10 Types of high cholesterol foods

high cholesterol foods
Tolerance cholesterol intake per day for a normal person is 300 mg, according to the American Association of Heart Disease. However, if a person has been sentenced to have high cholesterol, then tolerance should only be 200 mg per day.

This is to prevent the accumulation of cholesterol occurs in the blood vessels to reduce blood flow to the brain. Peak, can trigger a stroke or heart attack. Therefore, to minimize the consumption of foods high in bad cholesterol must be done.

As the 10 types of high cholesterol foods that should be avoided below.
  1. Eggs . The most cholesterol is part of the egg yolk. In normal size, an egg yolk contains 213 mg of cholesterol.
  2. Fast food (1 burger cheese contains 175 mg of cholesterol). This does not include if you add French fries, fried chicken or donuts.
  3. Macaroni cheese. The food is not very common in Indonesia. But if you take it, remember that one serving contains cholesterol alone is high enough.
  4. Ice cream. Fat content in ice cream higher than hamburgers and donuts. 
  5. Beef ribs. The fat in beef ribs are very high. Moreover, if the processing is added coconut milk. You have to limit their consumption.
  6. Muffins. Eggs, margarine and sugar composition muffin maker which makes high cholesterol.
  7. Seafood. Its kind of high LDL is squid, lobster, shrimp, crab, and scallops.
  8. Fried chicken. Oil for frying that makes fried chicken have cholesterol levels high enough.
  9. Beef liver. Especially a lot of use in processing milk. 3 ounces of beef liver contains 331 mg of cholesterol.
  10. Snack manufacturers that contain trans fats, such as potato chips, cookies and crackers


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