Living Healthy With Drinking Water

Drinking water is very healthy, as we know, it's a third of our body fluid, so drinking water is essential for the body. 60-70% percent of the adult body consists of water that would have an important role for the body. Thus, if the body lacks water intake, it will cause disruption to the function of organs.

Water needs in each person varies depending on several factors such as age, ambient temperature, and level of body activity. But health experts often say that if you want to live healthy, drink at least 8 glasses of mineral water or about 2 liters a day.

The benefits for the body of water so many of them are muscle lubricate joints, reducing the risk of heart disease, water is also useful as a carrier of nutrients for the body, regulate body temperature and many others.

Lack of water in the body can cause dehydration. To prevent dehydration of the body then we should adopt a healthy lifestyle with the habit of drinking water each day. Better yet, if we are to bring their own bottles from home, so that it can help to reduce the circulation of plastic bottled water waste.


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