Endometrial Hyperplasia

endometrial hyperplasia

Endometrial hyperplasia is a bad news for those who have obesity, diabetes, PCOS, or having estrogen replacement therapy. Endometrial hyperplasia is an over thickening of uterus lining. The lining is called endometrium.

What can cause endometrial hyperplasia?

Endometrial hyperplasia mainly caused by hormonal imbalance. Inadequate progesterone cannot reduce the endometrium thickening done by estrogen. Before the ovulation time, estrogen make the endometrium thicken to prepare it for pregnancy. After the ovulation occurs, our body release progesterone to balance the action of estrogen so the endometrium doesn't thicken overly. If there is no conception within 14 days after ovulation, the lining shed. This shedding of uterus lining is called menstruation.
When there is no ovulation, the amount of progesterone is not enough to stop the endometrium thickening. Therefore, endometrial hyperplasia take it's chance to be formed. The absence of ovulation can caused by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), especially when you have diabetes or overweight. 
Women who are near to their menopausal period are more likely to have endometrial hyperplasia, since ovulation is decreasing. And also women who are already in the menopausal time and using hormonal therapy.

What are the symptoms?
  1. Mid cycle bleeding
  2. irregular menstrual cycle
  3. Obesity
  4. Diabetes
  5. High Estrogen level, with low progesterone
  6. Absence or rarely have menstruation (amenorrhea)
How it can be treated?
Most of the case, endometrial hyperplasia is not dangerous and can be treated by consuming oral progesterone. But for more severe case, curretage might be needed. Endometrial hyperplasia can be dangerous if it's atypical, or showing a strange grow behavior, and does not respond to progesterone therapy. In some case, atypical endometrial hyperplasia can lead to cancer or tumour.


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