Healthy snacks when hungry at midnight

Healthy Midnight Snacks
Many people consider eating at midnight can make fat. They were forced to starve in order to get into shape. Actually not. There are many healthy foods that can be eaten a filling in the middle of the night.

If you force yourself not to eat, you might not accomplish the task of concentration. So, what should be consumed so full but the body is not stretchy? Try to consume healthy foods.

1. Dinking water
Thirst is often interpreted as hunger. c a glass of water to cope. Can also add lemon or lime juice is good for detoxification. If 10 minutes later you're still hungry, then eat a healthy snack or drink other beverages.

2. Milk
This is especially for you who have completed the task and suffered hunger. Sip a glass of low-fat milk can filling and make a deep sleep. Milk contains tryptophan which can increase the production of serotonin in the body, so that makes us sleepy. As a bonus, you get calcium and vitamin D is good for bone health.

3. Whole Grains
Like milk, carbs also makes us sleepy because it contains tryptophan easy. Choose oatmeal, cereal, or whole grain bread. The processed carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, fries, and regular bread can raise blood sugar and make sleep soundly after the work is completed.

4. Nuts
Almonds, cashews, peanuts, walnuts, chestnuts, and you can make them a snack in the evening that includes a healthy diet. Nuts are rich in fiber, so you'll feel full longer. Snacks can also stabilize blood sugar and contains high antioxidants. Should choose nuts that are baked, not fried, and have low levels of salt or no salt at all.

5. popcorn
Popcorn without butter and excess salt suitable for evening snack. Popcorn contains complex carbohydrates and low in calories, so it does not cause bloating or abdominal pain.

6. vegetable
Vegetables used as a snack? Try it first. Vegetables are healthy foods. Beside rich in vitamins and minerals, vegetables also contain water so you are not hungry when I wake up. Eat lots of vegetables does not make you fat, even make you healthier.


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