Colorful Food Nourishing and Healthy

More than 50 kinds of nutrients that we must meet every day. In addition to nutrients, phytochemicals, substances or active chemicals in the diet is also important to be met, including fiber. How can we meet? The way we should eat a balanced diet and diverse. One easy way is to make sure your menu is colorful, because each color in the food showed its nutritional content.

Vegetables, fruits, and red foods contain a lot of useful pigments and disease-fighting lycopene or a substance that plays a role maintaining cell health and reduce the risk of cancer. Fruits in this category include tomatoes, watermelon and red apples, while the highest is antioxidant strawberry, cranberry, cherry, red grape, beet, and red peppers. Besides these fruits, many vegetables or red foods that are beneficial to the body. One is brown rice. Rice is often used as a substitute for white rice is often associated with a healthy lifestyle trend. This view is not wrong because the nutritional content of brown rice was worth underdog. Brown rice contains major as in all types of rice, namely vitamin B1, B6, and B12, but in the higher levels. In addition to having a higher fiber content, making it suitable for those with a diet program.

The green color indicates the vegetable content of sulforaphane, isothiocyanates and indoles. Everything serves to stimulate the level of manufacturing components that break down cancer-causing chemicals. The darker the green color of the vegetables, the more chlorophyll it contains, and the greater the capacity for antioxidant protection. Examples of green vegetables that have high benefits for health are broccoli, lettuce, spinach, pok choi, and green tea. Fruits like avocado green that contain monounsaturated fats can improve heart health by raising the levels of good cholesterol or HDL, without increasing the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol. Another green fruits are beneficial for the heart is kiwi. Some are speculating that the benefits of this fruit for the heart comes from the antioxidant activity and the content of lutein and vitamin C are high. As for green apples, according to research to prevent stroke. Increased 25 grams of fruit per day, which is about 120 g of green apples was associated with a 9% reduction in stroke.

Fruits are yellow known to contain vitamin C which is good for protecting the body's cells, as well as containing betacryptoxanthin, one component of carotenoids. Orange squash, cantaloupe, squash, peaches, carrots, mango, apricot, and papaya are some examples of fruits and vegetables that are yellow / orange.

Owned orange fruits and vegetables indicates that it contains alpha and beta-carotene. Two types of these nutrients would be beneficial if taken sufficiently inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Each serving of fruits and vegetables that can nourish the body and provide for vitamin C. Vitamin C is an essential compound to boost the immune system. Immunity or resistance can decrease our body when we move a lot without a healthy diet and regular. One solution to overcome this problem is vitamin C. In addition to improving immune system, vitamin C also can improve the body's cells and skin tissue damaged by free radicals.

Many white foods contain flavonoids that protect cell membranes. Vegetables and fruit are white seems to be less popular in the community. In fact, white fruits and vegetables have nutrients that are good for the body and not less than green vegetables. Therefore, the mindset that says white foods are less tasty to be changed. Many benefits to the body that can be taken from vegetables and fruits are. Bananas, mushrooms, potatoes, cauliflower, radish, tofu, garlic, pears, low-fat cheese, yogurt, and milk are examples of foods that contain lots of white flavonoids. The content can help cell membranes. Low-fat milk can also help your heart work, while useful calcium build up fat and lose weight.

Many people misinterpret that as a white, then food or fruits and vegetables do not have pigment. In fact, these foods still have a white pigment, usually white vegetables containing anthoxanthins, a chemical compound that can make your heart healthy by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.


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