Healthy Food, The Most Effective Way to Prevent the Flu

With winter coming, the attacks were threatening illnesses. Flu is one of them. This disease is a type of disease that can be transmitted quickly. Flu occurs due to a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system, including the nose, throat, bronchial and lung. Person's immune system will be weakened if this disease. Actually, the flu can be fought without taking drugs that are not natural. You can ward off and cure the flu with food ingredients are easily available. The most effective way to overcome the flu is to eat healthy foods.

Here are some healthy foods that are good for preventing flu.

1. 2 cups of green tea

green tea

Recently conducted a study of Japanese scientists claim that drinking 2 cups of green tea every day can reduce the risk of disease by 70%. The two main substances catechins and theanine, an antioxidant that good to overcome the flu.

2. Garlic
Garlic is rich in antioxidants and selenium useful in the immune system against a variety of bacteria and viruses, including preventing and treating the flu virus. Ways of processing garlic, peeled garlic, cut and allow 15 to 20 minutes before cooking to activate enzymes that enhance immune function.

3. A bowl of chicken soup

chicken soup

You can overcome your flu a more delicious. Yes, some chicken soup! The steam from the soup can relieve nasal congestion by respiratory mucus when you have a cold. In addition, the composition of the water in the soup can be absorbed by the body to help thin the mucus so easily removed. Nutrient content in chicken also has anti-inflammatory effects on the body, helping to reduce the swelling that occurs in the nasal passages and sinuses.

4. Spinach
This nutrient-rich vegetables that can treat flu illness, because spinach contains folate, which helps your body produce new cells and repair DNA. Spinach also contains fiber, antioxidants, such as vitamin C, and more. Nutrition is obtained when the spinach eaten raw spinach (after washing) or lightly cooked.

5. Drink Water
Drinking water with enough can reduce your suffering from this disease. In addition to keeping the body hydrated, drink plenty of water to overcome the current congestion flu. Water is a much better choice than caffeinated drinks have a diuretic effect and can cause the body to dehydrate faster.

6. Food Containing Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a vitamin that are useful for maintaining immunity and fight the flu. Oranges are not the only meal that is rich in vitamin C. Potatoes, green peppers, strawberries and pineapple are also rich in vitamin C to fight colds and flu.


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