Irregular Menstrual Cycle

What is an irregular period?

As I read on Doctor Marcelle Pick's article, I found out that women with irregular period are those whose more than 50% of their periods are not in usual length. They sometimes skip some period during the year, or experiment some mid-cycle bleeding.  Irregular periods can very annoying sometimes, and can cause frustration which wild drive more irregularity, especially for those who try to conceive.

How can I know that I have irregular periods?

The most accurate way to detect the problem is having your periods tracked. There are numerous charts, tables, and even software to help doing the tracking. Lots of them are completed with ovulation and unwanted symptoms tracker. Here are some links to download menstrual trackers:

You can ask Google to give you more trackers :)

What are the cause of irregular periods?

Most of irregularities on menstrual cycles are caused by hormonal imbalances. But the hormonal imbalances them-self are caused by and can cause a lot of things.
Things that can cause hormonal imbalances are:
  1. Genetics factor. Not much you can do to deal with this factor :(
  2. Poor nutrition, or eating too much sugar, carbohydrate, and chemical-additive-rich foods
  3. Lack of sleep, frustration, over-work
  4. Medications, especially hormonal medications (birth control pills, transgender medications, etc)
And things caused by hormonal imbalances (sex hormones) are:
  1. Irregular periods
  2. Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  3. Uterine/ovary cysts, uterine/breast cancer
  4. Abnormal hair growth (men-like hair growth)
  5. Acne and oily skin
  6. Abnormal development of sexual reproduction organs 
Hormonal system in our body is a very complex thing. Once a hormone goes wrong, other hormones tend to go wrong too.
Other cause that can drive your period to be irregular is anatomical. You may have abnormal uterine shape, abnormal blockage of cervix, etc. An ultrasound check may detect this anatomical abnormalities.

What can I do so my period get back to normal?

Reducing stress, daily exercise, and good nutrition work as a natural way to improve your cycle. These steps alone give the body a much needed boost and will support the natural hormonal balance. If they don't work, you may need to have a hormonal medication to help balancing your hormones. A full blood check usually needed before the medications are prescribed, considering the side effects of the medications. If you have history of breast or uterine cancer, your doctor may give another appropriate medication, because hormone therapy can increase the risk of cancer.


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