7 Foods That Can Cure Insomnia

According to recent studies mention the fact that most of the adults living in the city is difficult to sleep or insomnia. After a day of activity surely we want a good night sleep and deep sleep. Quality sleep will give back the freshness and energy the next day.

There are many foods that can make you sleep soundly, here we give some of them, namely:

 1. Warm milk
Drink a glass of warm fresh milk will make you sleep soundly. Milk has tryptophan and amino acid that functions like a drug. Calcium milk will make the brain become more calm. A calm mind will make you sleep for hours.

2. Tea
Tea is very effective to make the mind becomes more relaxed. Content antidoksidan high and fragrant scent will make the brain becomes more nervous. Drink a glass of green tea before bed so you can rest soundly at night.

3. Honey
Delicious fluid made by bees is an effective sleeping pills. Honey has many useful nutrients for the body. High sugar content will tell you more relaxed brain, other research in the West suggests that high glucose will make the human brain more calm and not sensitive to noise and visual changes around it.

4. Almond
Almonds have protein content and high calories. Eat bread with 2 tablespoons of almond butter to get a normal blood pressure. Sleep soundly can be achieved if normal blood pressure.

5. Banana
Many health experts refer to bananas as the sleeping pill. Bananas contain a lot of melatonin and serotonin, magnesium in bananas will make the body's nerves and muscles become more relaxed.

6. Cerry
Cerry a very delicious juice turned out to contain a high melatoninn. According to other research that melatonin is last mentioned sleeping pills to people who suffer from insomnia.

7. Eggs
Insomnia can be caused by lack of protein intake in the body. Boiled eggs are high in protein. How to cook is also very easy.

That's food that you can eat sleeper when experiencing insomnia.


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