Stress, Try Food Stress Reliever

Food Stress Reliever
You already know that one way to cope with stress is to eat. So what are the different types of food and how his usefulness to relieve tension?

1. Avocado
Avocado juice is also able to cope with stress, both savory and sweet flavors will satisfy your cravings and reduce anxiety. Half an avocado contains higher potassium than bananas and is believed to lower blood pressure.

2. Orange
Drink a glass of fresh orange juice to calm your mind in the face of a presentation or a job interview, for example. When faced with a heavy load or stress at work, Peel oranges and eat. Citrus scent will invigorate your feelings, its content of vitamin C will also stimulate the immune system, so it is not easily hurt. People who are taking 3000mg of vitamin C in the face of stress, your blood pressure and his cortisol levels will return to normal more quickly.

3. Oatmeal
Breakfast is oatmeal in the morning plus milk and fruit in addition to practical, will also make the mind more relaxed throughout the day. The content of carbohydrates and fiber in it can make the brain produce more serotonin. The slower the body absorbs carbohydrates, the more serotonin to flow and you will be relaxed for longer.

4. Low Fat Milk
Get used to drinking milk, it would be especially useful for women suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome. Low-fat milk is believed to soothe tension and insomnia. In calcium can reduce muscle spasms.

5. Nuts
Almonds, pistachios, walnuts can be trusted to make the head and heart calmer while taking it. Choose beans baked or roasted, or rub in butter almond butter your toast breakfast. The content of vitamin B will help the body survive in the face of unpleasant circumstances. A handful of pistachios a day are able to lower blood pressure, so the heart does not have to work too hard.

6. Salmon / Tuna
Sushi or sashimi from the salmon or tuna meat is best eaten especially for those who are experiencing a lot of problems. The content of omega-3 fatty acids in salmon will keep cortisol and adrenaline that is not overflowing out. Moreover, it can also prevent cardiovascular disease, reducing the risk of heart attack and prevent the onset of depressive illness, fatigue, feelings of instability to Alzheimer's.

In addition to the delicious, these foods are also believed to handle stress or load potent distracting thoughts. Consumption wisely and stress will be away


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