

  • hacking cough

  • muscle aches

  • back pain

  • enlargement of the spleen

In some cases, the cause of malaria parasites in the human body can survive for several months.

Meanwhile, an infection caused by the parasite P. falciparum is usually more serious and life threatening. So when feeling these symptoms, doctors handlers early is highly recommended.

  • Avoiding mosquito bites by wearing protective clothing

  • Use mosquito repellent cream

  • Installing mosquito nets

  • If you will be traveling to a place where lots of mosquitoes threatening, consult your doctor

  • Do not leave the house after dusk

  • Spraying insect repellent in the bedroom and the house of

Do not forget, keep your own health by eating nutritious foods and exercising regularly to improve the immune system and prevent malaria attack!


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