Islam and Health: Predawn Prayer (Tahajud)

In a Hadits quoted by Tirmidzi, Rasulullah Muhammad (PBUH) said that predawn prayer (tahajud) can wash away sins, bring tranquility, and help avoid disease. Tahajud is praying (salat) at around 2PM untill 3.30PM. Those time is a golden time, where our body system doing a reset. The move of salat help the blood circulate better. And tahajud also prevent us from having nightmares.
This Hadits is proven by Hj Illiza Sa’aduddin Djamal, mayor of Nangroe Aceh Darussalaam (a district in Indonesia). She held a training and research with 250 participants to regularly do tahajud everyday. After a few weeks, participants reported that they easily reduce stress resulting in improvement of body endurance. According to fact, tranquility can improve immunological endurance, reduce heart cancer risks, and makes a person live longer.



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