How to Deal with Acne Vulgaris a.k.a Pimples

acne, acne treatment

Almost all people experience acne vulgaris in their life. It sometimes so disturbing...

I don't wanna write much, but here are the points:

  1. Acne is caused by bacteria (P. Acnes). So, acne treatment will be efficient if it includes antibiotics such as clindamycin. 
  2. The most successful medication is benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide works as a peeling agent. It increases skin turnover, clearing pores and reducing the bacterial count (specifically P. acnes) as well as acting directly as an antimicrobial. You can easily found topical benzoyl peroxide on your local drugstore. Look for 2.5%, 5%, or 10% concentration of benzoyl peroxide cream, according to the severity of your acne. Apply a thin layer on your face every night.
  3. The other medication is betamethasone 0.1%. It works by reducing inflammation. As we acne is a kind of inflammation problem. It effective for your big and painful acne. A combination of betamethasone and antibiotic is more effective.
  4. If you have PCOS or high level of free testosterone (for woman), you might need a hormonal therapy. PCOS or high level of men hormone on women, can cause acne and very oily skin. Oral estrogen can reduce this symptoms, but make sure you have complete medical check up before starting the treatment, since hormonal therapy is a serious thing that can affect a lot of your body.
  5. Exercise regularly, eat fruits and veggies, drink much water and keep clean :)


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