Isoflavone for your health

Isoflavone is a substance that can help balance your hormonal system. Study suggest that eating 2-3 portion of soya products reduce the risk of cancer. Soya beans is rich of isoflavone, as rich as clover and mungbeans. For women who have polycystic ovary sindrome (PCOS), eating isoflavone-rich food can help to lower androgen level, because isoflavone act as phytoestrogens. It means that it can mimic the function of estrogen in our body, therefore they can help to balance estrogen level.
For best results, eat soya beans from the fifth days of your period to help maturing your egg. Continue daily untill 14 days before your next period. Because 14 last days of your period, estrogen level have to be lowered to induce menstruation.


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