Cutting the umbilical cord too soon jeopardize the baby's health?

Cutting the umbilical cord too soon jeopardize the baby's health?
Illustration of a baby crying. ©
Cutting the umbilical cord too soon jeopardize the baby's health? - Cut the baby's umbilical cord too soon known to have negative consequences for the baby. Experts explain that cutting the umbilical cord too soon after birth can make baby at risk of iron deficiency.

Whereas up to now cut the baby's umbilical immediately after birth has become the basis of the procedures performed by medical experts. Current procedure is based on an agreement made ​​in 2007 when the experts agree that cutting the umbilical cord immediately is the best option. But professionals and experts to explain the need for change in the procedure.

A study conducted by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) published in 2009 explains that babies as soon as the umbilical cord is cut at birth have an increased risk of iron deficiency until the age of six months.

Iron is known to be extremely important for the early development of the infant brain. Lack of iron can be bad, especially cause problems in the baby's brain development.

Leaving the cord stays connected for a few minutes giving the blood a chance to get into the baby's body. Some experts recommend waiting until the umbilical cord stops working naturally, about two to five minutes after birth. Currently, some hospitals in the United States have begun to change that habit.

"Research shows that delaying cutting the baby's umbilical cord for at least 30 seconds can be useful for infants to prevent anemia. This provides an opportunity for blood to get into the baby's body, especially in the case of premature infants," said a spokesman for the RCOG, as reported by BBC (26/04).

Belinda Phipps, executive of the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) explains that when a baby is born, there is still a third of their blood in the placenta. Cut the placenta too quickly can cause the baby to suffer less blood loss and blood in the future.

8IGHT WAYS to Prevent Colon Cancer
As part of the Siteman Cancer Center's new colon cancer awareness campaign featuring St. Louis Cardinals player Matt Holliday and his mom who was recently diagnosed with the disease, we've just released the latest in the 8IGHT WAYS series:  8IGHT WAYS to Prevent Colon Cancer.

The "Cancer Doesn't Take a Holliday" campaign tells the compelling story of Kathy Holliday's diagnosis with cancer and the mother/son push to get the word out on the importance of colon cancer screening and prevention.

The new 8IGHT WAYS publication lays out the key steps for lowering the risk of the colon cancer.  It hits all the well-known behaviors - like, exercise, diet, weight, and screening - plus a few less well known - like vitamin D, calcium, and alcohol.

Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States, yet it's also one of the most preventable.  Seventy-five percent of all cases could be avoided by things most people can do.  The new 8IGHT WAYS is a great guide to taking healthy steps that can lower risk.

Download 8IGHT WAYS to Prevent Colon Cancer

More about the Cancer Doesn't Take a Holliday campaign

Zero Conflicts. Zero Ads: Cancer News in Context and the Your Disease Risk Tools

A disturbing - but unfortunately unsurprising - story last week in the New York Times details the Wild West approach many online organizations take with people's personal  health information. With flimsy or no consent, data brokers profile individuals based on web searches and other online activities and sell this information to groups interested in using those data.

While the practice of selling aggregate and anonymous data has been around for years, the move to selling personal details (including addresses and phone numbers) of people's lives is a newer and growing practice that has broader implications.  Privacy advocates are rightfully up in arms.  

The sharing of these personal details about health, finances, and academics can impact many parts of a person's life, from employability to health insurance coverage to access to mortgages and business loans.  That the personal details are often inaccurate makes the practice even more disturbing.  

Senator John D. Rockefeller, IV, who is spearheading efforts, along with other advocates, to combat such practices and protect key aspects of personal privacy paints a gloomy picture of where things currently stand on the issue:  “What is of you, they can have.”

Standing out against this trend, we at Cancer News in Context have always placed personal privacy as a top priority of our websites and risk assessment tools - and have been highlighted for our practices in the New York Times - A Better Health Quiz.  We never sell or share any personal data or collect ad revenue of any kind.  

Pregnant Drinking Green Tea, Is it safe?

Pregnant Drinking Green Tea, Is it safe?
Illustration of pregnant women drinking tea (dok: Thinkstock)
Pregnant Drinking Green Tea, Is it safe? - Green tea has many health benefits. No wonder the drinks or green tea products is sought and consumed all ages to get the benefits. But be careful, green tea also has side effects if taken while pregnant.

Well, fans of green tea should consult with your doctor before taking green tea. Quoted from Boldsky, the following are some risks of green tea consumption during pregnancy:

1. Affect the level of folic acid
Increased consumption of green tea can affect the levels of folic acid in the body. Folate deficiency can cause neural defects in babies, such as spina bifida, in which the tube around the central nervous system fails to close completely.

2. Caffeine
Remember that green tea also contains caffeine in moderation. Experts advise to keep the amount of caffeine intake during pregnancy.

3. Affect iron absorption
Too much green tea can affect your health because it can reduce the absorption of iron in the body. Iron is essential during pregnancy, so it is recommended to enjoy green tea in sufficient quantities during pregnancy.

4. Low birth weight for babies
Increased intake of green tea found to be associated with low birth weight in infants. It is considered as the effect of caffeine in green tea. Green tea contains 20-50 mg of caffeine per serving depending on different varieties.

5. Dehydration
Because caffeine is a diuretic, increased consumption of green tea can affect your health by making the body dehydrated. Diuretics cause increased excretion of water, so do not be too much to eat.

6. Caffeine into placenta
Caffeine will reach the baby through your blood circulation by crossing the placenta. Your baby's metabolism is not mature enough so it can not fully metabolize the caffeine.

All this is based on studies showing that green tea results risk during pregnancy. Well, the consumption of green tea should taste during your pregnancy.

8 food affects the quality of sleep

8 food affects the quality of sleep
Illustration almonds. © Shutterstock / Diana Taliun
8 food affects the quality of sleep - We all know that coffee is not recommended to drink before bed because it can cause insomnia. But in addition to coffee, it turns out there are many other foods that affect the quality of sleep. What is it? Listen more, as reported from this Care2 follows.


  • Almond, as rich in magnesium, tryptophan, and melatonin, eating beans on this one as a snack at night can make you a more restful sleep.
  • Oatmeal, mostly enjoyed as breakfast, but there is no harm in eating oatmeal before bed. Because nutrients in them such as magnesium, potassium, potassium, and phosphorus can improve sleep quality.
  • Raspberry or cherry tarts, source of melatonin which supports restful sleep. Besides being delicious, these two foods are highly recommended to be consumed before bed.
  • Bananas, because they contain potassium and magnesium, this fruit is the best snack before bed that can be enjoyed.


  • Grapefruit, a fruit that is not the only trigger heartburn throughout the night, but also increase the acidity in the stomach. As a result, not so restful night's sleep.
  • Celery, never taken before bed! Because celery is a natural diuretic which launched urination. So if you do not want to wake turbulence dying for a pee, avoid this food.
  • Fried and greasy foods, consuming both types of food that makes you unproductive and sleep soundly. Because fried and greasy foods are very calorie and difficult to be digested by the body.
  • Spicy foods, not only upset your stomach which ultimately reduce the quality of sleep, but eating spicy foods at night reportedly also often can make your nightmares.

That variety of foods that can affect the quality of sleep. Enjoy the good and leave the bad!

7 Ways to prevent type 2 diabetes

illustration diabetes. © Shutterstock / Laola
Diabetes or also called diabetes, is a disease characterized by elevated blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) continuous and varied, especially after eating. So, what is type 2 diabetes? Type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs only in adults. The primary cause of this type of diabetes are overweight or obese. Here's how to prevent yourself not affected by type 2 diabetes, as reported by ABC News.

1. Pressing weight
With weight control, you can reduce insulin resistance and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. To prevent diabetes, we need at least two and a half hours a week to do a glucose burning through cardio exercises such as running, cycling, or swimming.

2. Enough sleep
Lack of sleep can trigger insulin resistance, especially for people who are genetically predisposed to diabetes. A study at the University of Chicago found that those who regularly sleep less than six hours each night at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep at night.

3. Fiber
Limit eating or drinking something sweet to slow the flow of glucose into the blood. When you want something sweet, you can choose fiber-rich fruits such as raspberries or pears. And considering to start eating brown rice as your daily menu. Eating two or more servings of brown rice a week can reduce the risk of diabetes by 11 percent, according to the Archives of Internal Medicine study.

4. Stress
Chronic stress is a risk factor for many serious diseases, including diabetes. When your body senses stress, it releases hormones that increase blood sugar. To that end, do breathing exercises or meditation on a regular basis, listening to soothing music, or getting a massage can reduce stress hormones and helps lower blood sugar overall.

5. Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are found in foods such as ika, may help improve insulin sensitivity. Consume at least one serving of seafood once a week to prevent diabetes.

6. Vitamin D
Vitamin D may be the key factor in the fight against diabetes. A review published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that people who are deficient in vitamin D at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Consumption of at least 1,000 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day in order to prevent diabetes. You can find this vitamin in milk, fish, or supplements.

7. Cinnamon
Cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels, as written in the study in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. Rich in nutrients called polyphenols, aromatic spices can help insulin do its job more effectively. Sprinkle cinnamon powder into a bowl of oatmeal and greet your morning with a healthy menu.

Here are seven ways to prevent type 2 diabetes. Avoid before you actually serious this disease!

Maternal anxiety during pregnancy affect the baby's immune system

Maternal anxiety during pregnancy affect the baby's immune system
Illustration of pregnant women anxious. © / Gladskikh Tatiana
Maternal anxiety during pregnancy affect the baby's immune system - Excessive anxiety can weaken the immune system. Apparently this does not apply to himself alone, but also on pregnant women and their fetuses. Research shows that the anxiety felt by the mother during pregnancy can affect a child's immune system.

Mothers who experience excessive anxiety weakening effect on the immune system when the baby is six months old, according to a study published in the journal Brain, behavior, and Immunity.

"We found that the anxiety experienced by the mother during pregnancy may decrease the effectiveness of immunization in children at the age of six months," said researcher Tom O'Connor, a professor from the University of Rochester Medical Center, as reported by Fox News.

This conclusion is obtained after the researchers observed 210 pregnant women aged 20-34 years. They were asked to report the level of anxiety they experienced during the eight to 32 weeks of pregnancy. Researchers also examined saliva samples from the pregnant women to measure stress hormones.

After the researchers gave the hepatitis B vaccine in infants after they are born, at the age of three months and six months. At the age of six months babies begin to show the difference. Those who have mothers with high levels of anxiety showed an immune system response is lower.

Researchers have calculated other factors such as obesity of the mother during pregnancy, pregnancy complications, and mode of delivery. Even so, the effect on the baby's anxiety began to disappear when the child is getting complete immunization dose.

Lose Weight with 6 Simple Sports

Losing weight can be a way walking around the house. (iStockphoto)
Many people who want to lose weight. But not a few of them say do not have time to exercise.

Going to the gym is right to lose weight quickly. However, most women reasoned busy and do not have time to go to the gym.

If you want to lose weight, in fact you can do simple exercises at home. As reported Boldsky, following a simple exercise that can be done alone.

- Walking
Try to be a lot of walking when at home. You can step forward and backward several times. You can even do it while watching television.

- Squats
Squats are usually done without any equipment. Stand with legs wide open. Then lift your arms above your head and slowly lower down to a sitting position. Do it quickly and align with the movement of your arm

- Sit-ups
Sit-ups are the best exercises to burn belly fat. Lie on the floor. Put your hands behind your head and lift your body and then slowly return to starting position. Do this several times according to your ability.

- Push-ups
Push-ups are a simple exercise that can help you to shape your arms and chest.

- Running in place
Cardio exercise is essential for weight loss. Running on a treadmill is not always needed. You can do this by running back and forth in the room.

- Dancing
Dancing is one of the best exercises to lose weight. You can do it while tidying up the room.

4 Cool Fact Can Be Revealed from DNA

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)
Since the discovery 60 years ago, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has been used to uncover a lot of things, ranging from biological attachment between father and child or children with the mother to prove whether a person can be accused of committing a particular crime or not.

But probably not many know if DNA testing not only reveal things like that alone. Here are four cool facts can be revealed only on DNA testing as quoted by CNN.

1. Mapping the family tree
Who would have thought if you may still have a blood relationship with the leading celebrities? You can figure it out just by doing a DNA test.

No need to bother, sites like are willing to compare your DNA with DNA recording various people around the world, hoping to hook you up with a family tree that you never knew before.

Not only that, can also provide information about your genetic ethnicity.

"We can observe the massive amounts of DNA ... and compare it with other DNA samples from all over the world. Then to detect similarities that exist, we can trace back generations before you and connect you to your ancestors," writes the site The.

2. Solve an ancient mystery
Recently managed a team of archaeologists discovered the skull of one of the famous king of England that Richard III which was buried under a parking lot in Leicester. But investigators did not immediately believe it is a skull Richard III to DNA extracted from the bones of the king proved a match with Michael Ibsen, a direct descendant of the sister of Richard III.

This is not the first time the ancient relics can be identified thanks to DNA. The problem, though weather conditions were stored in a cool, dry and dark, DNA can last a long time, even up to thousands of years.

In 2009, DNA analysis of bone fragments prove that the two children of Czar Nicholas II was killed along with his entire family during the Russian Revolution, though so far there is speculation that the two managed to escape.

The scientists also succeeded in extracting DNA from ancient humans who have been extinct since the Neanderthals 30,000 years ago and the findings are expected to provide in-depth insight on the process of human evolution.

3. Predicting the future
By using a blood sample from the mother and saliva from the father, scientists can determine if their child is still in the womb will have a chromosome abnormality that can lead to genetic disorders such as Down Syndrome or not.

Later, the researchers also began to expand the functions of the prenatal genetic tests to identify potential developmental delays and intellectual disabilities such as autism in children.

Even genetic tests can also reveal certain health risk factors that you may have inherited from your parents, for example, the risk of breast cancer or colon cancer.

Although the determination of risk factors through genetic testing is no guarantee you are exposed to the disease, at least you know if you are likely to develop a certain disease. On the other hand, knowing the high risk such as this can encourage you to take some preventive measures.

4. Help you lose weight
According to a study, a person's ability to lose weight or otherwise established or determined by the genes you have.

The researchers themselves have identified several gene variants that may affect a person's potential for obesity, even down to their children. Studies in mice also ensure that 80 percent of body fat is regulated by genes.

"Although have found a genetic component that makes us prone to obesity, in fact, our understanding of this fact is very limited," said a diet and fitness expert Dr. Melina Jampolis.

From there, the researchers tried to figure out how to combine genetic factors, setting nutrition (diet) and exercise to help people lose weight and keep it off.

Stomach Bacteria in Meat and Eggs Making So Harmful to Heart

(Photo: Thinkstock)
During the meat and eggs are often considered to increase the risk of heart disease due to high cholesterol content. The new findings actually revealed that bacteria in the body of men that makes 2 types of food to be harmful to the heart.

The discovery made by Dr. Stanley Hazen, researchers from the Cleveland Clinic revealed that carnitine, a naturally occurring chemical found in red meat, may increase the risk of heart disease. This risk arises not directly, but after going through the process in the digestive system, a case cited from Medical Daily.

Disclosed in the New England Journal of Medicine that the lecithin contained in egg yolks, red meat, liver, soybeans, wheat, nuts, and milk. If you eat these foods, it will be broken down by the system lecithin body menajdi choline. Bacteria in the digestive tract will consume choline and process it into a chemical called TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide).

TMAO is known to increase the risk of heart disease and hardening of the arteries, also called atherosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis will lead to the risk of heart attack and stroke.

To find the relationship TMAO levels in heart attack directly, researchers recruited 4,000 people who had undergone angiography. TMAO levels were taken and patients were followed for 3 years.

The researchers found that respondents with higher levels of TMAO 2 times higher risk was also higher for heart attack, stroke or death compared with those who had low levels of TMAO.

But keep in mind when respondents were given strong antibiotics, which will eliminate a particular intestinal bacteria, TMAO levels they never go up. This greatly affects the bacteria that produce TMAO. With these results the researchers will be studying a certain species or strains of bacteria that cause increased production of TMAO and search for a vaccine.

Fertility Yoga, Yoga for Women Who Want to Get Pregnant

Fertility Yoga, Yoga for Women Who Want to Get Pregnant
Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)
Fertility Yoga, Yoga for Women Who Want to Get Pregnant - Practice meditation and breathing exercises of Indian origin has long been known benefits in improving flexibility and core body strength. However, a yoga instructor from Florida, the U.S. believe that yoga can also help a woman to get pregnant. How so?

Sherry Longbottom, a registered nurse and yoga instructor to develop the so-called fertility fertility yoga or yoga.

The whole point of yoga is to avoid fertility yoga poses that can overload the body, so the more Longbottom taught yoga poses are simple but can help relieve anxiety, especially for women who are undergoing certain fertility treatments.

Although the fertility benefits of yoga practice is not as big as in vitro fertilization or IVF procedures or hormone therapy, but Longbottom said if yoga can help women who want to conceive by encouraging them to be relaxed and calm because that's what it takes to make the process run smoothly fertilization. Yoga is also claimed to be the blood flow to the pelvic area.

"Moreover, we are often approached by stress, and such conditions will certainly hinder our effort to create a 'neighborhood' or a lush body," said Longbottom.

Many women who take yoga classes are tutored by this Longbottom after being recommended by the Reproductive Medicine Group in Tampa, Florida to help them cope with the stress of not getting pregnant or undergoing stress due to fertility treatments.

Longbottom can estimate if half of her yoga class participants were undergoing a fertility treatment.

"Yoga is not able to fix the problems in the uterus or the egg. But they can do is to help a person to undergo the process," said Dr. Betsy McCormick of Reproductive Medicine Group as reported by ABCNews.

Dr.. James Goldfarb, director of the division of infertility and in-vitro fertilization at the University Hospital Cleveland also allow patients to try alternative therapies such as yoga or acupuncture, as far as the patient feels better after a training session.

"I always tell patients that this method would not be so painful and we strongly encourage them to try any treatment that if it can relieve stress," he said.

The problem, though fertility treatments such as IVF has helped millions of women to get pregnant, Goldfarb admitted if at the same time, these women also experienced tremendous anxiety.

Various studies also confirm if women undergoing fertility programs such as IVF are more likely to develop stress and depression.

7 Habits Unhealthy men do

7 Habits Unhealthy men do
Illustration smoke. © Shutterstock/ra2studio
7 Habits Unhealthy men do - For a healthy body and mind, we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle right. In addition to following a good diet, we also need to maintain proper hygiene. When compared to women, most men still have unhealthy habits. Bad habits that can certainly worsen their health condition. Here are some unhealthy habits that are often done by men, as reported by Boldsky.

1. Smoke
This is one of the most unhealthy habit and often occurs in men. They feel that smoking is the best way to reduce stress. In contrast, only cigarette flavor disappears while stress and cigarette butts when it runs out, feeling it would come again.

2. Do not drink a lot of water
Men rarely drink plenty of water. This can lead to dehydration and constipation.

3. Mealtime
Men rarely eat on time. You must eat on time to maintain good health and avoid digestive problems.

4. Infrequent urination
Most of the men are too lazy to visit the bathroom. They drank a bit of water that is not too frequent urination. However, a bad habit that can lead to kidney stones.

5. Not change underwear
Most men have a habit of wearing the same underwear for days. To maintain genital hygiene, men must change underwear at least twice a day.

6. No showers
Most men feel lazy to take a shower every day. This is one of the unhealthy habits that are not only harmful to health, but also increases body heat.

7. Staying up late
Most men have a habit of sleeping late. They often feel sleepy before reaching at 12 or 1 am. That is why, men often feel tired the next day. Sleep on time is a healthy practice that should be done.

Here are seven habits that are not healthy are often committed by men. Avoid before you actually serious disease.

Beware, egg yolk could endanger the heart!

Beware, egg yolk could endanger the heart!
Illustration eggs. © / Kristina Postnikova
Beware, egg yolk could endanger the heart! - Although it contains many nutrients, eggs apparently also can be harmful to the heart. This is not only due to the cholesterol contained in eggs, but also a substance called lecithin in eggs.

Lecithin produce a chemical called TMAO when it interacts with bacteria in the gut. TMAO is known to be associated with increased risk of heart disease and stroke, as reported by NewSer.

As with other foods that contain a lot of fat and cholesterol, egg yolks contain a lot of lecithin. Here's what to watch out for, because too much lecithin will trigger many TMAO production in the body.

Researchers then tested the participants who were asked to eat a boiled egg. Some participants were asked to consume antibiotics to clear the bacteria in the stomach. Those who do not eat antibiotics showed increased production of TMAO.

The study, released two weeks earlier also suggests that red meat is similar to the yolk reacts when it interacts with bacteria in the stomach. Yet researchers have not provided an explanation of the solution from the results of this study. For a while, reduce the consumption of eggs could be one way to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Unproven H7N9 spread by human

Illustration of bird flu. © / mathom
A recent study to be the first to make sure that the scarce H7N9 bird flu virus transmitted from birds to humans. However, this study found no evidence of transmission from human to human.

In this study, researchers tested samples from 20 chickens, five doves, and 57 ducks at six farms in China, where the patient contracted the bird flu. Two of the five pigeons and chickens known to four of the 20 tested positive for H7N9. Researchers then looked at viruses in humans and find similarities. This proves that birds can indeed transmit H7N9 to humans.

Researchers also traced the 385 family members, friends, and staff kesehatan.Tak none of them showed any signs of H7N9 infection after undergoing testing for 14 days. Researchers found evidence that H7N9 could evolve to adapt to the mammalian body. Yet until now there has been no evidence that this virus can spread from human to human.

"In general, the evidence suggests pure transmission between poultry to humans. There is no evidence the virus is transmitted from humans," said Kwok-Yung Yuen, from the University of Hong Kong, as reported by U.S. News.

The current H7N9 virus has killed up to 22 people and infected more than 100 people. Not only that, the first victim outside China, namely Taiwan also have tested positive for H7N9 bird flu virus.

Contact risk of kidney stones? Identify the trigger!

Illustration of a kidney stone. © Shutterstock / Smit
Kidney stones are found in the bladder can cause pain in the lower abdomen. Other symptoms that felt they were suffering from kidney stones are nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, fever, chills and blood in the urine. Are you at risk for kidney stones? Here are some factors that can increase the risk of kidney stones, as reported by the Mayo Clinic.

1. Family or personal history
If someone in your family been affected by kidney stones, you are also likely to develop kidney stones. And if you already have one or more kidney stones, you are at increased risk of other diseases.

2. Getting old
Kidney stones usually affects adults in their 40s or more. However, kidney stone disease can also occur at any age.

3. Man
Men more likely to develop kidney stones, although there was a possibility she also developed the same disease.

4. Dehydration
Lazy drinking water each day can increase the risk of kidney stones. People who live in warm climates, and they are often sweating also are at higher risk of developing kidney stones. Especially if it is not accompanied by drinking 2 liters of water every day.

5. Certain foods
Foods high in protein, sodium and sugar can increase the risk of some types of kidney stones. Eating too much sodium (salt) can also increase the amount of calcium the kidneys to be filtered and significantly increase the risk of kidney stones.

6. Tubby
Body mass index (BMI) is high, a large waist size and weight that exceeds the average is associated with an increased risk of kidney stones.

7. Digestive diseases and surgery
Gastric bypass surgery, inflammatory bowel disease or chronic diarrhea can lead to changes in the digestive processes that affect the absorption of calcium and water, which in turn can increase the levels of stone-forming substances in your urine.

8. Other medical conditions
Diseases and conditions that can increase the risk of kidney stones include renal tubular acidosis, cystinuria, hyperparathyroidism, certain medications and some urinary tract infections.

Well, now you already know what factors can increase the risk of kidney stones. It is better to prevent than cure, right? So, drink water and avoid certain foods that can trigger the formation of kidney stones.

5 surprising facts about mosquitoes

Illustration of malaria mosquito. © / Kletr
World Malaria Day is commemorated annually on 25 April 2013. Although the current number of malaria cases dropped steadily, but in some tropical countries, malaria is still a major threat. Based on the WHO website, World Malaria Day theme this year is "Invest in the future, Defeat Malaria."

Malaria is a dangerous disease which is transmitted by mosquitoes. if not immediately diagnosed and treated, the consequences could be fatal. Here are some facts about mosquitoes, as reported by Daily Bhaskar (25/04).

1. Female mosquitoes live longer
Female mosquitoes can live twice as long as compared to males. When the male mosquitoes live a maximum of two weeks, the female mosquito can live more than a month.

2. Only the female mosquito bites
Only female mosquitoes bite and suck blood to feed her eggs.

3. Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell
Mosquitoes are interested in and do the hunt by smell. Odor makes mosquitoes so interested is the smell of sweat and carbon dioxide.

4. Number of mosquito species
Although only a few mosquitoes that are known to cause dangerous diseases, but actually in the world there are many species of mosquitoes. Around the world at least, there are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes.

5. Mosquitoes grow rapidly
Because it can only survive within two weeks to a month, mosquitoes have very rapid growth. Mosquitoes are able to feed themselves after only four days old. After that they also are able to lay eggs and breed.

Those are some facts about mosquitoes that may not already know. The above facts you can use to protect themselves from mosquito attacks around you.

High uric acid: Symptoms and causes!

Illustration seafood. © 2013 / Shutterstock / Gayvoronskaya_Yana
High uric acid levels refers to the condition of high concentration of uric acid in the bloodstream, which is associated with the body's failure to remove uric acid or increased production of uric acid. Understanding the symptoms of high uric acid can help you treat this condition appropriately. Let's refer to reviews of!

Hyperuricemia, which is commonly known as high uric acid levels, refer to the excessive amount of uric acid in the bloodstream. High uric acid levels are generally more frequent at diagnosis in men than women, and in people over the age of 65 years.

Breakdown of purines in foods that we eat in the release of uric acid as a byproduct. Purines are found in meat and meat products, such as animal organs. Normally, uric acid is transported through the bloodstream to the kidneys and eliminated in urine.

Causes of high uric acid
Some common causes of high uric acid levels, including medical conditions, medications, genetic predisposition, and dietary factors.

1. Medications and vitamins: diuretics, niacin, vitamin B3, immunosuppressive drugs

2. Medical conditions: an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), leukemia, psoriasis, obesity

3. Food: the consumption of caffeine and alcohol in high amounts, purine-rich foods (meat and meat products, seafood, fish, shellfish, and nuts).

Symptoms of high uric acid
Increased uric acid levels may go undiagnosed because some people may be asymptomatic. However, some people with high uric acid levels may experience symptoms due to the effects of excessive uric acid in their bodies. For example, hyperuricemia can cause gout (rheumatoid arthritis) and kidney diseases such as kidney stones and kidney failure. This medical condition will be explored in detail as follows:

- Gout develops due to an immunological reaction against the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. Gout is characterized by severe pain in the joints, inflammation (swelling) of the joints, fever, and peeling of the skin around the joints. Uric acid levels than 10mg/dL increase the risk of developing gout.

- Kidney stones can develop in people who suffer from high uric acid levels, and kidney stones may not be detected until they get stuck in the ureter that can cause tremendous pain and makes someone frequent painful urination, blood urine, nausea and vomiting. Classic symptoms of kidney stones are sudden pain and intense in the abdomen, pelvis, and groin areas, which tend to come in repeatedly. Additional symptoms include urinating blood and pain during urination.

- Kidney failure. The most severe symptoms associated with high uric acid levels is kidney failure, which is manifest as less urination, shortness of breath, swelling in the limbs, confusion and sleepiness, fatigue, or chest pain. Kidney failure may develop in patients with leukemia, Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma because uric acid levels. This is usually a consequence of chemotherapy, which kills malignant cells.

- Other diseases. Although recent studies have shown that high uric acid levels associated with hypertension and cardiovascular disease, it remains to be investigated whether reducing the levels of uric acid will reduce the condition.

Get to know the pain you are feeling. If the pain persists, consult a doctor immediately. Remember, do not delay!

8 Stomach problems that must be known

Illustration of abdominal pain. © 2013 / Shutterstock / Champion studio
Stomach problems are one of the common health problems that we often face. Although sometimes sound trivial, abdominal pain can be very annoying fitness of your body. That's why it's important to find out what problems you are facing stomach. Let's refer to the full review of Boldsky!

1. The increase in gastric acid
If you do not eat anything in a long time, enzymes in your stomach acid will be strong. And as soon as you eat, acidic foods and make it rise to the top.

2. Gassy stomach
Flatulence is produced when the air heavy weight digest fibrous foods like cabbage. Stomach will feel withdrawn and may also experience a burning sensation in the body due to the gas. You can drink lots of water to dilute the gas is so easily removed from the body.

3. Ulcer
You have a very irregular meal? This makes the enzyme acid in the stomach erode the stomach lining. This condition can cause stinging and burning in the stomach.

4. Indigestion
Indigestion is a relatively simple stomach problems. Stomach can not digest food that is too heavy or spicy. Therefore, it is advisable to eat fruits and vegetables are good for digestion.

5. Constipation
When you eat food that has too much protein and carbohydrates but very little fiber, the stool will be hard. This condition can lead to constipation, which can indirectly kill the appetite and cause prolonged abdominal pain. Drink plenty of water and eat papaya to overcome constipation.

6. Lactose Intolerance
Some adults do not have the enzyme to digest milk called lactose. As a result, when consuming milk or milk products, they may experience indigestion. The only way that you can do to cope is to avoid all dairy products.

7. Wormy
Sometimes, worm its way into the stomach due to our lack of hygiene or eating infected food. Meat that is not processed correctly can contain worms. They lead to an upset stomach and make you feel itching on the anus. You need to take worm medicine to get rid of the stomach worms.

8. Irritable bowel syndrome
If you have chronic indigestion and abdominal pain, it could mean that you are suffering from some sort of irritable bowel syndrome. Your digestive power will also be reduced significantly. Because the disease can not be cured, you have to be careful with what you eat.

Here are eight abdominal problems we often face. But it is possible, it can be very dangerous to your life if not treated properly.

Skin cancer trigger other types of cancer growth

Skin cancer trigger other types of cancer growth
Illustration of skin cancer. © Shutterstock / Robert Kneschke
Skin cancer trigger other types of cancer growth - Patients at high risk of skin cancer turned out to other types of cancer in the future, according to new research.

The study says that women with a rather non-melanoma skin cancer (such as basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma) 26 percent risk of another cancer in the future. While for men, the risk of experiencing similar conditions is 15 percent.

A total of 150,000 respondents involved in the research conducted for over 20 years. So that there is strong evidence that skin cancer can trigger the growth of other types of cancer in a person.

According to Professor Anthony Alberg of the Medical University of South Carolina who was not involved in the research, non-melanoma skin cancer is common and its not too deadly. However, the study makes many health experts were quite surprised and started noticing more seriously.

As reported by My Health News Daily, if the cancer is non-melanoma cancers eventually lead to melanoma, is the most likely cause of excessive sun exposure.

However, if the cancer is non-melanoma increases the risk of other types of cancer, many researchers are still questioning the cause. Some experts suspect cells in DNA failed to make improvements, so that other types of cancer appeared and attacked the former non-melanoma cancer patients.

Professor Alberg also hoped that the research could be explored further to find out what exactly triggers of other types of cancer in survivors of non-melanoma cancer.

Beware, daily soda consumption can be caused diabetes!

Illustration of soda. © Shutterstock / Brent Hofacker
Drink 300 ml of soda every day it'll catch type 2 diabetes, according to new research.

The study mentions that exactly 300 ml of soda daily consumption increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 18 percent over 16 years. While if the raised portion - 300 ml twice a day - not just diabetes that threatened, but also the risk of stroke increased by 18 percent.

Results of this study also examined several other risk factors of diabetes, such as physical activity, BMI (body mass index), and total daily calorie intake.

The study, reported in the journal Diabetologia is also consistent with previous studies conducted by experts from the United States.

A total of 27,000 respondents from eight European countries were included in this study. Some of them suffer from type 2 diabetes, while the rest do not. Everything included in the study to analyze the interaction between diet, environmental factors, the risk of cancer, and other disease risks.

As reported by My Health News Daily, although the soda you drink is the kind of diet, the risk of diabetes attack still haunt. However, respondents who are obese tend to be at higher risk due to greater consumption of soda.

Nevertheless, the consumption of healthy foods like vegetables and fruits, exercise, and weight loss can prevent diabetes risk, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Married able to extend the age of patients with prostate cancer

Married able to extend the age of patients with prostate cancer
Illustration ill spouse. © Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images
Married able to extend the age of patients with prostate cancer - Men with prostate cancer and 40 percent were married had a lower risk of dying from the disease, according to new research.

Based on these studies, a happy marriage seems to be a 'weapon' that makes powerful men able to fight the disease.

Conversely, men with prostate cancer are divorced, single, or widowed wife tends to be shorter-old. That's because the effects of stress on the body aggravate their health conditions.

"This study proves that the marriage is indeed able to extend the age of men with prostate cancer," the researchers wrote in the Canadian Journal of Urology, as reported by the Daily Mail.

Cancer is not the only disease that can be warded off bad effects through marriage. Because the research from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore in 2010 ago also mentions that marriage can prevent arthritis attacks.

Malaria: Symptoms and prevention

Illustration of malaria mosquito. © Shutterstock
Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite, is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. Attacks of fever and malaria cause symptoms of the disease often kills one million people each year worldwide.

In this World Malaria Day (25/04), you'll want to listen to more about the symptoms and prevention of the disease as reported by the Health Me Up below.

Symptoms after being bitten
  • shiver

  • high fever

  • Excessive sweating but decreased body temperature

  • headache

  • throw up

  • limp

  • other symptoms

  • hacking cough

  • muscle aches

  • back pain

  • enlargement of the spleen

In some cases, the cause of malaria parasites in the human body can survive for several months.

Meanwhile, an infection caused by the parasite P. falciparum is usually more serious and life threatening. So when feeling these symptoms, doctors handlers early is highly recommended.

  • Avoiding mosquito bites by wearing protective clothing

  • Use mosquito repellent cream

  • Installing mosquito nets

  • If you will be traveling to a place where lots of mosquitoes threatening, consult your doctor

  • Do not leave the house after dusk

  • Spraying insect repellent in the bedroom and the house of

Do not forget, keep your own health by eating nutritious foods and exercising regularly to improve the immune system and prevent malaria attack!

Risk-Reducing Medications for Women at High-Risk of Breast Cancer: New Recommendations and Missed Opportunities

The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recently came out with a new draft statement on the use of medications that can reduce the risk of breast cancer in women at high-risk of the disease (draft statement). The statement recommends that women at high risk of breast cancer - and low risk for medication side effects -  be offered prescription risk-reducing medications, like tamoxifen or raloxifene. The decision on whether or not to take the medication should be made as a shared decision between a patient and her physician.

Tamoxifen and raloxifene are approved by the FDA for use in preventing breast cancer in women at high risk of the disease, which is typically defined as a 1.67 percent chance or greater of developing breast cancer over a five year period. Tamoxifen is approved for women age 35 and older, while raloxifene is approved for post-menopausal women.  Since the risk of the disease goes up with age, a 1.67 percent risk essentially translates to the 5-year risk of an average woman 60 years old or over. (To see where your risk falls, visit the National Cancer Institute Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool.) This means approximately 10 million women in the United States are eligible for using these medications for prevention.

Yet, their current use is astonishingly low, especially given that breast cancer is a disease so feared by many women and that the medications have been demonstrated in clinical trials of high-risk women to cut the long term risk of breast cancer by 50 percent.

A recent study by Erika Waters and colleagues found that only about 117,000 women (well under one percent) in eligible age groups were taking either tamoxifen or raloxifene - a number that has basically remained steady since the year 2000.

So what keeps more women from taking these risk-reducing medications?  Evidence shows that it's the potential risk of side effects that likely sways eligible patients away from using - and their doctors from prescribing -  tamoxifen or raloxifene. Side effects, of course, are an important consideration when deciding whether or not to take any medication, and potential harms of tamoxifen and raloxifene, while rare, can be serious - including, stroke, blood clots, and uterine cancer.  So, it's good that many women approach them with caution.

Yet, simply knowing the side effects of these drugs isn't enough to provide a full picture of their ability to help or harm women.  It's important to know the likelihood that a woman might experience side effects and to put this into context with the potential breast health benefits. It is here where it can be hard for patients - and even their doctors -  to properly balance the harms and benefits of these drugs and decide when the benefits are likely to outweigh the harms.

It certainly makes sense that no woman wants to trade one serious risk for another - lowering, say, breast cancer risk but upping stroke or endometrial cancer risk an equal amount. But, reviews of evidence show that there are some pretty clear groups of women for whom the benefits of tamoxifen or raloxifene outweigh the potential harms.

The draft Task Force recommendation states that, overall, the benefits of risk-reducing medications start to outweigh the harms when the 5-year risk of breast cancer hits 3 percent or greater.  Based on the same evidence, National Cancer Institute researchers have described in detail in women age 50 and older which groups of women are likely to benefit from risk-reducing medication based on age, race, risk level, and whether or not a woman has had her uterus removed.  In general, the younger a woman is and the higher her risk, the more likely the benefit from taking risk-reducing medications will outweigh the potential harms.

The tables below show the 5-year risk for different groups where the risk-lowering benefits of tamoxifen or raloxifene are likely to outweigh the harms. Because tamoxifen can raise the risk of uterine cancer - and raloxifene does not - raloxifene is recommended over tamoxifen in women over 50 who still have a uterus.  For women without a uterus, the potential harms and benefits of tamoxifen and raloxifene are similar.

That so many women at increased risk of breast cancer choose not to take tamoxifen and raloxifene is a health paradox. "In many stories of medical advancements, it's the risks that frequently get hidden in the news headlines, but with tamoxifen and raloxifene, it seems it's just the opposite," says Graham Colditz, MD, DrPH, a Professor of Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine and Associate Director of Prevention and Control at the Siteman Cancer Center. "The harms seem to get over-played in relation to the benefits. This leaves many women and their doctors passing up what science shows is a great chance to halve their risk of breast cancer. It's a huge opportunity missed."


Freedman AN, Graubard BI, Rao SR, McCaskill-Stevens W, Ballard-Barbash R, Gail MH. Estimates of the number of US women who could benefit from tamoxifen for breast cancer chemoprevention. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2003;95(7):526-32.

Freedman AN, Yu B, Gail MH, Costantino JP, Graubard BI, Vogel VG, et al. Benefit/risk assessment for breast cancer chemoprevention with raloxifene or tamoxifen for women age 50 years or older. J Clin Oncol. 2011;29(17):2327-33. PMCID: 3107748.

Waters EA, McNeel TS, Stevens WM, Freedman AN. Use of tamoxifen and raloxifene for breast cancer chemoprevention in 2010. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012;134(2):875-80.

"Your Disease Risk" Website Updated to Include Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema

Our award-winning risk assessment site - Your Disease Risk - launched this week with some key scientific and content updates.  In addition to select risk factor modifications driven by a content review by our scientific advisory panel, we added a new assessment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which estimates the risk of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Adding the COPD assessment builds on a primary goal of the Your Disease Risk site - to highlight risk factors shared by many important chronic diseases.

Cancer Treatment Chemotherapy

Symptoms and treatment of breast cancer

Cancer Growth Animation

7 Reasons why breakfast important for diet

Illustration breakfast. © Shutterstock / Africa Studio
If you're trying to lose weight, do not skip breakfast. Why? Consider the reason that breakfast is important for the diet, as quoted from the All Women Stalk following.

1. Break the fast
Breakfast (breakfast) can be interpreted as a break the fast or stop fast (at night). In addition, the breakfast also increases metabolism which accelerates fat burning. So you can quickly thin.

2. Not starving
Diet does not mean starving constantly. So do not leave breakfast to satisfy hunger and nutrients your body needs.

3. Insulin is stable
Many studies prove that breakfast makes a person has insulin levels stable. In effect, the stability of insulin improves mood and makes you more wise in choosing food.

4. Easy to make breakfasts
No need to bother preparing breakfast. Because you can boil or fry an egg, and enjoy participating with sauteed vegetables. So easy to make breakfast certainly help those who want to lose weight without suffering.

5. Provide energy
Diet is usually filled with rules of a healthy diet and regular exercise. While the best time to exercise is in the morning usually. So to re-fill the missing energy, you need breakfast.

6. Boost the immune system
Diligent breakfast makes the immune system stronger, you are even more rarely sick. Healthy body eventually push you to be more passionate in exercising and losing weight.

7. A good start
A study says that if your breakfast, you will most likely eat healthy throughout the day. So breakfast is a good start for those who want to lose weight.

That is a number of reasons why breakfast is important for the diet. For those of you who are not on a diet, stay enjoy breakfast for maintaining health and fitness throughout the day!

Cancer-causing chemical found in KFC fries?

Cancer-causing chemical found in KFC fries?
Illustration of french fries. © Shutterstock / Feng Yu
Cancer-causing chemical found in KFC fries? - Food has become one of the factors triggering cancer. Even now more and more dangerous cancer-causing chemicals found in cereal until KFC fries.

As reported by the Daily Mail, a chemical compound called acrylamide is formed precisely and carcinogenic - cancer causing - if roasted, baked, or fried in temperatures that are too high.

Party of the Food Standards Agency is conducting an examination of the 300 food chemistry to know what is contained in it.

According to researchers, a variety of foods such as salty chips could potentially cause cancer if consumed regularly for life. Tuc biscuits for example, one of the foods containing acrylamide and fries his samples obtained from KFC Congleton, Connecticut, United States.

Meanwhile, the highest content of carcinogenic chemical found in salted potato chips Seabrook's Sea Salted. In total, there are at least 14 food such as cereals and other chips that contain harmful chemicals.

What lessons can be drawn from the results of the investigation? Of course you should be more careful in choosing the food consumed. But if it has been like unhealthy foods, try to reduce consumption gradually.

Prevent aging brain with these two foods

Illustration of berries. © Shutterstock / Robyn Mackenzie
Prevent aging brain with these two foods - In addition to training the brain by playing Sudoku or crossword puzzles, you should meet in order to prevent brain aging nutrients by eating a strawberry and blueberry.

Because a study says that two berries are rich in polyphenols are effective in preventing premature aging of the brain.

Researchers from Tufts University and the University of Maryland Baltimore County precise analysis on the impact of berries on the brain of rat. They were trying to figure out what berry fruit really can cleanse the accumulated toxins in the brain.

Researchers then feed the berry to mice for two months while monitoring the condition of his brain. The result, proved that strawberry and blueberry is a powerful way to protect the brain from aging due to polyphenol content in it.

"Most brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are caused by high toxic form of the protein in the brain. So by eating blueberries and strawberries, the risk of developing the disease can be reduced," said researcher Dr. Shibu Poulose, as quoted by The Daily News.

In a different study last year, U.S. researchers also proved that both these berries can slow cognitive decline in elderly women brain.

66 percent of parents use cell phones while driving

66 percent of parents use cell phones while driving
Illustration of mobile phone use while driving. © / Kzenon
66 percent of parents use cell phones while driving - Nearly two-thirds of adults are known to use a cell phone while driving with their children. Not only that, a third of parents also admitted sending messages while driving with children, based on a survey in California.

Though it is known that this kind of behavior causes a lot of harm. In 2011, as many as 3,300 deaths and 400,000 people were injured due to driving while using a cell phone.

This tendency is known to researchers after conducting an online survey on 715 drivers aged 30-64 years in San Diego County. They found that many people are not aware of the dangers of what they are doing, let alone with their children.

"The results of this study indicate malicious behavior from adults, especially when driving with their children. Surely this could endanger themselves and their children, increasing the risk of accidents," said Dr. Linda Hill of the UCSD School of Medicine, as quoted by Health Day News (19/04).

More than 500 people surveyed admitted driving for one to two hours a day. About 30 percent use cell phones to call and send messages. Meanwhile 53 percent said that they seldom do so, and 17 percent never do it again.

Approximately 66 percent of respondents admitted to driving while using a cell phone. They use it when driving with children under the age of 11 years to 17 years in the car. Researchers found that people with children under the age of 11 years more use of phones while driving.

Not only that, the survey revealed that 31 percent of respondents feel they are responsible to pick up the phone associated with the work even though you're driving a vehicle.