Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes happens when the pancreas is unable to produce insulin to control blood sugar level. This form of diabetes is life long and person affected from it need prescribed medications from the doctor. Often diabetes can be treated without use of medications, by taking up proper diet and performing exercises regularly.
Type 1 Diabetes is also referred to as insulin dependent or juvenile diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes affects a person at any age, and it found to occur mostly in young adults as well as children.
Pancreas, an organ behind the stomach is responsible for creation of insulin hormone through beta cells. Insulin helps move glucose (blood sugar) into the cells, where it is stored to be used as energy. Type 1 happens when there is little or no production of insulin.
Due to lack of insulin, glucose accumulates into the blood stream and doesn't move to the cells thus raising the level of blood sugar. The body cannot convert the glucose into energy.
In earlier stage, the pancreas produces more amount of insulin to carry on the process, but after 5 to 10 years, pancreas is unable to produce requisite amount of insulin and the system suffers a set back.
Exact cause of the disease is yet to be discovered, but it may happen due to sudden attack by the white blood cells on the insulin creator beta cells.
There are various types of symptoms for Type 1 diabetes. Body becomes fatigue and person may feel hungry and thirsty with increasing urge to urinate. Weight loss, tingling feeling in feet and blurred vision are some other symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes.
Testing and treatment is must for those suffering from this diabetes. Blood sugar test is essential to detect presence of diabetes. Ketone testing is done in Type1 Diabetes using urine sample. The testing is specifically done when blood sugar level is greater than 240 mg/dL.


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