Of Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Blood Tests: A Big Week in Liver Cancer Prevention

It's been a big week for liver cancer prevention - not something we often get a chance to write here at CNiC.  

As we reported on Tuesday, the US Preventive Services Task Force released new draft screening recommendations for the hepatitis C virus (HCV) - an infection that can greatly increase the risk of liver damage and later cancer.  Testing can find those who are infected and lead to therapies that can reduce risk.  

Now, come new results from a large government study linking aspirin use to a significantly lower risk of liver cancer.  The study, the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study followed over 300,000 men and women age 50 - 71 for multiple years and found that the use of aspirin and other non-steriodal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS) - like ibuprofen and indomethacin -  lowered the risk of liver cancer by close to 40 percent and the risk of death from liver disease by just over 50 percent (study).  Aspirin use alone (without any other NSAIDS) was linked to a nearly 50 percent lower risk of liver cancer.  Just taking NSAIDS other than aspirin did not appear to lower risk of liver cancer but did lower the risk of death from liver disease by about 25 percent.  

The study didn't have information on the dosage of aspirin used by those in the study; so it's unclear whether low-dose aspirin (approximately 81mg) had similar benefits to full dose aspirin (typically 325mg).  Same for the non-aspirin NSAIDS.  

Previous studies looking at the link between aspirin/NSAIDS and liver disease were much smaller than this recent study and had inconclusive results. Yet, the manner in which aspirin works in the body fits nicely with a hypothesis of cancer prevention.  Inflammation is thought to play a potential role in the pathway from normal cells to cancer, so interrupting this pathway by keeping down inflammation - as aspirin and other NSAIDS do - is believed to be one possible way to cut the risk of certain cancers.

Regular long-term aspirin use is also linked to a lower risk of colon cancer (CNiC post).  And men age 45-79 and women age 55-79 are generally encouraged to take a daily aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease (UPSTF guideline).  If these promising early results for liver cancer are replicated in other studies, it'll add even more weight to the evidence of health benefits with regular aspirin use.

As with all drugs, though, aspirin and other NSAIDS are not without certain risks.  Intestinal bleeding is a particular concern with aspirin and can be a very serious condition.  Those prone to bleeding - and other potentially serious side effects of NSAIDS - are usually discouraged from taking them.  Talking with a doctor is the best way to determine if the benefits of a regular aspirin outweigh the risks.  

It's estimated that Americans alone take an astounding 30 billion aspirins each year. Increasingly, it seems this may be money well spent.

Born Between 1945 - 1965? It May Be Time to Add a Blood Test to Your To-Do List

It seems it's time to add one more item to the list of effective screening tests that can help prevent cancer.

In a new draft statement, the US Preventive Services Task Force recommended that doctors consider offering the hepatitis C virus (HCV) blood test to everyone in the US born between 1945 and 1965 (draft statement).   This new statement comes on the heals of a similar report that came out this summer from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that even more definitively recommended one-time HCV testing in the 1945 - 1965 birth cohort (report).

About 3 - 4 million people are infected with the hepatitis C virus in the United States, most of whom don't know it.  The infection is largely silent, often showing no symptoms, but it greatly increases the risk in later life of liver cirrhosis (and subsequent transplant) as well as liver cancer.  There are, however, lifestyle changes and medical therapies that can help control HCV and therefore lower the risk of liver damage and cancer.

Before this summer, most HCV testing criteria were based on risk.  People at high risk of infection - like injection drug users, hospital workers, and those receiving blood transfusions before 1992 (when the blood supply wasn't effectively tested for HCV) - were targeted for testing.  While this certainly helped identify infections in those typically thought of as high risk, a large percentage of people with HCV were going undetected and missing out of the chance for interventions that could greatly lower the risk of serious disease.  

While the US cohort born between 1945 - 1965 makes up just under 30 percent of the population, it accounts for a whopping 75 percent of HCV infections.   Using a broader, one-time screening recommendation in this group is intended to catch infections in those who may not fall into a typical high-risk group or who might fall through the cracks of the high-risk testing procedure.   

Worldwide 25 percent of cancer are linked to infections.  In the US and other developing countries, it's closer to 15 percent.  Steps to control such infections - like HPV, H. Pylori, HBV, and HCV - can have a big impact on rates of cancer.  New treatments can help.  Much of the future hope, though, lies in vaccines that can prevent infections from ever taking hold.  Results for the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and the hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine hold great promise, and many others are in development.

The bottom line:
In addition to the well known cancer screening tests for colon, breast, and cervical cancer, anyone born between 1945 - 1965 should talk with a doctor or other medical professional about being tested for HCV. 

Healthy Food Reliever’s Depression

Depression can be suffered by any person, and usually to correct a somber mood because patients suffering from depression, doctors prescribe the drug valproic acid content. Apparently the content of drug used to treat depression can be found in natural food ingredients, namely cocoa, fruit, berries, and tea.

According to the results of a research carried out at the Institute of Torrey Pines and the National Autonomous University of Mexico found a molecule in chocolate, fruit and other foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids act as a mood enhancer. From these studies, it is evident chocolate, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and tea can be a stabilizing mood or mood.

Experts are developing these findings to be made into medicine for maintaining cognitive health, enhance mental alertness and delay the onset of memory loss. The findings of this study will be compared to valproic acid, to analyze to what extent can affect depressed mood.

Keep in mind that these findings can not be construed as a substitute for anti-depression drugs. For those who are not taking anti-depressant medication, a healthy lifestyle has been shown to improve mood.

Instant Energy Food For Diet

Every time you go, you need enough energy that are not easily exhausted. Foods that can boost energy into the solution. The following are some foods diets for high energy.

A glass of cold lemon juice is not only fit to be "friends" relaxing in the afternoon, this drink is actually the fastest way to get more energy. This is because the content of glucose (sugar) from a glass of fresh lemon juice, so it can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream without the need to enter the process of digestion and break down food.
In addition, the liquid inside keeps the body well hydrated. There is also the salt content to add essential minerals to the body a lot of fluid loss due to sweating on a hot day. In addition, a little lemon juice ingredient in vitamin C than oranges.

Have you seen, wondering when looking sportsmen banana snack on the sidelines? This is because bananas are a very quick energy foods gives you all the sugars and carbohydrates you need. In addition, bananas also have iron which is an important component of hemoglobin in the blood. When your hemoglobin levels increase, the body will absorb more oxygen and you will feel more energetic.

Cheese is considered as the destroyer of the diet plan. But cheese can be a life saver when dieters felt unable hunger. This proves, the cheese is a food that contains very high energy. Cheese facilitate the release of hormones in the body which is stimulating your body to be active.

Not only beautiful to look at and has a refreshing flavor, but strawberry is also an instant energizing formula. Strawberries have a lot of fiber which are required for all meals of high energy bearer. Strawberries also have a high dose of vitamin C and antioxidants that clean up the network to increase energy.

Green tea
Green tea is a healthy stimulant for the central nervous system that makes you feel more alert and responsive to your environment. Green tea has more antioxidants than regular tea or coffee that cleans the body and increase energy at the same time.

Healthy Recipes: Asparagus Soup

Winter comes, you definitely need a warm meal. The right foods at times like a bowl of hot soup is a savory and delicious. What if you try Asparagus Soup? Surely you will really enjoy this one dish. Warm, fresh, sweet, salty and savory so will you get in your cooking Asparagus Soup. Interested to make it? These recipes Asparagus Soup:

Asparagus recipes, Asparagus soup


200 grams of chicken, chopped
100 grams of shrimp, chopped
400 ml water
100 grams of crab meat, minced
10 stems cut into 3 cm canned asparagus, cut 2 parts
Egg whites 2 eggs, beaten

4 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tablespoon chopped Onionsa
1/2 tsp finely Merica
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp of fish oil
1 tbsp sesame oil
2 tsp cornstarch, melted

How to Make
1. Saute garlic and onions until fragrant.
2. Add chicken and shrimp and stir well.
3. Add the water and enter the other spices except cornstarch.
4. After boiling, put the crab meat and asparagus.
5. Add egg whites, stirring constantly and reduce heat.
6. Thicken with cornstarch liquid and serve with soy sauce and cayenne pepper slices.

10 Types of high cholesterol foods

high cholesterol foods
Tolerance cholesterol intake per day for a normal person is 300 mg, according to the American Association of Heart Disease. However, if a person has been sentenced to have high cholesterol, then tolerance should only be 200 mg per day.

This is to prevent the accumulation of cholesterol occurs in the blood vessels to reduce blood flow to the brain. Peak, can trigger a stroke or heart attack. Therefore, to minimize the consumption of foods high in bad cholesterol must be done.

As the 10 types of high cholesterol foods that should be avoided below.
  1. Eggs . The most cholesterol is part of the egg yolk. In normal size, an egg yolk contains 213 mg of cholesterol.
  2. Fast food (1 burger cheese contains 175 mg of cholesterol). This does not include if you add French fries, fried chicken or donuts.
  3. Macaroni cheese. The food is not very common in Indonesia. But if you take it, remember that one serving contains cholesterol alone is high enough.
  4. Ice cream. Fat content in ice cream higher than hamburgers and donuts. 
  5. Beef ribs. The fat in beef ribs are very high. Moreover, if the processing is added coconut milk. You have to limit their consumption.
  6. Muffins. Eggs, margarine and sugar composition muffin maker which makes high cholesterol.
  7. Seafood. Its kind of high LDL is squid, lobster, shrimp, crab, and scallops.
  8. Fried chicken. Oil for frying that makes fried chicken have cholesterol levels high enough.
  9. Beef liver. Especially a lot of use in processing milk. 3 ounces of beef liver contains 331 mg of cholesterol.
  10. Snack manufacturers that contain trans fats, such as potato chips, cookies and crackers

Nutrient Content of Green Beans

green beans
Green beans are a favorite to serve us a delicious eaten porridge served either hot or cold in a state. Who does not love it? Green beans, also known as French beans, string beans or snap beans, are unripe fruit of the bean plant. Originally you know green beans are rich in fiber and low in calories. Not only fiber but also contains proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins. Besides the benefits of green beans have to be felt by people long ago consumed good for diabetics.

Green beans are rich in various nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, iron, potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium, and thiamin. You can keep the green beans for a few days in the fridge because to maintain freshness. The best thing is keep it in a plastic bag to prevent moisture loss. The content of manganese in large quantities are also found in green beans. Manganese helps to reduce the symptoms of osteoporosis and also helps in the absorption of other nutrients in the body. Green beans are also known to have silicone and mineral content of the course strongly support the health of connective tissue and bone in our bodies.

Green beans also have a very high fiber content is beneficial for those who suffer from irritation of the colon syndrome. Green beans are good for those who have problems with high cholesterol. The fiber present in green beans helps lower bad cholesterol in the body. Someone who has diabetes can also eat green beans in their diet because it helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

Benefits of green beans is very useful for our health because a fairly complete nutrition besides green beans include healthy foods that are highly recommended by nutritionists and you should know that healthy foods are foods that are beneficial to our health of course. Take care of your health and the family starts now.

Healthy snacks when hungry at midnight

Healthy Midnight Snacks
Many people consider eating at midnight can make fat. They were forced to starve in order to get into shape. Actually not. There are many healthy foods that can be eaten a filling in the middle of the night.

If you force yourself not to eat, you might not accomplish the task of concentration. So, what should be consumed so full but the body is not stretchy? Try to consume healthy foods.

1. Dinking water
Thirst is often interpreted as hunger. c a glass of water to cope. Can also add lemon or lime juice is good for detoxification. If 10 minutes later you're still hungry, then eat a healthy snack or drink other beverages.

2. Milk
This is especially for you who have completed the task and suffered hunger. Sip a glass of low-fat milk can filling and make a deep sleep. Milk contains tryptophan which can increase the production of serotonin in the body, so that makes us sleepy. As a bonus, you get calcium and vitamin D is good for bone health.

3. Whole Grains
Like milk, carbs also makes us sleepy because it contains tryptophan easy. Choose oatmeal, cereal, or whole grain bread. The processed carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, fries, and regular bread can raise blood sugar and make sleep soundly after the work is completed.

4. Nuts
Almonds, cashews, peanuts, walnuts, chestnuts, and you can make them a snack in the evening that includes a healthy diet. Nuts are rich in fiber, so you'll feel full longer. Snacks can also stabilize blood sugar and contains high antioxidants. Should choose nuts that are baked, not fried, and have low levels of salt or no salt at all.

5. popcorn
Popcorn without butter and excess salt suitable for evening snack. Popcorn contains complex carbohydrates and low in calories, so it does not cause bloating or abdominal pain.

6. vegetable
Vegetables used as a snack? Try it first. Vegetables are healthy foods. Beside rich in vitamins and minerals, vegetables also contain water so you are not hungry when I wake up. Eat lots of vegetables does not make you fat, even make you healthier.

Healthy Recipes, Chicken Steamed

This time I was providing a healthy chicken recipes, suitable for people who are undergoing a diet program.

100 g chicken, cut into small dice
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 large size potatoes, diced
1 medium carrot, diced
1/4 onion, finely chopped
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/4 tsp salt
1 stalk celery, finely sliced

How to make:
1. Mix chicken with 1 tablespoon lemon juice and a little salt. Stir, and let stand for 15 minutes.
2. Combine chicken, potatoes, carrots, and onions. Stir well.
3. Add vegetable oil and salt, stir.
4. Enter in heat resistant dish, sprinkle with the remaining parsley and drizzle with lemon juice.
5. Steam for 20 minutes until cooked. Remove and serve warm.

Exercise Lessens Fatigue and Raises Quality of Life in Cancer Survivors

Going through cancer diagnosis and treatment is a draining experience - both physically and mentally - so it's only natural that many survivors may want to just take a load off and not expend too much extra energy during their days.  Yet, a new report out of the Cochrane Collaboration suggests survivors may be denying themselves real relief from cancer-related fatigue if they too often choose to rest on the couch rather than go for a walk - even if they're still going through treatment.

The new report - an update of a 2008 analysis - looked at 56 randomized controlled trials that studied the effects of exercise programs on levels of fatigue in cancer patients who were being treated or who had just finished treatment (report).   Patients had a range of cancers, from colon cancer and prostate cancer to leukemia and breast cancer, which was the most most common cancer studied.  The exercise programs varied as well, ranging in duration from a few weeks to a full year, with most about three months long.  Aerobic activities were the most common, but strength and flexibility programs were also included.

Fatigue is a widespread problem among cancer patients.  It can affect well over two thirds of survivors and can have serious effects on daily living. The overall results from the new analysis confirms what a lot of patients and oncologists have already been putting into practice: regular aerobic exercise (like bicycling and walking), even during treatment, can help reduce the level of fatigue related to cancer.  Other types of exercise, like strength training and yoga, were not found to lower fatigue levels, and the benefits also seemed limited to solid tumor cancers - like breast, colon, and prostate.  Patients with blood cancers, like lymphoma and leukemia, didn't seem to get energy benefits from exercise.

By themselves, these new results are quite noteworthy, but combined with some related results also published by Cochrane this summer, and they give an even bigger boost to the evidence of cancer-related benefits of regular exercise.

That report combined the results of 40 studies of post-treatment exercise and found that it significantly improved the quality of life of cancer survivors compared to survivors who didn't exercise (report).  Among other things, exercise raised overall quality of life, including improved well being, self esteem, and sexuality as well as lowererd rates of anxiety, pain, and yes, fatigue.

As with the new report, exercise routines in the studies were far ranging - from walking and swimming to yoga and weight training - so the authors couldn't conclude which activities - if any - were better than any other in boosting quality of life.  They also only included studies looking at survivors who had completed treatment so could not make any conclusions about how exercise might help those who are in the middle of treatment.

Research has long showed how good exercise is for overall health and well-being.  And these two new reports show that its benefits don't stop for cancer survivors. Though it can be hard for some patients to think about, maintaining (or starting) some sort of physical activity routine during and after treatment (assuming no medical limitations) is likely to be one of the best things they can do.

For more on healthy habits for cancer survivors, see our brochure Cancer Survivor's 8ight Ways to Stay Healthy After Cancer.

Stress, Try Food Stress Reliever

Food Stress Reliever
You already know that one way to cope with stress is to eat. So what are the different types of food and how his usefulness to relieve tension?

1. Avocado
Avocado juice is also able to cope with stress, both savory and sweet flavors will satisfy your cravings and reduce anxiety. Half an avocado contains higher potassium than bananas and is believed to lower blood pressure.

2. Orange
Drink a glass of fresh orange juice to calm your mind in the face of a presentation or a job interview, for example. When faced with a heavy load or stress at work, Peel oranges and eat. Citrus scent will invigorate your feelings, its content of vitamin C will also stimulate the immune system, so it is not easily hurt. People who are taking 3000mg of vitamin C in the face of stress, your blood pressure and his cortisol levels will return to normal more quickly.

3. Oatmeal
Breakfast is oatmeal in the morning plus milk and fruit in addition to practical, will also make the mind more relaxed throughout the day. The content of carbohydrates and fiber in it can make the brain produce more serotonin. The slower the body absorbs carbohydrates, the more serotonin to flow and you will be relaxed for longer.

4. Low Fat Milk
Get used to drinking milk, it would be especially useful for women suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome. Low-fat milk is believed to soothe tension and insomnia. In calcium can reduce muscle spasms.

5. Nuts
Almonds, pistachios, walnuts can be trusted to make the head and heart calmer while taking it. Choose beans baked or roasted, or rub in butter almond butter your toast breakfast. The content of vitamin B will help the body survive in the face of unpleasant circumstances. A handful of pistachios a day are able to lower blood pressure, so the heart does not have to work too hard.

6. Salmon / Tuna
Sushi or sashimi from the salmon or tuna meat is best eaten especially for those who are experiencing a lot of problems. The content of omega-3 fatty acids in salmon will keep cortisol and adrenaline that is not overflowing out. Moreover, it can also prevent cardiovascular disease, reducing the risk of heart attack and prevent the onset of depressive illness, fatigue, feelings of instability to Alzheimer's.

In addition to the delicious, these foods are also believed to handle stress or load potent distracting thoughts. Consumption wisely and stress will be away

Healthy Diet Menu And Diet Tips Lose Weight

healthy diet menu, diet tips, lose weight
Losing weight is easy bother depends on how much you desire and consistency in implementing a diet program that you want to do. A good diet and schedule may be one key to the success of the diet program that you are living now, but it certainly would be more effective, if it is not just a set diet alone but also if you look at the nutritional value of the food you eat .

The first thing you should do when deciding to go on a diet is to avoid foods that are high in calories and contain lots of fat, such as meat, cheese or other fatty foods and replace them with foods that contain lots of natural fiber and protein derived from vegetable oils such as fruits, vegetables and nuts. Foods rich in fiber will require a longer time to be digested in the stomach.

At breakfast you can substitute egg yolks or cheese commonly used in mixed omelets with vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage or mushrooms. Vegetables have a low calorie but filling enough until noon. Besides vegetables also provide aroma and distinctive flavor. Therefore, even if your breakfast more concentrated with vegetables, but it will still be fun.

Well, even at lunch you should be able to control your appetite if you want a successful diet. If at lunch you're used to eating heavy foods that is high in calories and carbohydrates like rice, vermicelli, noodles and so now you have to reduce or replace it with vegetables or fresh fruits. To work around this, you can also replace the rice with beans or legumes are low in calories. Although the comparison of the same portion with rice, but the menu is much lower in calories than regular food you consume each day at lunch.

Be careful with your dinner menu, because caloric needs when you indulge in day and night different. Avoid foods that contain high fat and calories because your body will find it hard to convert calories into energy, the result is a buildup of fat was re-occur. As a combination, you can add it to the vegetables such as broccoli or fruits, but of course with ample servings and not excessive.

Well, that's some healthy diet menu and diet tips lose weight powerful that you can try yourself at home.

How To Cure Cough Naturally Fast

Cough is a disease that most frequently come into our bodies. Cough into a form that occurs in the body's defense reflex, so it can remove phlegm from the respiratory tract. Although not included severe illness, does not mean we underestimate just past. We should treat it immediately. In addition to medication, there are some foods and beverages we consume can make a cough cure.

1. Ginger tea
In Asia, herbal tea, ginger tea, or other types of tea is often used to treat a cough. One of the ingredients that treat cough is potent ginger. Take 2-3 slices of ginger that has been washed clean, pour the hot tea. Well taken two to three times a day.

2. Honey and Lemon
The mixture of honey and lemon is believed to be from hereditary to cure cough. You can mix 1 teaspoon of honey, 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice into a glass of warm water. Drinking at least once a day until the cough is really gone.

3. Basil
Create potions using basil. Typical aromatic leaves that can overcome several diseases, including cough. Take 1-2 cups of water, 2-3 basil leaves, and boiled into one. Drink this warm concoction that cough soon disappeared.

4. Almonds
Some believe the ancient tradition of almonds can help overcome throat problems, including coughing. Try: Mix a few teaspoons powdered almonds with one cup of orange juice. Treating cough by drinking this mixture.

5. Turmeric
Add 1/2 teaspoon turmeric and honey that has been pounded into a glass of milk. Turmeric has natural properties that can relieve cough.

Healthy Eating: Focus on Every Day, not Thanksgiving Day

Tara Parker-Pope wrote an interesting post yesterday on the New York Times' Thanksgiving Help Line about the commonly thrown around stat that the average person consumes 4500 calories in the course of Thanksgiving Day.  In the piece, she works at length itemizing what 4500 calories would actually look like – choosing many fat and sugar-laden calorie bombs – and although she was able to reach the 4500 calorie count, it took some doing, and would, she concludes, if actually consumed likely leave most people nauseous and gaseous and reaching for a full pack of antacids. 

The take away was that while some people certainly pack in the calories on Thanksgiving, it’s likely not to such an extreme as has become lore.  The vilification of Thanksgiving as a diet-killing, weight-packing annual affair may be undeserved.  Yet, the day does serve to highlight what most health and nutrition experts can agree upon: it’s not one meal, or one day, that’s important.  It’s how we eat on all the other days that matters.

For many of us, everyday has become a lot like Thanksgiving Day when it comes to how much we eat.  We’re surrounded by so many cues to eat – and so few avenues to activity – that we consistently eat more than we burn off, and the result is the creeping weight gain we see over time. 

Certainly, the holidays don’t help, with the numerous parties and meals and other celebrations that span the time between Thanksgiving and New Years , but the other eleven months of the year matter even more.  And, unfortunately, it takes a lot of effort to keep those external cues at bay, and our internal motivation up, but it’s something we can all do – maybe not overnight but certainly in the long run.

Over the holidays and throughout the rest of the year, try these healthy eating and lifestyle tips :

  • Exercise, exercise, exercise.  Being active is one of the best ways of controlling weight.
  • Go Mediterranean.  A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy oils (like olive oil) can make you feel full, help regulate your appetite, and actually taste really good
  • Choose smaller portions and eat more slowly.  Slow down and give your body a chance to feel full before you move on to seconds.
  • Be a mindful eater.  Food is big business, and their main goal is to get you to eat.  Try to listen to what your body is telling you, not what the food business wants you to hear. 

High Blood Pressure Lowering Diet

High Blood Pressure
The term blood pressure refers to the force of the blood itself as it moves through the arteries. This pressure is not always constant, and when the pressure is high in the long term, then there is high blood pressure or hypertension.

Suffering from high blood pressure should be brought enjoy! No need is too uptight and worried about your health condition. Despite the undeniable fact that 60 percent of hypertensive patients end up with a stroke, but you have to have a positive thought that health was getting worse. Many ways you can do to cope with high blood pressure.

So you avoid these blood pressure disorders, consume some of the following foods on a regular basis.

You like to eat tomatoes? Eating tomatoes raw and roundly probably not everyone likes. More delicious when tomatoes blended and mixed with other fruit. However, the largest portion of this fruit should be, because in the tomatoes contained potassium, vitamin C and fiber, and in a bowl of tomato contained 9 mg sodium alone.

The fruit is not only delicious but also offers a sense of making a healthier blood pressure. Bananas contain potassium and high in fiber are beneficial to prevent heart disease. Research also shows that one banana a day is enough to help prevent high blood pressure.

Oleic acid in avocados, can help reduce cholesterol. In addition, the content of potassium and folic acid, is essential for heart health.

Oranges already famous as a fruit rich in vitamin C. Apparently in addition to vitamin C fruit also contains a lot of potassium, fiber, and low in sodium. Sweet taste was inconvenient because we can eat directly without juiced. But there's nothing wrong if you want to drink fresh orange juice to your daily menu. Moreover, the need to address high blood potassium is quite large.

Spinach is an excellent source of magnesium. Not only protect you from cardiovascular disease, but can also reduce blood pressure. In addition, the folate content in spinach can protect the body from homocysteine ​​which makes harmful chemicals. Research has shown that high levels of the amino acid (homocysteine​​) can cause heart attacks and strokes.

There are many advantages to consume soy to your health. One is to lower bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. The content of isoflavones was indeed very beneficial for health.

Tips To Prevent Childhood Obesity

tips to prevent childhood obesity

Today obesity is a global problem that plagued the world in both developed and developing countries. Lifestyle changes including the propensity to consume foods high in fat are factors that contribute to excess weight (overweight) and obesity.

Obesity raises a variety of effects, both in terms of psychosocial and medical problems. People who are obese have a lot of difficulty in performing daily physical activity and obese people had to pay for everyday clothing and larger food and may also have problems in the marital relationship and the children often find the problem of self-identification.

Here are tips to prevent childhood obesity:
  1. Limit consumption of foods given additional sweeteners such as glucose, fructose, maltose, dextrose, and corn syrup
  2. Eat regularly with caloric restriction. Forget to eat or limit the frequency of eating can actually cause your body hungry and eat a lot instead. Eat 5-6 times a day in smaller portions. Overeating can increase body weight led to increased heart disease risk factors
  3. Eat fish at least twice a week. Fish is an excellent source of protein because it contains omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Fish can be tuna, mackerel.
  4. Many eat fibrous. By increasing the fiber in your diet, you will lower blood cholesterol levels, while reducing the risk of obesity, cancer, high blood pressure, and other diseases. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, and legumes are a source of food is low in fat, cholesterol-free and rich in natural fibers.

Dietary Restrictions For Patients Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease is no longer a layman for us, because of the many who died of a sudden attack. Cardiovascular disease is a condition that causes the Cardiovascular can not carry out their duties properly. These things caused partly weak heart muscle (congenital abnormality) and or the gap between the right and left atrium, because of incomplete formation of a separate layer between the second platform when the patient is still in the womb. This causes the blood clean and dirty blood mixed.

Note there are some risk factors that can increase a person's chances of developing cardiovascular disease are smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypercholesterolemia or high cholesterol and no history in the family.

Here are some dietary restrictions that should be avoided for patients with cardiovascular disease:
  1. Foods containing high cholesterol are the main enemy for people with cardiovascular disease. Here are some foods that contain high cholesterol such as squid, shrimp, crab, cow brains, goat meat, fatty meats, animal organs, duck, eel, egg yolks, milk, chicken skin, chicken meat processed packaged foods.
  2. Precepts Foods For Cardiovascular Patients next is food with a high content of triglyceride. Triglycerides are are bad fats from plant. Such as cooking oil, coconut milk, coconut and margarine.
  3. Foods that contain sugar Alcoholics, Some examples are alcohol, durian and tape.
  4. Reducing sodium (salt) in the diet. Eating with a high sodium content can contribute to high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Reducing sodium is an important part of a heart healthy diet.

7 Foods That Can Cure Insomnia

According to recent studies mention the fact that most of the adults living in the city is difficult to sleep or insomnia. After a day of activity surely we want a good night sleep and deep sleep. Quality sleep will give back the freshness and energy the next day.

There are many foods that can make you sleep soundly, here we give some of them, namely:

 1. Warm milk
Drink a glass of warm fresh milk will make you sleep soundly. Milk has tryptophan and amino acid that functions like a drug. Calcium milk will make the brain become more calm. A calm mind will make you sleep for hours.

2. Tea
Tea is very effective to make the mind becomes more relaxed. Content antidoksidan high and fragrant scent will make the brain becomes more nervous. Drink a glass of green tea before bed so you can rest soundly at night.

3. Honey
Delicious fluid made by bees is an effective sleeping pills. Honey has many useful nutrients for the body. High sugar content will tell you more relaxed brain, other research in the West suggests that high glucose will make the human brain more calm and not sensitive to noise and visual changes around it.

4. Almond
Almonds have protein content and high calories. Eat bread with 2 tablespoons of almond butter to get a normal blood pressure. Sleep soundly can be achieved if normal blood pressure.

5. Banana
Many health experts refer to bananas as the sleeping pill. Bananas contain a lot of melatonin and serotonin, magnesium in bananas will make the body's nerves and muscles become more relaxed.

6. Cerry
Cerry a very delicious juice turned out to contain a high melatoninn. According to other research that melatonin is last mentioned sleeping pills to people who suffer from insomnia.

7. Eggs
Insomnia can be caused by lack of protein intake in the body. Boiled eggs are high in protein. How to cook is also very easy.

That's food that you can eat sleeper when experiencing insomnia.

Great tips to prevents diabetes mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus is not a familiar sound in our ears. Yup, Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristic hyperglycemia that occurs due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Sufferers are numerous and spread throughout the world. If you are over 45 years old, or younger, but at high risk for diabetes-for example, because one or both of your parents have diabetes or your weight above the normal-beware! Diabetes is always stalking you.

You can prevent diabetes through simple lifestyle changes. There is no way the best we can do to prevent diabetes.

1. Perform regular exercise

exercise regular

There are many benefits of exercising regularly. Exercise can help improve your body's sensitivity to insulin, which helps maintain blood sugar levels within a normal range. According to a study conducted on men who were followed for 10 years, for every 500 kcal burned per week through exercise, there is a 6% decrease in relative risk for developing diabetes. The study also noted a greater benefit to men who are more obese.

By increasing exercise, the body use insulin more efficiently until 70 hours after the workout. So, exercising 3-4 times a week will be beneficial to most people.

2. Lots of fiber and healthy eating
Fiber foods not only reduces the risk of diabetes by improving blood sugar control but also reduce the risk of heart disease and maintaining a healthy weight by helping you feel full. Foods high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and tubers. One high-fiber foods that are proven to control diabetes is rice bran or bekatul.

3. Maintain Ideal Weight

mantain ideal weight

"Having a normal weight by itself reduced the risk of developing diabetes by 60 to 70 percent," said Jarad Reis, a researcher from the U.S. Division of Cardiovascular Sciences at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Well, anyway, so it's important for us to maintain an ideal weight, especially for men and those who have Diabetes Mellitus in the family. Middle-aged men at high risk of suffering from diabetes than women.

4. No Smoking
Smoking does not only contribute to heart disease and causes lung cancer but also associated with the development of diabetes. Smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day can increase the risk of diabetes more than tripled compared to people who do not smoke. The exact cause for this is not well understood. Possible smoking directly lowers the body's ability to utilize insulin.

5. Avoid Alcohol
Not just diabetes mellitus, the risk for other chronic diseases such as hepatitis and his companions will also be reduced if we are to avoid the consumption of alcohol.

Healthy Food, The Most Effective Way to Prevent the Flu

With winter coming, the attacks were threatening illnesses. Flu is one of them. This disease is a type of disease that can be transmitted quickly. Flu occurs due to a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system, including the nose, throat, bronchial and lung. Person's immune system will be weakened if this disease. Actually, the flu can be fought without taking drugs that are not natural. You can ward off and cure the flu with food ingredients are easily available. The most effective way to overcome the flu is to eat healthy foods.

Here are some healthy foods that are good for preventing flu.

1. 2 cups of green tea

green tea

Recently conducted a study of Japanese scientists claim that drinking 2 cups of green tea every day can reduce the risk of disease by 70%. The two main substances catechins and theanine, an antioxidant that good to overcome the flu.

2. Garlic
Garlic is rich in antioxidants and selenium useful in the immune system against a variety of bacteria and viruses, including preventing and treating the flu virus. Ways of processing garlic, peeled garlic, cut and allow 15 to 20 minutes before cooking to activate enzymes that enhance immune function.

3. A bowl of chicken soup

chicken soup

You can overcome your flu a more delicious. Yes, some chicken soup! The steam from the soup can relieve nasal congestion by respiratory mucus when you have a cold. In addition, the composition of the water in the soup can be absorbed by the body to help thin the mucus so easily removed. Nutrient content in chicken also has anti-inflammatory effects on the body, helping to reduce the swelling that occurs in the nasal passages and sinuses.

4. Spinach
This nutrient-rich vegetables that can treat flu illness, because spinach contains folate, which helps your body produce new cells and repair DNA. Spinach also contains fiber, antioxidants, such as vitamin C, and more. Nutrition is obtained when the spinach eaten raw spinach (after washing) or lightly cooked.

5. Drink Water
Drinking water with enough can reduce your suffering from this disease. In addition to keeping the body hydrated, drink plenty of water to overcome the current congestion flu. Water is a much better choice than caffeinated drinks have a diuretic effect and can cause the body to dehydrate faster.

6. Food Containing Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a vitamin that are useful for maintaining immunity and fight the flu. Oranges are not the only meal that is rich in vitamin C. Potatoes, green peppers, strawberries and pineapple are also rich in vitamin C to fight colds and flu.

Lemon juice and cancer

Lemon juice and cancer, lemon is useful as an antioxidant and can kill cancer cells 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. Besides lemon function can effectively work antioxidants called catechins in green tea. Catechin can be weakened and even lost upon reaching the intestines. Could be said 80% of the catechins in green tea are not absorbed by the body.

How to use: 100 grams of ripe lemons that have been washed clean, remove the seeds, then in the blender, blend When add a little water to 50 cc.

Lemon juice is taken after breakfast and dinner each 1 cup.

Cranberry juice benefits

Cranberries have moderate levels of vitamin C, as well as dietary fiber and mineral content. The fruit is a source of polyphenol antioxidants, phytochemicals, compounds that are being researched benefits for the heart and vascular system, and anti-cancer.

Cranberry juice benefits for antioxidant, immune system and to prevent kidney stones. It is also a good disinfectant to prevent inflammation / infection of the urinary tract, this is because the content of cranberry juice to stop fixing bacteria that exist in the vicinity of the urethra and bladder. To get the maximum benefit of cranberry juice, it should be consumed two glasses per day.

a Balanced Diet For Good Body Shape

A balanced diet should be done early in order to get good results. The result not only in body shape will look good health also increases. The following will be given some tips for a balanced diet.

1. Our body needs 40 nutrients to be maintained to the maximum health. Therefore, we are required to eat foods that are rich in nutrients.

2. Eat fruits and vegetables just enough to add an energy source. Do not be tied to one type of fruit or vegetable even better if you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.

4. If you want to eat chicken or meat as a protein source, make sure the skin or the fat removed first.

5. You may eat various types of food but make sure the correct cooking. Better cooking with grilling, burning or steaming.

6. Eating high-calorie foods in small amounts is very encouraged, but make sure it is balanced by taking nutrients.

7. In your daily diet do not drink milk occasionally. You are advised to drink at least two cups nonfat milk. Alternatively, you may replace it with yogurt or cheese.

8. Avoid cooking foods high in fat. So is the oil, its use is justified but only in little quantity.

9. If you want to eat light meals, choose a low-fat snack yng.

10. There is no problem if the occasional Want to eat outside. What should be done is to have the dish in a small size.

Thereby tip balanced diet and hopefully useful for you. 

Lessons for Prevention and Public Health from Hurricane Sandy

The magnitude of spending to repair damage from the mega-storm Hurricane Sandy is a useful reminder of how we allocate resources for health. We spend far more on repair or treatment of disease than on prevention. Population health focuses on improving the health of the entire population and reducing inequalities in health between populations. In general, the health of a population is measured by health status indicators, such as life expectancy and quality of life. Population health usually also addresses the determinants of health outcomes, such as medical care, public health interventions, the social and physical environment, genetics, and individual behavior. In the US, McGinnis and colleagues 1 estimated these determinants of population health and their contribution as follows:
  • ·      Genetic predisposition (contributing to perhaps 30% of deaths)
  • ·      Social circumstances and deprivations (15% of deaths)
  • ·      Environmental exposures/conditions (5% of deaths)
  • ·      Behavior choices and patterns (40% of deaths)
  • ·      Shortfall in medical care (10% of deaths).

As McGinnis noted, only 10 percent of the overall population heath is impacted by access to heath care and the services that are delivered.  (We might also note that historically 2% of deaths have been due to medical errors and consequences of health care services that are delivered – See Institute of Medicine report  “To err is human:building a safer health system”).

However, this piece of the puzzle, collectively called health services, currently receives more like 90% of public funding in the US and other high-income economies 2. A greater investment in public health and prevention programs has great potential to improve health outcomes 3.

In fact, many public health interventions save money and many have cost-effectiveness ratios that are far better than those for treatment interventions 3. Tobacco control 4, immunization 5, and cardiovascular disease prevention 6as well as workplace health promotion programs 7 all are extremely well supported by cost effectiveness and pay off in disease prevention. Immunization programs are already reducing the burden of liver cancer caused by hepatitis B in Asia, and represent a “best buy” as classified by the World Health Organization 8. Other best buys to provide population-wide benefits and improve population health include reduction in tobacco use. Based on these types of evidence Richardson calls for a greater investment in pubic health to improve the situation throughout the world 3.

Why do we allocate resources away from prevention and focus on disaster (disease) treatment and repair?  Hemenway has suggested four reasons that we do not allocate resources to public health and prevention 9. These include:
  1. Benefits of public health programs lie in the future
  2. Beneficiaries are generally unknown
  3. Public has no idea what public health programs do. Thus, when people benefit from prevention they don’t recognize they have been helped
  4. Opposition to public health approaches that require societal change running counter to status quo

The ravages of large Atlantic storms (two in 14 months), forest fires in the Rocky Mountains, and so forth, attest to the need to invest in prevention. We all end up covering the costs of disaster relief through our collective national taxation system. A similar situation exists with treatment of cancer and other major chronic diseases. As Kristoff highlighted in his recent account of his friend with prostate cancer (New York Times Oct 12 and 17, 2012;) – who without insurance received care at the expense of premiums paid by the insured population.

Returning to this storm analogy, the beneficiaries of prevention programs are unknown, since we are not sure where the next storm or natural disease will strike.  This contrasts with the identifiable patient with disease, or residents in a community after it is ravaged by a storm, or forest fire. Public health interventions are aimed at improving the health of a broader group of people, but it is often unclear who benefits, whose life is saved.

Another barrier noted in recent media coverage is the interest group – be they in NY or NJ or in health care. This fits with the 4th of Hemenway’s barriers, those opposing social change. We must improve our reporting of the benefits fo prevention and public heath interventions to better frame the debates going forward.

Surely we should make a stronger commitment as a nation to increase the allocation of resources to prevention of disease (and natural disasters) – improving the quality of life for all citizens.

Literature Cited

1.      McGinnis JM, Williams-Russo P, Knickman JR. The case for more active policy attention to health promotion. Health Aff (Millwood). Mar-Apr 2002;21(2):78-93.
2.      Hale J, Phillips CJ, Jewell T. Making the economic case for prevention--a view from Wales. BMC Public Health. 2012;12:460.
3.      Richardson AK. Investing in public health: barriers and possible solutions. J Public Health (Oxf). Aug 2012;34(3):322-327.
4.      Lee K. Tobacco control yields clear dividends for health and wealth. PLoS Med. Sep 16 2008;5(9):e189.
5.      Burls A, Jordan R, Barton P, et al. Vaccinating healthcare workers against influenza to protect the vulnerable--is it a good use of healthcare resources? A systematic review of the evidence and an economic evaluation. Vaccine. May 8 2006;24(19):4212-4221.
6.      Unal B, Critchley JA, Fidan D, Capewell S. Life-years gained from modern cardiological treatments and population risk factor changes in England and Wales, 1981-2000. Am J Public Health. Jan 2005;95(1):103-108.
7.      Goetzel RZ, Ozminkowski RJ. The health and cost benefits of work site health-promotion programs. Annu Rev Public Health. 2008;29:303-323.
8.      World Health Organization. Global status report on noncommunicable diseases. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization;2011.
9.      Hemenway D. Why we don't spend enough on public health. N Engl J Med. May 6 2010;362(18):1657-1658.