Finding the Right Doctor

When you sick, the value of your doctor is more than a medical care person, but you'll think that he/she will be your savior. So, finding the right doctor is so important, not only for your physical health, but mentally as well.

But how to make sure that you find the right doctor? Consider the following steps:

  1. A good doctor, is one who have so many visitors. This is just so obvious. 
  2. Ask the medical informant to find a right specialist according to your symptoms.
  3. A good doctor will always encourage their patients to survive the sickness, they will be kind and friendly and willing to answer many of your questions
  4. A good doctor will consider to have a lab check (blood, USG, urine test, etc) before deciding anything.
  5. A good doctor will give logical medication, not easily give high dosage to quickly relieve your symptoms

Good luck :)


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